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People of Altis- Please Help!


Active member
So this, last night, was the final straw. I had just finished a 220k, 1.5 hour sand run, and this happens. I think the worst part is that some unemployed layabout managed to pick up our ~500k from our corpses! No respect for the dead/dying anymore, I tell you.  ;)

I get these FPS drops every time I'm travelling in a vehicle (ie at high speeds) into a town/group of buildings. My FPS aren't great out in the country, either- sitting about 15, but hey, it's playable.

My current specs:

500GB HDD 7200rpm

AMD A10 5800k 3.8GHz  (bought well before the gpu- was building on a budget)

8GB Corsair DDR3 1333MHz

MSI r9 280x Gaming 3GB GPU

I am planning to buy a 120GB SSD and put Arma and windows on that, as it seems, to my amateur eyes, that it's a problem with bringing up textures/buildings from the HDD/pagefile memory (which is very high when I'm on Arma). Notice how the fps suddenly increases when I look at the ground? 

What do you guys think is the main cause of these spikes or do you have any other ideas/tips on how to avoid these massive drops on my current equipment? I'll update the post once I get the SSD in too, but things are a bit busy in the life I lead off the island at the moment so it won't be for a little while.

Thank you if you read through all this!  :lol:

SSD you need


What are your in game Arma settings?

It might be a good idea to lower them until you have upgraded your hardware.

The graphics look rather high, like above I would recommend lowering them.

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I'd say that AMD A10 is the problem here,install your game on SSD ,it should help the drops but the A10 is just not good enoguh for stable 20-30 FPS.

Thanks for your replies. Perhaps I am shooting a little above my station  :rolleyes:  

Are there any particular settings I should bring down furthest to best suit my hardware, or do you think a blanket-decrease would be in order?


Yes I did consider that- it did the job while I didn't have the GPU but now I'm just left with a processor that isn't up to scratch.
I'm reluctant to upgrade it as it'll mean replacing the mobo too obviously, but if this continues I think I'll just have to. I was thinking of moving to the fx6300, if it came to it! 

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Turn off shadow and pip. as long as you put the graphics on standard or higher, the GPU will process it. If you put it below standard, your CPU will process it. Just try to experiment a bit.

Turn off AA and so on.

Turn of everything that's possible to turn off.

and put the rest on standard.


Yes I did consider that- it did the job while I didn't have the GPU but now I'm just left with a processor that isn't up to scratch.

I'm reluctant to upgrade it as it'll mean replacing the mobo too obviously, but if this continues I think I'll just have to. I was thinking of moving to the fx6300, if it came to it! 
I believe you're using FM2+ Mobo whci isn't compatible with Fx series CPUs,if you've the money i'd go for intel mobo and an I5,it gives way better performance in Arma than any AMD,my fx is giving me 20-30 FPS OCed to 4,4 GHz

Thanks @Edward

And thanks for the advice @dzul. I'll have a think about cost on performance, and what I want out of it. At the moment I just want the darn thing to work but you're right, spending the money now saves it later.

It's server based buddy.. I have SLI 980s and my processor is hardcore.. but it happens to people all the time.. you just need to hard-log and re-log.... also turn kavala mode on and lower distance rendering.. 

Just hammered the settings as you guys advised and things are a lot more playable. Thanks, everyone.
