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Remove pipes/props from Smeltery

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Staff Team
Staff Team
Fudge Lane
If you have ever been to the smeltery you have most likely witnessed the metal pipes on the back entrance of the Smeltery.

These are normally stacked neatly and don't cause issues, but if somebody touches them with their truck they all start pouring all over the place blocking most of the entrance and causing you to drive around or smash thru them. 

The main issue is that once these are knocked over, they will reset and pour all over the place when you load/unload the area client sided.

These break trucks and cause a massive inconvenience, especially on peak hours when there is 5-10 trucks at the smeltery.

To fix this I am suggesting to either remove them completely, or make them a fully static prop.



Another thing that would boost the smeltery would be to get rid of some extra props. Not really needed but will help a lot. Here is an example on before/after.







Pros: QoL at Smeltery

Cons: Less work for mechanics?? 🤷‍♂️

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Yeah fuck the pipes, +1

Maybe while at it, those concrete barriers would also be nice to get gone. Not a necessity but would make it easier and smoother.

Consider opening the yellow doors on the front of the smeltery to provide more ways for players to get inside. This will make it easier and more convenient to access the smeltery.

Consider opening the yellow doors on the front of the smeltery to provide more ways for players to get inside. This will make it easier and more convenient to access the smeltery.
I agree with isak on a cleanup around outside as it is a mess, I wouldent open those doors tho, I have thought about it before but if you open them then you'll have people trying to drive trucks in there or some idiot greif and try to get something in there to blow up unfortunately

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