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Moonbeam Customs Vehicles


Lifetime Donator
Lifetime Donator
United Kingdom
Brief Summary:

Change the ability to play music into a mobile jukebox for anyone to access when the car is unlocked.

Detailed Suggestion:

I have been at a few street gatherings now and people have chosen to not use the Moonbeam music facility because we are forced to city radio channels.  It would be great if we could use it like a jukebox on turfs.

The Pros:

Much better and more realistic being able to cast tunes out instead of someone blasting down their mic and it cutting out here and there because of the city VOIP breaks.  Getting a few of these at gatherings will be like a festival!

The Cons:

I can't see any cons to be honest.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?

I don't think so.

I think this is a good idea. However I think there is a problem with mobile jukeboxes because the devs disabled the 'portable speakers' that are already in game. But if this can get implemented it would be fun 🙂

Sounds like a fun idea but then you get people driving around blasting music 
