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Pope Chris Chronicles

Pope Chris

Well-known member
The Vatican
Back when PFE was in it's prime I began writing a series of In Character documentation of some of our adventures. I had intended to post them to the forums all that time ago. I recently got reminded of them. I'm making this thread to share them, and hopefully inspire the people here for the Free Weekend to dive into our community and perhaps even stick around. The first story will be OOC, while I find the file (new PC, and I'm not good at organising files). 

So without further delay, let's begin. I was a fairly new hobo, I'd been here for a couple weeks (still learning and exploring) and hadn't got much money to my name. I had my trusty diving gear, and ever faithful steed the HMS Motorboat. I had been diving and looting ship wrecks for a while now, and had finally got myself enough to buy an Orca. I decided now was the time to leave Kavala, and do some copper runs. Now, I probably should have put the money towards something USEFUL, like a truck. Or even a Sports hatchback. Or any actual CAR for that matter (the good ol' quadbike days). So I made my way to get my Orca from the air hangar on my trusty Quadmobile. When I got there I was almost sure I would get robbed/killed by some sort of evil Rebel (I had been robbed a lot in my early days and was getting rather sick of it). I met a fine gentleman on my way through Agios, and he offered me a ride in his orange SUV. We got into some trouble on the way, but he managed to scare them off with his big scary rifle. I helped by yelling and pointing my zubr at them. He had some Oil that he needed to drop off, so we made a brief stop at the Oil trader. He surprised me, and stabbed me in the back. He took my trusty zubr, and my twenty something mags (or are they cylinders?) of ammo. He asked me if I was hunting elephants. I explained it was for turtles, but that gun doesn't work underwater and there are no turtles left after being driven extinct. He was nice enough to offer me a ride to the airfield, and we chatted. For a robber, he was still a nice fellow. I'm sorry I don't remember your name, but if you remember this then thank you for the lift. Eventually we got to the hanger, and I went on my way to do some copper.

All was well until I got to the processor. I was quite bedazzled as all these armed men and vehicles came from seemingly nowhere. Looking back, I probably had enough time to escape. I didn't move, and just stared being so shocked at how many people there were. They began pointing guns and asking me nicely for the keys to my helicopter. At this point I realised I was never going to see that lovely machine again. I stood as they left in my helicopter, and began running towards Kavala. After about 5 minutes I realised Kavala was a stupid amount of distance away, and went back. The same red Offroad that caused me bother not that long ago showed up and offered me a lift to Agios. I guess they took pity on me? They crashed on the way, and didn't have repair kits (don't worry boys that happens to me so often that my friends here don't let me drive very often...), so we walked. Well, jogged. When we got there they gave me enough money to buy another helicopter AND what I would have made from the copper run. After I banked the money, I went on my way. This was the experience that made me stay, and realised how much I enjoy RP. Even though I was robbed twice, these people all roleplayed to a high standard. A few days later I came back as Father Chris and set up shop in Kavala Church.

Some days later a nice fellow name Guy flattened me in his Police car he was 'returning' with his friends. He gave me a toolkit to fix my car (one of MANY car crashes I had been in at that point), and we went on our way. After I got back to my church, I receive a text from them asking for help. I went and explained to the Police that they were members of my Flock who were simply trying to return the vehicle to them. I joined their Gang (MC Farmers), and eventually we joined up Urban Vipers to form Pilgrims of the Far East (the first and best PFE). 

I'll update this thread once I've finished going through my old files to find my Pope Chris Chronicles. Feel free to add your own stories. 

Edit: After 10 minutes of going through backups, I found one of them! 

Disclaimer: In this next story I was not actively playing as a bounty hunter, and was dressed as a hobo the entire time (unless stated otherwise).


I was at first a little worried I might end up on the wrong side of the law (being the leader of a high profile terrorist organisation AND a Bounty Hunter is a lot to balance, but I manage). I was very quickly reassured that I will be on the right side of it when I became the heist leader. I chose a second (TheDayMan). Adster took over for both of us eventually, but more on that later. It started off pretty bad. I came up with a plan to steal some cops, and use them as hostages in our heist. It was perfect. 

