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Report a player - 911 - GTA RP

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Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Kane Kash

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 911

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 07/27/22

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 3

What best describes this incident ?: G2.4

Please (in detail) describe the incident: ID:911 Had been robbing people at the mines earlier in the day, and a series of Roleplay information lead to a fellow gang member identifying him again later at the mines. I zip-tied him and took him to a recluse spot for interrogation. While escorting him out of the vehicle, my game crashed. It took no more than 2-3 minutes for me to log back in. Once logged in, he was nowhere to been seen. However, I was shortly joined by 2 others who I had called in, and we searched the area to find him zip tied hiding in a bush. Now accompanied by two others, I held a gun to his head whilst they brandished their weapons too. I gave instructions for him to drop everything which I waited in hope he would RP fear, but instead he decided to ignore our commands and stab us.

I believe this is a clear violation of the "G2.4" rule, and the situation ended with him dumping us and our car randomly, forcing us to respawn and lose our items.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Hello, I am ID: 911. I understand how this situation can be frustrating for you as it was for me, let  me explain:

At this point you had held me hostage for almost 20 minutes and there was little to no RP involved since the start and end.

I was more than compliant with you and valued my life the whole time. I started to get fed up with how long you were keeping me and towards the end your friends said "This is the last thing you are going to remember" Which is a common phrase to notify someone that they are about to die, this was backed up by the fact that the person with the gun started moving a little more than usual (as if ready to shoot when I was out of the way) I felt as if there was absolutely no way to get out of this as they have already told me I was going to die, I stood in front of someone for cover and discretely pulling my knife before stabbing the guy with a gun, soon the rest as you can see in the clip. And for this behavior I humbly apologize, I know it was stupid of me to act out like that but I was genuinely confused as to what was going on and when I saw the opportunity and the fact that I knew I was going to die anyway I took a chance as I believe anyone else would do in real life to have a slight chance to survive.

However, I believe that you have not been so transparent:

You suspiciously found me in the bush out of nowhere - I suspect using session heads but I am not going to go into it as I cant prove it

You were spamming OOC with demands : "911 come discord right now" even though the situation had not finished. I replied in OOC by saying once the situation is over I would be more than happy to join Discord, upon joining the discord call 3 people were waiting for me, it started out  calm but as I tried to explain what happened they kept talking over me and being rude.


On top of all of this, It's strange why you cut the clip just after I killed you all. The reason for this is because you were trying to hide the fact that you all started shouting at me and breaking character. I understand that I may have possibly broke a rule but I do not believe it means that you can.


(https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/u5Ii1nd4xYMlR/d1337GDd77Ts?invite=cr-MSxCVG4sODA2MjM4OTIs) - Here you can me breaking character to talk to you OOC. However, I believe that this was justified due to the fact that that I was trying to de-escalate the situation.

Thankyou for reading and reviewing.

This situation started with you taking from people's boxes at the mines and smelter with zero Roleplay involved, I didn't choose to report that but rather tried to RP catching you later on IC. Now during this reported incident, my game crashed, and you decided to go hide in a bush. Once I spawned back in you obviously wasn't there, so it took me a further 5 minutes to find you hiding in a bush with your "white trousers" contrasting from the green shrubs, no "/sessionheads" needed. This to me shows you had no intention to Roleplay and rather wanted to win from the get go. You spent enough time to know my voice and I never broke Character before or after the situation, I tried to resolve it with you in discord, but again you were disrespectful OOCly.
We're limited to the game's mechanics, and I would rather take your stuff off you while you are zip tied. But unfortunately that's not the case, we have to Roleplay a Gun to your head. I believe this is a clear NVL. You are not "John Wick". I had 0% intention of killing you as you can see I didn't fire a single shot, I wanted to Roleplay it further rather than just killing and dumping you.

This situation started with you taking from people's boxes at the mines and smelter with zero Roleplay involved
Once again I still dont recall doing this

This to me shows you had no intention to Roleplay and rather wanted to win from the get go
I'm not sure how hiding from a perpetrator makes me not want to roleplay? From the start I instantly put my hands up as there was no way out of it and I was under the impression that I would be able to make it out alive whether you robbed me or not, the whole time I was talking to you although half the time you didn't reply.

but again you were disrespectful OOCly.
I'm confused how I was disrespectful OOC? Could you provide some proof of this

I had 0% intention of killing you as you can see I didn't fire a single shot, I wanted to Roleplay it further rather than just killing and dumping you.
I find this hard to believe as your mate decided to say that this was going to be the last thing I would remember

I'm not sure how hiding from a perpetrator makes me not want to roleplay? From the start I instantly put my hands up as there was no way out of it and I was under the impression that I would be able to make it out alive whether you robbed me or not, the whole time I was talking to you although half the time you didn't reply.
I'm sure if you were interested in Roleplaying you wouldn't of tried to hide once I had DC'd abruptly.


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That doesn't make much sense to me, if I was getting kidnapped in real life  and the kidnapper went to the shops or just "randomly dissapeared" I wouldnt just sit around and wait for him to come back I would get as far away as humanly possible

That doesn't make much sense to me, if I was getting kidnapped in real life  and the kidnapper went to the shops or just "randomly dissapeared" I wouldnt just sit around and wait for him to come back I would get as far away as humanly possible
That's the attitude you have towards Roleplay participation. I hope this ideology is not shared by the server.

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Lets get straight into this.

So to start with you were a hostage in zip ties surrounded by 3 people (2 Melee weapons and a gun). At the point of the zipties being removed and you being told to drop everything on the floor you decided to stall and hide behind another person. You claim this to be due to them telling you "This is the last thing you're going to remember" however this is still a breach of G2.4. Additionally if someone is mid conversation with you and they disappear, it is fairly clear that there has been some form of head issue. It seems very unreasonable to just start fleeing or running and taking advantage or something that is beyond someone's control (in most cases). It is best advised to give the other person 2-4 minutes to sort out their issue rather than seizing the moment and getting an unfair advantage as it's not like he's walked off and left you somewhere giving you a chance to slip away. In real life somebody wouldn't just enter a coma for 2 minutes and then magically come back. This would be a breach of C1.7

However, as for the hostage takers, there is no reason why roleplay should be broken. Once the individuals were downed they began shouting and screaming which is a breach of C1.14 and G4.4


Char ID: 72815

Rule: G2.4 + C1.7 

Action: 1 Day Ban

Char ID: 71940

Rule: C1.14 + G4.4 

Action: 1 Week (Following FBS)

Char ID: 71661

Rule: G4.4 

Action: Warning Issued

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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