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Zinder rdm, gave me less than 5 seconds to get my hands up

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Zinder
Time & Date this happened: around 11pm 24/09/14
Description of what happened: Zinder wanted to rob me i couldnt hear him as he was quite far away, i put mu gun away and started to put my hands up and he still shot me
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No
Please post video evidence/screenshots here

-"Put your hands up.."

-Two second wait.

-Puts hands up.


This is blatant RDM, the dude being robbed was no threat to Zinder at all in this situation.

Help guys

Why are you not mention that when i tried to rp and rob tiger

Cbs Dave sneeks up and start fire with he,s mk 18 with silancer he hitts me down to 20%

But that dosent matter in how you feel easy

I Will gladly comp you with 100k for the gear but i do not like that Dave started to open fire in our rp

But i do understand since hes your gang member

Why not just contact me in game so we can deal with it directly insteed and solve and talk about the situation

And as you hear in video someone started to shot on me and hitted me then i shot you down

"Did i get him down Dave says in the video"

Then you die

Now from what I can tell Zinder was obviously trying to rob you for cash or something, you have a firearm in your hands so he backs away and tells you to put your hands in the air, you put your hands in the air after after 6 whole seconds and your buddy takes shots at Zinder, which you can hear at 6 seconds in the video. So now Zinder is being attacked from god knows where, if he turns to see where the shots are coming from he knows you have a firearm so you're a threat now. The only logical thing to do is to eliminate that threat and take out the other. Now, this looks like a robbery gone wrong, but I don't see or hear any rule breaking.

- IAmSkrippy

I was just a bit annoyed that I didnt get chance to put my hands up, I couldn't hear him well as he was quite far away, , I have slept since the incident and I guess I might have done the same as zinder in his situation so lets leave it at that :)

I was just a bit annoyed that I didnt get chance to put my hands up, I couldn't hear him well as he was quite far away, , I have slept since the incident and I guess I might have done the same as zinder in his situation so lets leave it at that :)
That was a very mature decision. I respect that man.

But I didn't understand it fully, are you taking back the ban request or are you not? We can't force you to.

Good to see we think the same easytiger

So now we can end this and say situation solve

Best regards to you


Good to see some people working things out, hopefully Wilco won't need the raise the ban hammer here.

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