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Good build,not top range monster but definetly good enough to play on Very High/Ultra most games on 1080p

Excellent! I have the ASUS STRIX 970 and an I7 4790k (4GHZ) And I run 45-50 on the server, ULTRA (Modified) With about 2km view distance

But I do have a bit higher CPU than you, so I believe you'd be able without a problem to do Ultra (modified naturally) with a bit lower view distance (Like standard 1200/1600)

How many frames you managing on the server Scott?
Mostly 50+ it dips down when there is major carnage ie tanks, loads of cops and explosions but never below 30

Also my cpu is OC'd to 4.5ghz

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1920 x 1080 with everything on highest call bs if you want, i get decent dps
Decent being 10fps ? lol?

GTA5 with all settings maxed, 8xMSAA, 16xAF, high res shadows, etc, etc, uses about 8GB of VRAM, GTA970 only has 3.5GB of VRAM.
