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Selling a Breathalizer

  • Thread starter Anonymous Capybara1
  • Start date

Anonymous Capybara1

On my travels, some hobo gave me a breathalizer for saving him from beige robbed. I'm selling it now, coz I have no use for it. I asked people and they say civs are allowed to have it, though it is a excusive item for the police.

Starting price: 1k

Minimum increase: 500

£1. I'm sorry, but I'm not paying for something that never will actually get used.

I'll give you 10 pound. 

Can only be used by Police/Nhs and we get it for free :p 

I made this post as a joke. I had no intention to see this, but I guess I am niw

4 Sets of Commoner clothes 
3 Crumpets 
5 Lockpicks 
A hobo hatchback (WANTED)
I'll do this deal?
