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Unban Appeal - Rigney - Discord

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Unban Appeal for Rigney 

In-game Name: Ben Rigney

Server: Discord

Steam ID: 76561197960287930

Ban ID: Non provided

Reason given for your ban: No idea

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Was told I have may have been banned from discord no idea why I've taken a few months off aying games to focus on work I log in to pay my rent check txt messages and then disconnect I hardly interact in the discord so I'm not quite sure why I'm "Banned" if I am

Why should we unban you ?: So I can pay my rent

(dunno if I'm banned and what it's about)

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Tell me about your feelings about & towards those who are transgender in this community.

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That's a bit of a weird question to ask what's that got to do with being banned I've not played for a few weeks/months

i  dont think my opinion on that matter is relevant to a game server i don't even know what I've supposedly done wrong to receive this as a response I've been inactive in the game discord and forums for months 

Okay - I understand your opinion on the matter being irrelevant. However, if you refuse to answer my questions, the appeal quite literally can go no further.


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