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Major fuckup at the Pyrgos Heliport.


Currently residing in Los Santos
Last night, we met some guys at the airport and had some fun shoving with our arses over the ground. After a while, we decide to hold a race. We sit down on one end of the airport and make our way to the other end. Some guy runs up and starts threathening us. He is unarmed. There are ALOT of us, fully armed. He says we have one chance to drop all our gear or we get killed. We do not take it seriously and his friend starts spraying us from a distance.

Now this is, I think.., NOT a report for breaking rules. Although some of the others who were at the scene and died and arent in my group think it was RDM. The guy who came up DID warn us, so you could call it RP. BUT!!

Here comes the part I am appaled about.

After the whole incident, we were talking to the guy in sidechat and he admitted straight out he was going in with no gear and expecting to die. How on earth is that roleplay? If it were up to me, this guy should get a strong warning for this. You don't go in expecting to die only to let your friend have fun killing people. The only way you risk your life, if you are a proper roleplayer imho, is to save your friends from serious danger, and then only whilst in a position with at least a perspective of your own survival.

Names of the people involved:
Revolution - the guy who ran up expecting to die (see screenshot for him admitting this)
Johannes - the guy killing us all with, I think, a big ass machinegun from a distance.


Screenshot of Revolution admitting he does not care about Roleplay..:
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Here's the other perspective: 

Thanks for the other perspective, good to know the other guys had fun.. My point still stands tho. This is really BAD roleplay, but maybe that's just my side of the story =P

Three warnings (I think), we've done it before and nobody looked around to check if he had friends. There were actually 3 of us by the way as you can see from the gunshots coming from 2 angles. Bad role-play, perhaps, that much I'd agree that it certainly left you guys making a decision to hand over gear without seeing a real threat but not many other choices we could have made without leaving entirely.

Having said that, it was 6 or 7 vs 3 and you guys were armed to the teeth, we aren't going to go for a traditional shoot-out in those conditions and certainly not in an urban area where your weapons were favoured. We had a discussion for a few minutes before this occurred as to whether even to approach or just hold back until you guys got your heli and left (and since you didn't, we thought it'd be worth a shot).

And by the way Revolution even from our video was kind of expecting to die. In past incidents when doing this tactic to non-police, they usually knock him out and rob him (which is why he is now unarmed to do it) or they outright try kill him and do no role-play themselves, which is where the other 2 of us come in to ensure we don't lose that fight.

This being said, [and I should note this doesn't include you Khandamir as I know you're a cool guy], several guys there did instantly disconnect after dying to save their gear which is exploiting. The only reason right now we haven't filed a report for exploiting is because we know that incident would be somewhat contraversial and people would be pissed at it all, thus rage quitting.

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Ah well, I stand by my point of the bad RP, but I'm not reporting anything so I'm happy to leave it at this, you had your fun and we had a chance to drop the gear, as you said, so it was our choice in the end to take the risk xD Yet, you may find yourself to be hunted by.. more than a few people =) We don't forget ^^. And I'm not carrying grudges, I'll leave it at a RP level =) I don't know the guys who combatlogged, they were the same guys who called this a RDM, so I assume that would be their justification for the combatlog..They'll still lose their guns tho, like I did, but one of our colleagues revived me so I can handle that loss =D

Ah nothing like making little kids cry, always makes my day. I knew this would happen waaaa i lost my gear waaaaaaa.  Please keep feeding me your tears.

Not only that but why would you make such a stupid statement like that "Screenshot of Revolution admitting he does not care about Roleplay..:". If i tell you to do something 3 times and you don't do it I'm allowed to have my boys kill you for not listening to my orders. That's pure roleplay and if u don't like it then don't play arma since you clearly don't know how to play the game.  

 "we were talking to the guy in sidechat and he admitted straight out he was going in with no gear and expecting to die. How on earth is that roleplay? If it were up to me, this guy should get a strong warning for this. You don't go in expecting to die only to let your friend have fun killing people. The only way you risk your life, if you are a proper roleplayer imho, is to save your friends from serious danger, and then only whilst in a position with at least a perspective of your own survival."

Please explain to me how i was gonna get out of that alive when there is like 7-8 of u guys and only one of me. It's the only logical solution that i wouldn't be alive after the shooting. What kind of statement is that? So basically you are crying cause i knew i was gonna die? Bro that's just sad man. Why would you waste your time trying to get someone banned over this nonsense? 

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Just to note, somebody said "Firing line" and "kill him" before we opened fire. So bad roleplay or not on our side, you were planning to kill an unarmed civillian.

We were planning to because he threathened us, d'oh. I see no point to continue this debate tho, there is no report. I just still feel like this is the most low form of RP. Sure, trying to rob us was roleplay, technically. But the part where you discussed how to handle this, and where Revolution decided: ''Im going in with no gear, to rob them, idc if I die, they will probably refuse and then you can kill them'' is just a shamefull excuse if you ask me. It is in no way ROLE play to send one of your friends in to die, just so you can kill people. Because you obviously knew we weren't going to respond to a unarmed civilian trying to threathen us.


Please explain to me how i was gonna get out of that alive when there is like 7-8 of u guys and only one of me. It's the only logical solution that i wouldn't be alive after the shooting. What kind of statement is that? So basically you are crying cause i knew i was gonna die? Bro that's just sad man. Why would you waste your time trying to get someone banned over this nonsense? ''

Are you really that stupid dude? YOU WERENT GONNA GET OUT ALIVE! So, explain to me: Why did you go in anyway? Because you thought it was fun for your friend to kill us all, and you sacrificed your life for it. You are really pissing me off with these ignorant statements, but you are proving my point for me:

You dont know SHIT about roleplay. End of discussion.

And I wasn't trying to get you banned, or do you see this post in the report section? I just said if were up to ME you would be thouroughly warned by an admin, OR banned for lacking to roleplay. If you roleplay, you play your character. You assume you are alive and when you die, you're dead. NO respawn. What you did in NO way follows these simple basic rules of roleplay. You went in with nothing to win, everything to lose, you went in with nothing on you expecting to DIE, and you didn't give two shits about your characters death, because you don't give two shits about roleplay. THAT is my point. And YOU are one who is crying here. I get so tired of these bullshit arguments that you come up with, you are lacking debateskills my friend, and maybe even some basic communication and reading skills.

I would very much like to know how Wilco feels about this. I mean, I feel I have a VERY legit point here and all Revolution does is cry and try to avoid the point. And he even is stupid enough to admit time and time again he cannot roleplay, by saying he WAS roleplaying. Fail.

As far as Im considered, this is war. We aren't going to RDM anyone, as we value our roleplay. (but you guys will probably report us anyway as you report everyone who attacks you lately;-)).

Good luck in the game.

Oh yeah, and about the crying: Did you see the video from your side of the incident? Speaking about crying, that almost popped my ears. I rest my case.
