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Question: Guard/bodyguard roles


New member
Hey, i recently decided to check out the altislife mod, and by that your lovely server here.

I've been reading up on the rules after i ran around in town for an hour last night and pondered how it all fits togethere.

i noticed :

V. Rebel gameplay

a) Only players with a rebel license are considered rebels and are allowed to follow "rebel business" like attacking cops in towns, etc. Players without a rebel license using firearms are considered RDMers.

along a few others.

I just wish to ask if i put myself up as a guard /bodyguard by taking pay for others and get myself a regular handgun. Do i break the rules if i per say attack cops while i'm guarding a criminal, or if i defend my client etc.

I'm not sure i'd go with this role but it was one of the ideas that crossed my mind, that or see if there's possible of getting a medical van and become a medic (civillian kind).

anyhow thanks for your time and attention eh


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i thought about a similar thing to the bodyguard idea, charging for armed support on say mining/processing runs (defence purposee only ofc) but atm i dont think a mining run could benefit being split would be cool though

I would assume firing on police while protecting a client would be considered RDM unless you have a rebel license which gives you the right to do things like that, however I would only fire while out of town as you may be considered a two rebel group and therefore be kicked/banned for attacking a town and not announcing it as you did it unintentionally.

I font whether the admin or police force would look at it that way but to be safe just try not to break rules no matter what.

we had considered the same thought of thing in earlier post  things move on and change so quick here its hard to build something up without renegade rebels dashing your operations 

I like the idea of hiring muscle tbh, I prefer wetwork opposed to gathering resources! Its finding willing clients that could be most problematic. I don't think it needs a system or anything, just a verbal contract. If things go sour so be it, that's the risk of the job.
