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Status Posting Issue


United Kingdom
Been happening a while, more so on the mobile version of the website. When I try write a status and submit it, it goes through the posting process and then does nothing. Click back onto write a status and the message I wrote is still there. I’ve cleared the field, re-wrote it. Tried refreshing/ closing the browser. It then fixes itself after a period of time but its rather annoying. This also happens on the Computer version also but not as frequent.

Add on: it also adds to my feed that I have followed a previous forum post I've been on every time I click submit even though I already follow it and have had the notification for it further down the feed. Only stays on my feed until I close my browser. 

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Its the post cooldown. Also applies to status posts but wont tell you how long you have to post, will just stop you from posting

Its the post cooldown. Also applies to status posts but wont tell you how long you have to post, will just stop you from posting
Oh really? Well maybe they should implement the cool down to the statuses 😂🙏🏻 Cheers big man 
