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Remb (Rejected)

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Interesting that one of your guys actively promotes using the restraint exploit at 1:39. Hmmmmm. Naughty.

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I'm still getting used to the voices, so I have no idea on which person it is

Interesting that one of your guys actively promotes using the restraint exploit at 1:39. Hmmmmm. Naughty.
ofcourse he try's to RDM him and then He is metagaming to. ofcourse you can not use it if their is RolePlay imbound but there was no roleplay he just shot at Jamie.

1. You removed the part where i yelled at you to stop the vechile, and driving in front and back of you with the horn.

2. Over the last 10 years, i have worked myself up to have a very strong connection around altis, grandmas, friends, enemies. They are all owing me a favor and they help me catch criminals. If they see a licenseplate, vechiles person that need further investigation, or even just a chat, they call me.

So this very day i was driving around when a old friend called me and said he had seen trucks driving around, and 1 month ago a big cartel escort was stopped in that exact town. I went to check out and decided to stop and check everyone in the town that was driving around and ask them to state their names. But you rejected to stop, so with suspicion of you having something to hide i decided to force you out.

Unfortunanly when i finally got you tazed you decided to promote a bug and it ended up with the worst outcome, death.

This is a way i see how the Bounty Hunter thingy would work. And no metagaming as long as you keep the roleplay.

I recorded the second I needed to, I haven't cut anything out. And you can clearly see that not a single voice or horn coming from you was heard. I had no idea that you was a bounty hunter, I thought you was just someone coming to rob me so I turned left to avoid getting shot, but you decided to shoot at me without RP (Attempted RDM). Even after you tazed me you didn't even talk to me, which makes me think that you can't talk in game at all.

The RP with bounty hunters start when you restrain the person just based on the way it works and there unable to check licences....

Effectively bounty hunters have a photo of the person they are chasing on there list :)

Rejected... btw whoever mentioned the glitch needs to lose that mindset ASAP!

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