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Tacoman Juan


Staff Team
Staff Team
Fudge Lane
@FatherAugustusnever fails to be entertaining. Today I needed a ride from the firms house after a event that turned into a police raid. I ended up asking Juan, the last "civilian" to be at the lot for a lift back to my place. On the road we started doing some mex-games (mexican x-games) from bridges and doing backflips. After a couple accidents and backrubs we continued to the destination. Upon arriving to the destination the mex-games continued, ending in some nice stunts, and a couple rough landings.

That was until we met a taxi driver passing along the road while mex-games was ongoing. We ended up having a casual talk to the taxi driver until Juan ended up talking about pidgeons and seagulls being drones used by the FBI. We suspected her of being a drone/robot so we did a couple tests on her to make sure she wasn't a federale. (she passed the test) This chat lasted for about one hour before us going to casino to, gain some and loose some. (Juan went in profit)

A BIG +1 to Juan 🌮

Appreciate the kind words Isak , I try my best to make it enjoyable for others 😆

Was a fun night for sure, but the main part is to always remember that

@FatherAugustusI would also like to say juan is an amazing addition to the city he is a great guy and gives a never forgettable rp experience keep up the great work and hope to see juan more in the city his tacos are to die for

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