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-Nathan- a story of my life on Altis!


Well-known member
I first arrived on a plane, I was ready to explore and make money from the rich lands of altis.

My first time started as an apple farmer like most, from there I started to do drugs but that ended badly. I got sentanced to 15 years imprisonment where I got given the special treatment from big Bert. Once I left the prison I signed up for the Altis Royal Marines in hope to change my lifestyle, it was rough doing combat drills all day long. Life was still tough using what money I had to keep me and my twos sons going, I had divorced with my wife after she found out that I was a drug addict. I had barely any income and my 2 sons were unable to stay with me and so the social services took them away from me. It made life unabreable, sitting in the streets as a hobo begging for small change whilst big rebels walked past with money filling up every pocket. It was then that my drug addiction was at its peak but I found a beacon of hope. I was on the floor unconscious when a medic came to me and helped me back on my feet, he took me to a psycologist to help me with my addictions and it was then that I chose to devote my life to helping others. I now work in the nhs and  am devoting the time I have to help out others who are in need of help at desperate times. This is the story of my life on altis. 

FA. Dragon
