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More City Garages

  • Thread starter Anonymous Eagle
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Anonymous Eagle

As fun (and i use this term loosely) as Legion square is, sometimes i would prefer being able to take my Car out without  the risk of Hobo's jumping in them and driving off or just being straight up being swarmed by people

There are plenty of Car parks around in the city that could be perfect for a car garage

opposite the courthouse  (though this one is close to the original one now)

Near the GoPostal Building

The golf Course

Parking lot on Boulevard del perro/ROckfordhills

The Docks near the boat rental place

The parking lot behing the impound lot

Obviously not all of them as that might be too many but 1 or 2 more within the city couldnt hurt, the ones that ive screenshotted as far as i can tell are still some distance from illegal stuff (maybe not the dock one) but would certainly help not having everyone bunched up in one place for car retreival 

I believe that the point of only having a few is to encourage a central area of Roleplay. Though another 1 or 2 on the other side of the city shouldn't hurt.

I believe that the point of only having a few is to encourage a central area of Roleplay. Though another 1 or 2 on the other side of the city shouldn't hurt.
yeah i get that but theres only so much i can take of constant sirens or fights while im trying to get a car/bike or even the vdmers but  i wouldnt want all fo them just 1 or 2 of them

Massive +1 will only help with the cluster fuck that is Leigon Square car park for the majority of the day. 

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