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Questions about housing

Cao Yun

Well-known member
Hello gentlemen,

I have recently bought a house in Kavala, I would like to know if it is possible to share my keys with my friend, like you can do with cars, and also can my friend store items in my house or is it only I who can?

Also how does locking storage work? If someone breaks into my house can they then steal everything I have inside of it?

Thank you for your time,
Dr. H. Lecter

You can give keys to your friends so they can put stuff in your house. You can lock/unlock storage by pressing left windows key and when someone breaks into your house he can steal everything inside it, which is why it's not a good idea to have a house in Kavala for storage purposes.

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Yes, Yes, Windows Key and Yes are the answers to your questions bud. Yes you can share keys. Yes your friend can store items in the house (once given said keys). When in your house you can press the Windows Key and select 'unlock storage' (obviously remember to lock it once you're done). And finally, yes someone can steal everything from your house if they break in.

EDIT: Dammit, Robert snuck in whilst I was typing xD

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Well, that's not nice :c
I guess having it on a road that's always busy kinda protects my house but you never know.
Thank you for your answers gentlemen! But there is no way I can make someone co owner, so he can access it when i'm not there? That would be optimal, also if it is not possible, is it worth suggesting or is it impossible to implement?

Dr. H. Lecter

And to all you thieves out there, dont break into my house, there is nothing but clothes and cider.