However, as we were preparing to gear up ready to take on some evil piggies we had a very opportune moment. One Police Constable and a Blueberry showed up as our heli was landing in the middle of Athira. Our heli pulled back under threat of being shot at, and landed in a field. We decided to take those officers. It would doom us. Just prior to this I had stashed my Bounty Hunter gear in a bush and bought some pink hobo clothes. These clothes would come in useful later. Back to the good bit; I gave the order to move on them as they tried to take aTa (our heli pilot) and arrest him. Our people were NOT in position, and it quickly became a mess. Two men arrested, and one pink hobo pretending to be a snake. What a start. Midway through the incident, a filthy hobo (not the pink one) tried to steal the heli, and the police very quickly shot it down. We were suddenly without a heli. The two who were arrested managed to wrangle their way out of arrest with tales of 'hunting' in the Red Zone. We called for a backup heli (thank god we're all loaded, amirite), and it picked us up. Off to the Montana Family mansion we headed.

Our rebel members geared up, whilst I stood and waited. We all loaded into the helicopter and went over the plan I made earlier once more. We worked out finer details, and then landed at the Oil Trader. This is where the pink hobo clothes come in. All but myself and Adster went into hiding spots. I was given a pistol (with no ammo, you'll understand why in a minute), and Adster put his hands up. I sent a message to the police saying that I had been robbed by two people, one managed to steal my truck and the other I managed to knock out and stop from escaping. Whilst we waited for the police, a group came to sell their processed oil (a factor we had considered but not expected). I explained that I managed to fend off two bandits and was awaiting the police. They left me and Adster alone. Within no time at all the police had arrived, and I went over to greet them. They instantly restrained Adster. "Go go go!" I yelled down comms. A bunch of armed rebels appeared out of the buildings yelling "put your hands up officers, you're surrounded!" There were three black shirted officers. Ripe for the picking. I put my hands up, the officers put their hands up. 

The officers took no time to call in backup. The Pilgrims took no time to restrain all but one. The last one had to remove the restraints from our dear friend Adster. By now their backup was well on the way. We couldn't risk this ending so soon, not after all this. The Pilgrims sprinted back to the heli, I buggered off out of there just as soon as the evil robbers said "you're free to go." I ran out of the Oil Trader just as Police backup arrived. It was close. Thus ended the Glorious Popes brief (but still important) part of this heist. I made my way back over to Kavala, making a point to drive past the Treasury. It all seemed to be going good. I made sure to listen in on the radio every now and then, checking for a sitrep. It was all in their hands now. 

It went well, the Pilgrims had managed to work out a deal with the Police. Five Million pounds EACH worth of gold was theirs, with a Police escort. I decided to make my way back up the road, to look for traps or possible ambushes. Barely outside of Kavala I found a damned Police roadblock! I asked what was going on, and as it turned out there was an oil spill! I had to take a detour to get past it. I quickly radioed into the Pilgrims "possible road block, be careful." I was honestly hoping they would take dirt roads after hearing this. They did not. The police managed to successfully ambush and defeat a large amount of the Pilgrims. Only Rob and Adster managed to escape. Adster managed to sell all of his gold, but was robbed of just shy of one million at the ATM. He managed to get most of it back eventually, thanks to his Insurance. Rob on the other hand, had escaped to his home. aTa had managed to survive somehow too, I'm still unclear on the details. 

After some brief organisation, Rob and aTa had managed to get a truck and all the gold ready to ship down to Kavala. Their journey went down perfectly. I however, managed to mess up my brand new SUV. Fortunately a nice pair of rebels driving a Tempest (likely on some kind of illegal drug run) stopped to give me a repair kit. I told them to remember me, and if they ever need me to look the other way... I'll let you figure it out. We made it down to Kavala, and sold the gold. We went somewhere safe to share the money. Each persons total take was £2.7 Million. I now have enough money to fund the Kavala Church Bounty Hunters Institution, and catch those filthy criminals plaguing Kavala. 

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