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Police smoking the coke they recover (unruly)


Land in Helicopter: YOU ARE A DRUG DEALER

Park up in vehicle: YOU ARE A DRUG DEALER

Cough in public: YOU ARE A DRUG DEALER

Fart in house: YOU ARE A DRUG DEALER

Breath too long: YOU ARE A DRUG DEALER

(server host)

you will after short time I think here are going to lose a few people at this rate..

what is with the guilty guilty guilty sh*t taze taze kill kill, before even PID or Talking..

absolutely retarded behaviour tonight..

p.s Please all "police" have cop name tags? not just like "mitch" oh yes he is a police officer.. (Crazy)

PC and Badge number for all officers on duty period.. RP server anyone? - DI is not a officer that would pull u over and arrest u btw.. DI is detective inspector..

p.s server does not have the resources for 100 people period..

edit again:

RDM everywhere - retarded people everywhere - 3 times trying to collect heli, shot and killed, our guns lowered and spoken in direct that about were not hostile. .. camp the heli return shot again.. wtf to the dogs this is going.

Not one reply from one police officer from 3 of us messaging them about any questions.

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