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Story about Lord of War ( Dollar )

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Here’s a story. If I deserve a ban, I would also appreciate that since it would clear up the situation. If I won’t get a ban also pretty nice.

I am willing start from the beginning, so to understand whole situation. I will try to be short tho. However journey touches lot of community rules. All rules that I broke can be found in Epilogue. Reading all story will take around 20 minutes. 


I started as a hobo in the country, gathering random types of resources. Got robbed killed etc. But still was trying to get a crew together. Found few reliable guys to work with. So using skills and teamwork I managed to make some legal money to buy a house and few trucks.
While doing all that I was RDM like twice a day. Those situations are not even worth to discuss, since I did not have any evidence on it, as recording everything would fill up my HDD in few hours I believe. And screens wouldn’t help much too. Not talking about bad RP situations with “hands up” and instant kill, with not even listening what I am saying.

Before the main journey, I had small contact with rebels who tried to stop me in the middle of the road. Ofc I didn’t stop, and they started to chase me. There was a long car chase, which ended in city of Kavala, where I stopped. Since some trigger worked in my head about safe zone, that most of time rule  6.1.  worked in green zone, I felt safe. But in this situation I was the one who broke the rule  6.5.  since I have been shot at. Rebels were shouting “Get out, no one will help you here”, I went out but in the end they didn’t touch me. And thanks for that.

So at some point I realized that I need some serious weapons for protection, so I went on my journey through the country to find out what is the rebel outpost, how the rebel license works etc. Luckily I have met one of LOV members, that was protecting outpost from RDM’s and kills in general. He explained that it was the only outpost where you can buy weapons safely without fear of being killed. He also explained to me about gangs in the country – how many are there, what type of resources they are holding, how to process some drugs, and other basic rules of the island. Long conversation for 30 minutes or so. Voice of opponent was pretty mature. After we finished discussion and I bought guns, and equipment he dc or gave his post, and some young boy (as I understood via mic) started to thread me with “what are you doing in my outpost in a mask, take it off”. And as I understood from his attitude next step would be a bullet in my head. However I explained that I had conversation with other guy who told me that I am allowed to make purchases in outpost, that if young guy will shoot me, it will be against his own unofficial gang rules.

So since I had house in center of Kavala (GREENZONE), I was pretty sure that I can store safely my guns there. Even that I had police raid recently, I was sure that robberies are restricted in the area and in worst case I will somehow manage to solve illegal weapon question with police. So I stored guns, equipment, random clothes in my store box. And went to doing my work. After some time I came back and found out that I lost my suppressor and some other small stuff. I wasn’t sure if that was a glitch, or if I was robbed. If a glitch, then how to prove that I had the suppressor, if that was a robbery then who should I accuse? Since the question wasn’t answered I just dc.

On the next day I started to work again. After long day on my return, I met a guy inside of my house. With gun pointed at my face, he shouted to get out. After my question “why should I get out of my own house”, he knocked me out and ran off while house had LOCKED DOOR? I mean how can he lock my doors, or was he running threw walls?

So since I was threatened in my own house, with my own weapon, I realized that I have been robbed, rather than lost stuff because of glitch. And all expensive equipment was gone. On that wave I have made post in the forums, where I said that houses need some basic protection, otherwise its total bs how easy it is to rob someone if you know if victim is online. And now after short time of having house, I realize that my house was like an alley, where anyone can get in with a simple boltcutter. My doors inside house were unlocked literally every time when I went out from house for 5-10 minutes and went back, but the funny part is that I locked them every time I went out again. Forum post I made can be found here:

So after no reaction from support, about house robberies, I tried to take situation in my own hands. Forgot about rules, glitching and RP for some time. I went to safe rebel post, fully equipped with guns masks etc. (AGAIN) and spent 200.000+ to do that. Then I DC, and spawned in my house of Kavala. I put my gun in bag, not to draw attention of police, and took off to copper / iron trader, to find some hobos with money. I left my car behind a corner, and was waiting masked nearby. When first truck arrived, I was already in place and ready to rob, but he probably heard my footsteps, almost ran over me with a truck and took off. In a short while another convoy arrived with 2 trucks and a SUV with them. I felt like they know what they are doing and trying to rob them would be a suicide. I let them sell all their stuff and they took off. So I waited for next victim. While I waited several times police was passing by with sirens turned on, and somehow I felt that it can be a chase after me. After some time I heard sirens again, and police stopped just across road of IRON / COPPER TRADER, and a truck turned in to sell his stuff. Cant say for sure, but I kind a knew that it was the same solo truck, that took off recently when I was spotted and almost VDM-ed. Since I knew I was uncovered by the driver and with cops around I changed location a bit, to see where the cops are exactly, and to have a better look around. After discovering nothing new, I went back and hid in a bush just in case. My car was nearby. And this is where main story starts.

