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Taking time off...

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Active member
Well, as a few of you might know or have noticed, Sauce of The Kavala Cartel, has not been ravaging the streets of Altis recently. Many have thought he was killed off, or was finally locked away in Jail. But in reality. He has had enough with the drugs, the killings, the inter-cartel fighting, and all of the stress the path to conquer Altis himself, Rambeau, Stee, Armor, and Reo took on 7 months ago. It has been too much and he has lost sight of his life. He has let it fallen. So he has decided to take on a leave of absence. It is not known if he will return. He loves Altis. He just needs a vacation.

So now, weeks too late, here is his message of departure that he leaves with an unknown time of return. Altis might have lost a great gang member, And the Kavala Cartel might have lost one of its founders for a short period. However there is hope he shall return. He bids you all farewell. He sends his sorrows to the families of his victims. And he sends his regards and best wishes to his fellow gang members.

Farewell to you all. May each of you take his own path, and leave behind a trail of inspiration and amazing reputation.


Thank you all for the time I have spent here. I do not know if ill come back, but for now I must say adieu. It was fun, but the stress has gotten to me. The constant fear of messing up by taking a shot too early or taking a joke too far and getting banned for it was too much. I leave because I need a break from the constant drama it seems my gang has found. But none the less, the ALUK community was awesome and I have met some great friends on here. As I have said I do not know when I will come back.

To all of the members of TKC Current and old - 

Thank you for all of the fun and havoc we caused. The gas station robberies, the bank heists, and the raids on other bases. It was great and I hope I will be able to come back sometime and see that TKC still is the baddest gang around.

To members of TI - 

We started out as enemies and than put our differences aside to achieve a common goal of wealth and killing off our common enemies. It was great banter, and even though I Teamkilled quite a few of you. It was great. Cheers to you all.

To each member of the Police Force - 

Sorry for all of the havoc we caused (not really). The RP we got always varied from person to person and from rank to rank. To those of you who respected us and the way we played. Thank you. To those of you who stalked us and attempted to get us banned. Sorry for making your life that miserable. Thank you for the amazing firefights.

To the admin team/mentor team - 

Thanks for helping out and creating a wonderful server and an AMAZING community. Best regards to all and hope this all finds you well, even if we never spoke a word to eachother.

To the other gangs we have fought -

Good luck in the future. Don't give up. TKC was once a weak force. Never surrender and keep fighting. But always keep it off the forums. Cheers to all.

A few shout outs...

At the founders of TKC (Rambeau because You and stee are all that is left)

Thank you for making me take the trip to Altis. Its great. I hope you find time to come back to PF time and time again and play around with the members you started this journey with.

To Stee:

We always told you that you couldn't drive, yet we always let you. So do us a solid and stop driving. Anyways See you around in PF. Same goes out to you Godric.

To Keef - 

Haven't talked to you in awhile buddy but you were great. Hit me up sometime. You know how to find me.

Jamie - 

Still angry that you never let me take you out on our magical boat ride. Maybe one day Ill come back and try again ;-)

To Jake/Shannon - 

Cheers to you and your crazy self. Keep on robbing gas stations and killing cops. Or TKC/TI. Whichever side you feel like playing on. Lol.

To everyone else I have ever RPed with. See you when I see you. Thanks for the memories and hope to see you soon.

And finally - I might be on from time and time again, but you won't be seeing me as active as you did before. Cheers to you all guys. Thank you again.


Love you Sauce. <3

See you around Sauce Merica!!


enough said...

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