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[TI] Petersson - Report (Killing in blue zone)

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[SIZE=10.5pt]Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [TI] Petersson[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Time & Date this happened: 12-05-2015 around 10:30am (UK time)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Which Server did this happen on: 1[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Description of what happened: [/SIZE]

I get on the server, see a load of TI and TKC standing around in the middle of kavala with their guns out. In the middle of the group I see [DI] Phillip J Fry standing talking with them (With his gun on his back). They tell me to put my gun on my back, and I do at first. At this point they greatly outnumber us, but as the roleplay goes on, more cops get online and we can finally ask them to put their guns on their back. Some of them do, but one guy refuses, and he tells me to put mine on my back as we're looking at eachother. I explain to him that I'm a cop and I am allowed to have a gun, yet as he refuses and threatens me, I shoot him with rubber bullets. The other guy standing next to him then raises his gun and starts shooting at me, I hit him with rubber bullets as well, and bring them both to a police car. About a minute goes by, and then I start driving them towards the station on phillips orders. As I get there I suddenly get shot at from the nearby houses (WITH NO ROLEPLAY) they take out my tire, and I crash into the police station wall. I jump out, notice that I'm in the blue zone (But stay in cover and ask for backup), and then I get shot in the face by [TI] Petersson (Yet more TI members were also shooting at me). After this, the two guys I had restrained in the back of my car, jump out of the car and run off.

[SIZE=10.5pt]What Rule Was Broken ?:  [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]* [/SIZE][SIZE=13.5pt]6B)[/SIZE][SIZE=13.5pt] You are unable to kill anyone in a blue zone (Punishment is a ban)[/SIZE]

A few other rules were also broken, but unfortunately I was not recording at the time, and only got these screenshots.

[SIZE=10.5pt]Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:[/SIZE]

Yes, I did contact petersson, yet he claimed that he was just "following orders" and that someone said earlier (Don't take anyone away from the area) etc. so they had the right to shoot me as they warned us, like 10min earlier somewhere else. He had nothing to say to shooting me in the blue zone.

[SIZE=10.5pt]Please post video evidence/screenshots here[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt](This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)[/SIZE]




RP was initiated outside of Blue-Zone long before this. You attempted to drive us to Blue-Zone to flee and you were shot.  Plus you need a video.  I have a video of you specifically breaking RP and rubber-bulleting us without valuing your life, taking our weapons, throwing us into a car and driving off to flee.  And you combat reviving.

3B) RDM - Random Death Match Definition:

Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban)

6F) If you are in active combat you are unable to run into the green zone to avoid being killed/robbed (Punishment is a ban)

[SIZE=10.5pt]Please post video evidence/screenshots here[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt](This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)[/SIZE]

You failed to talk to me about the situation before the report as well.

I was down to let it go, but... this is all unfortunate.

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RP was initiated way before he entered bluezone. Also combat was initiated by the police way before aswell. If you could post video of this incident that would clear things up. And prove my innocence.

For what it's worth, if you would have made it into the police compound I wouldn't have fired the killing shot. But I started firing at your vehicle before you entered the bluezone.

I also invite anyone who witnessed the entirety of this situation to post and back my story up. If thats okay.

Best regards, Petersson


If you are going to accuse me of breaking rules, you better post the video to back it up.

The rules says you cant run into GREEN ZONE if in an active firefight (This is a blue zone). The firefight did not start untill I was RIGHT OUTSIDE the police station. There was also a big gap of time between with us just standing around and talking after I put you in the police car.

Also, airborne. This is not a ban request on you, so I do not need to talk to you about it first. In fact, I did not even mention your name.

As for the "Value your life". I told you several times to put your gun on your back, you failed to do this and then I rubber bulleted you. That is perfectly fine, and I did indeed value my life.


Like I said ,there was a massive gap between when I restrained them, and I got to the blue zone. The roleplay was not engaged by anything, you started shooting at me right outside the blue zone, and you also said to me that you placed spikestrips outside the POLICE STATION, and you guys are telling me to value my life? Oh please.

Yes, it is fine with me that you bring other players in to tell their story, but DONT make this an argument thread please. And likewise, I will bring in some of the other cops to tell their side.

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RP was initiated way before he entered bluezone. Also combat was initiated by the police way before aswell. If you could post video of this incident that would clear things up. And prove my innocence.

For what it's worth, if you would have made it into the police compound I wouldn't have fired the killing shot. But I started firing at your vehicle before you entered the bluezone.

I also invite anyone who witnessed the entirety of this situation to post and back my story up. If thats okay.