Bush tactic worked. Since after a short while several shots were fired to my direction. Since I wasn’t hit, and shots felt like random, I wasn’t reacting much. But I had small dose of adrenalin there. While I was sitting in a bush, real gunfight started, cops were driving around area in a car, shooting and running. Cop ran just in 2 meters by the bush I was sitting in. I was almost spotted. He ran several times just near by. I felt like I am in middle of something serious, and couldn’t believe that cop didn’t see me. Bullets were flying over my head. 2-3 Cars driving around area. But I was calm. And again it worked. After all the gunfight I found 2 bodies, and weapons nearby. Remaining troops took off (cant confirm if they were rebels or cops). Till this moment I wasn’t sure if that was chase after me or not. But now I knew that I am free to go, since everyone was gone and it was quiet around. So I ran out from bush, picked up weps from dead bodies, put them in a trunk of my SUV, and took off to Kavala. I knew that if cops will stop me, that I will have big problems with illegal weps in my SUV. So I wanted to get rid of them. Giving away for free was not an option, since I spent lot of time in that God blessed bush. So I decided to sell weps in Kavala. 

After arriving to Kavala, I started to think how to secure my new guns. Since I couldn’t hold more than 1 gun unseen, I had to store it somewhere. So I worked on my house security. I blocked black (back) door with my SUV as additional alarm. Since I was close to Kavala main square, it was easy for me to check front door, what I literally did every 2-3 minutes. So after running few times to house and back, and having several conversations with hobos, I managed to sell my 2 new guns for 50 000 each. Which made me a pure profit of 100 000, which is not that bad, considering that mining oil would bring me 350 000 in same 50-60 minutes (if I wouldn’t get robbed on the way). At this point as started to feel like real gangster, so I went to Kavala to search for some hobos with money. And my first attempt was a success again – near Car Shop there was some citizen exploring something. I went over him in a mask, hidden gun and started a conversation. From the very beginning he felt something fishy about me. His voice sounded mature. After small conversation, he unlocked his car (which was already there when I arrived), and accordingly to his speed, reaction and voice, he was scared, as he jumped into back his SUV. It is hard to say what kind of force was that, because I didn’t have intend to rob this exact hobo as I wasn’t sure if he has money. Like on a autopilot I took out my weapon and pointed at hobo with those magic words “Get out! Now!”. Hobo was in panic, since he tried to lock/unlock his car few times with words “Just a second”. When he jumped out, he acted as expected – he started to say some random words with no big sense. Right at that moment cop siren started somewhere just nearby. Since hobo was quiet, he imagined that he is safe now and cops will help. But I continued to force my will and demanded to raise his hands. When sirens disappeared, hobo understood that he has to run. What hobo didn’t understand, is that running from a man with a gun is a trigger, same as a red rug for a bull. So RP in this scene ended, with hobo dead and 10 000 in my pocket from his body. Also I earned my bounty of 50 000, which played epic role in further adventure.

Next scene starts in my house in Kavala. It was after recent server restart, and it was dark in game and evening in real life. I went to central square to see what is going on with a mask off. While I was there, I noticed big HEMMET truck parked right in the square, what is not quite ordinary. After walking around and listening to talks, I heard that some masked men, from certain Gang are selling guns. Their leader was unmasked same as me. Selling price of the guns was quite same 100 000 a peace. But after getting a no from buyer, he was ready to have 50 000 for an assault rifle. There still was a no from other buyer, but since I knew that it is actual price I went over for a conversation. I was not into buying single weapon, so I started from main idea – “I want bulk, what you have and how much you want?”. First price was 2.500.000 for a truck full of guns. In that moment I understood, that there is a goldmine right in the middle of Kavala square, it is the HEMMET, fully loaded with illegal assault rifles. I was not sure how to deal with all this situation. I knew that they are giving away for same price, and that in fact they are my competitors. So I just took off to my house, to think. In my house I put on my mask, and went back to square to listen. I didn’t talk so they wouldn’t know for sure if that was me or not. I was just walking around. First thing that got into my mind was to get rid of the competitors. So I took out phone, and sent a message to police with text “Rebels are selling illegal guns near Kavala market”. Unfortunately there was NO reaction from police. They didn’t even drive by, not talking about coming to check preventively. So once again I went all-in. I called rebel for a conversation aside from others, asked what is the lowest he will go and what he has exactly. After having short discussion he understood that I am a real buyer he suggested to get into the hot HEMMET. He gave me access to truck inventory, and there it was full truck of random calibers of weapons, equipment, clothes, ammo, suppressors. Value of all of it was not less than 2.500.000 that he asked for, if bought in rebel / police store.  After short negotiation we agreed on price of 280 000 for all truck content. Which would make me fast PROFIT of at least 500 000, or 1 000 000 in best case. By would I mean possibility, because I still had to sell the stuff. And I would probably do that, if everything wouldn’t go awkward next day. However on same day after confirmation of purchase, I went after money to ATM. Unmasked leader was talking to his masked mate. Masked rebel asked if leader has made the deal, and what they should do now. Leader confirmed that the deal is done, and they should just let me go. When I heard that I told their leader “I hope you are not about doing anything silly”. The answer was “No xxx rebels are man of their word. And I don’t want my boys to be near the truck. Just go”. So I got into truck, drove to my house and in a rush unloaded all the stuff I could, to my storage box. And since everything didn’t fit in one, I had to buy second one. After everything done, I took truck back to where I took it in first place. So there I was, a man fully loaded, ready to equip a small army. Man, I felt like Nicolas Cage in Drug Lord movie. I was sure that there can be no police raids, or robberies while I was offline, so I just sync my profile and disconnected. 

