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Unban Appeal - TedF - GTA RP


Active member

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Ted Fishman
Steam ID: 76561198360528283
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19639
Ban Reason: C2.3
Why do you think you were banned: Got banned bc i did not have the time to wait for respawn timer after my game crashed becouse i had work that i did explain in ooc and i also asked to get respawned
Why should we unban you: I think i should get unbanned becouse i explained that i didnt have time waiting for the respawn time but i knew i had to respawn and thats what i was trying to log on and do now lol
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Did you not think maybe opening a ticket would've been appropriate given you didn't get a response in ooc chat?
As i said i did not have time to wait so I did not have time to make a ticket I just needed to respawn next time I logged on
Hello @TedF

i did not have the time to wait for respawn timer

Why did you log onto the server then if you had to leave for work so soon? Why did you put yourself at that risk of being in a situation where you could not leave so easily?

From what you put in /OOC at time - it seems as if you were just annoyed that you had to wait an additional 15 minutes to respawn due to your crash, which I'll admit, isn't ideal - but still not a reason to combat log!

23:33 - "'im back in hospital I crashed then after I logged back in I couldn't see anything but I had 2 min left to respawn icba waiting another 15"
Hello @Bonzi

I was gonna log in and just chill for a few min before work to waste time. It may seem like I was annoyed at the additional 15 min but the reason I was annoyed was because i didn’t have time to wait, either way I had to leave for work and roleplay is not paying my rent so had to firm the ban and just explain my story. Nobody was around me or anything when I logged off I got left in a room at pillbox to bleed out so this did not affect anyone’s rp
Hello @TedF .

So in future, what would you do differently? How would you avoid such a situation happening again?
I will not log on to waste time if i dont have time to end up in a situation that could take a long time in the future
You've been around a long time Ted, you arguably know the rules and have likely had someone combat log on you at some point.
From your history it seems like you have a habit of getting carried away and frustrated when things don't go your way.

I'm gonna need more than one sentence answers going forward if you want us to take this appeal seriously.

So, How can we ensure you won't go straight back into this attitude?

What do you plan to do should you get unbanned?

Do you know the steps to ensure this doesn't happen again?
Obviously real life first BUT we have so many useful and simple ways to communicate to let us know.
I have been around for quite some time now that is true, I should've probably known better than to log on the server when I knew that I had to go shortly after. This is something I will have to take with me moving forward as at the end of the day I can't be sure that I will have enough time to finish whatever roleplay I may end up in.

The situation I ended up in here did leave me quite frustrated that is true, however I would say that this was due to the crash that prolonged the time I had to spend before leaving for work, as I mentioned in my previous reply.

I don't normally get frustrated when playing the server, at the end of the day you are playing a fictional character and nothing of it has any real "value", it was just in this instance that I really did not have time to wait the other 15 as it would end up with me showing up late for work, something I am sure we all can understand isn't acceptable.

My plan if I were to get unbanned is to continue the roleplay story surrounding Ted Fishman, a character whom I have spent a lot of time on and find enjoyable to play as, I've had many scenarios and relations built up on the character with various people/factions that I would like to continue.

In the future I will have to make sure that if I decide to log on the server I know beforehand that I have the time for whatever may or may not happen either trough roleplay or in this instance a crash prolonging a situation further than it had to be.
You've instantly put up an appeal for combat logging and combat logging comes with a one month cooldown so as such,

I'm declining this and you can try again on the 15/02/25
