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New Graphics card v2

Sam Jones

Well-known member
Hampshire, England
Hello all! I am getting a new GFX card, mainly for better fps on this server :). I currently have an AMD 7770 and i am upgrading to an GTX 960, wondering if anyone has any idea if gtx 960 is a decent card or nay other recommendation ( £160 TOPS!)

Also, is there any difference in these 2 cards? Thanks all - Sam



Hello all! I am getting a new GFX card, mainly for better fps on this server :). I currently have an AMD 7770 and i am upgrading to an GTX 960, wondering if anyone has any idea if gtx 960 is a decent card or nay other recommendation ( £160 TOPS!)

Also, is there any difference in these 2 cards? Thanks all - Sam


if that's your budget yes but don't expect big fps increases. a3 is cpu sensitive. i had a amd fx6100 with an 970 and i only got 30fps max. bought the i5 and i now have well over 60 fps outside big cities

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Heyo, Ronnie's right on that. From all I've heard graphics cards are useless in that regard. I'd recommend a new CPU and/or SSD drive if you don't have one already. 

SSD increased mine, put in a new 970 and it increased it by a few frames. 

So its either a Good SSD or CPU, or even better a top notch internet connection.

Tanoalife I cant wait ;)