Last episode starts on the Next (real life) day. One of my mates, that we did oil rides with, contacted me via Steam. He said he is willing to cooperate. I shortly explained what deal I have made, and what we are going to do. I invited him to come to Kavala, to check out what I have. When he came into my house and opened storage box, he said that this sounded more like my fantasy or imagination, before he saw it with his own eyes. Even when HALF OF MY STUFF DISSAPEARED, which is just bs. Robbed again? Glitched? How should I get it back now? Also while doing our preparations, I asked my mate to buy boltcuters and try to open the door. It took like 10 seconds? Which is total bs.

Anyways my mate stayed in house, and I went to Kavala square to sell stuff, with a mask on my head. Talked to few ppl, gave my name to some potential buyers, so they can contact me when they will need a gun. And here comes another disputable question. When I was talking I was in my mask, but I gave A name so they can contact. But it also could be someone elses, not mine. So one of those I gave name to, was a bounty hunter. And as I mentioned before I had a bounty of 50 000 on me for killing a hobo. When went back into my house, bounty hunter was already there waiting for me. Since I gave mask to my mate, so he could go and sell weps, I didn’t have one. I went out to talk with the bounty hunter as he was not leaving. I asked him if he was about to rob my house. “If so,” - I said – “I am shooting on sight. You get in you die”. And his answer scared me a little bit, as he said “Me too”. Also while we had discussion near house, he was all time asking about my friend in the house, as bounty hunter saw him threw the window. When our discussion was over, I turned to move to my house, when I heard “Stop, put your hands up”. I turned around, and understood what is happening only after his words “I am a bounty hunter, I have checked your profile and there is a bounty on you”. I was like “wtf how do you know my name”. He said that I TOLD HIM MY NAME BEFORE, and that now without a mask he can see that it’s me”…like the name is actually written on my head. So this was kind a against rule (4.2.)


So even considering that there was kind of a RP here, I asked bounty hunter “What if I don’t put my hands up”. He said that he will tase me, the police will come and I will get to Jail anyway. I thought that I don’t want to get to Jail, and / or cops close to my house. So I tried to step away a bit. Bounty hunter started to shoot randomly…I am not sure if he had bad aim or should those be considered as warning shots but he didn’t hit me once. I just started to shout using micro, something like “oh, oh, oh easy there”. In meantime I received steam message from my friend in my house (what is against rule 3.2. I believe) asking “Should I shoot him?”. I said “yes”. So bounty hunter was killed. Which broke rules 2.2., 3.2., 3.4.,3.7., 4.1., 6.1., 6.2., at least. 
But now comes more. After bounty hunter killed, several others arrived that broke into my house breaking rules 6.3., 8.1.4., at least. It was a total mess as BH’s were inside house, police tried to raid the house, and some random hobos were running inside house without weapons, exploring second floor. Then they went back down shouting that there are 2 guys on second floor. Which is total…u know. Somehow doors that I locked managed to open, every time I locked them. Every possible moment I went down to lock the doors, but by some magic they were opened again and unarmed hobos were running again in the house.

If police is making a raid the should be fences of some kind…as in real life. I mean every single thing has it’s own purpose (and I saw that kind of fences on other servers and how they work).

There were lot of bodies there: bounty hunters, hobos, police officers. After all the mess I spawned somewhere in Kavala, and went back to crime scene, which was partly against rules 5.3. However I didn’t get into the house before it cleared out. 

P.S. All weapons I bought were…stolen? Or confiscated by police (how should I know???). I heard some report of police officer, where he said about 2 armed man with significant ammunition in storage. I was killed, and my friend was arrested.

So all this situation touches almost every part of island of roleplay.co.uk

The End

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