Best regards, Petersson
Ok to start this all off I Initiated Role Play with the group of rebels, it was all harmless just chatting around the drug dealer, after a few minutes a few other officers came on duty and joined me at my location, I instructed my fellow officers to put their weapons on their back. After a few minutes of RP i restrained [TI] Morgoth as he was saying "Fuck You" at me (all in jest) i then told Morgoth that i left my ticket book in my car, I then went to collect my book and decided to drive my vehicle to a more suitable location, in which hearing Morgoth threatening a fellow police officer whilst i was relocating. Once i returned to Morgoth I told him to stop threatening my officers, I proceeded to move him towards my vehicle to talk to him, at this point [TKC] Godric ran over to my vehicle and shot my tires out along with a fellow officers vehcile. I then knocked out Godric and restrained him and told him to get his "Friends" to bring back 2 toolkits or provide £500 for the damage caused.

After alot of persuading [TI] Morgoth assured me that he would go get the general store and get me 2 toolkits to repair the vehicles, during this time PC Zippo was instructing 2 "rebels" to put their weapons on the backs, they refused to do so in which Zippo fired rubber bullets at the gentlemen, they then returned fire (attempted murder of a police officer) Zippo managed to rubber bullet both of them and get them in restraints and proceeded to move them and put them into my Sports hatchback, a few minutes passed (2-3 minutes) I passed Zippo the keys to my car and instructed him to take them to the police hq for processing, at this time their was no Combat and Zippo was not involved with [TKC] Petersson and Godric was still in restraints (no comms), whilst zippo was driving back to the Police HQ (Kavala) we had a radio call (once he was shot and killed in the blue zone) that he was RDM'd at this point i unrestrained Godric to go "clean up" the mess that was created and recapture the 2 men who were in restraints (somehow got out of restraints and out of a car, whilst being in them). I proceeded to chase a suspect and rubber bullet him i then restrain the suspect and get shot in the back myself (no compliance or RP was initiated by the person who shot me ([TKC] Godric)).

Unfortunately i did not bother recording as i was enjoying myself and having a good time with rebels for once.

@Reklan Please don't mention videos to me.. There was a gap, correct, and that gap was your downfall.  People had seen us be placed in your car.  At this point, RP was fully and long been initiated.  Everyone and their dog knew what you were going to do next.  You were taking shots far before the Blue-Zone, and you wrecked in a panic due to it.  You got out, and during your combat heal, you died, thus releasing me from my restraints.  This whole time was not a good look at valuing your life from beginning to end.  You were outnumbered to begin with, you failed to comply multiple times, and things didn't go your way, so you report him.  That defeats the purpose of trying to RP with the officers in the first place.  As a matter of fact, we were all having a great time with the DI before you showed up.  There can be no synergy with the lack of role-play you displayed.  I'm really disappointed.  We are were saying to each other to not engage you guys due to the fun we were having, and then you flipped everything.

I Plus One the DI for showing that he had fun RP-ing with us.

Remarks Complete.

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Please don't mention videos to me.. There was a gap, correct, and that gap was your downfall.  People had seen us be placed in your car.  At this point, RP was fully and long been initiated.  Everyone and their dog knew what you were going to do next.  You were taking shots far before the Blue-Zone, and you wrecked in a panic due to it.  You got out, and during your combat heal, you died, thus releasing me from my restraints.  This whole time was not a good look at valuing your life from beginning to end.  You were outnumbered to begin with, you failed to comply multiple times, and things didn't go your way, so you report him.  That defeats the purpose of trying to RP with the officers in the first place.  As a matter of fact, we were all having a great time with the DI before you showed up.  There can be no synergy with the lack of role-play you displayed.  I'm really disappointed.  We are were saying to each other to not engage you guys due to the fun we were having, and then you flipped everything.

Remarks Complete.

Quote from your previous post:

" I have a video of you specifically breaking RP and rubber-bulleting us without valuing your life, taking our weapons, throwing us into a car and driving off to flee."
This is why I asked you to upload the video. You're threatening me, and telling me that I'm breaking rules, but to what end? Don't hijack my thread and try to turn it on me, make a new one if you want to report me. For some reason I doubt you will, because you know as well as I, that you broke more rules, and you would only get yourself in trouble.

As to the "I'm the one who flipped it". I was not the one who started restraining people first, and I only told you to put your guns on your back, after Phillips did it. You're clearly just upset because it got to the point where you were being charged with the laws you broke.

I did not "Wreck in panic due to taking shots." My tire was shot out, making the car turn into the wall.

I was also having a great time with the other rebels, untill you showed up, failing to put your gun on your back. So in my eyes, you're the one who "flipped everything."

But I suppose we will just have let the admins decide, and then we can agree to disagree.

Remarks Complete.

I'm sorry to say this but the report is for killing in a blue zone, you killed in a blue zone it is black and white, evidence is provided that proves you killed in a blue zone, all of this talk about RP was initiated is besides the point, the Server rule is no killing in s blue zone, the server rule is not no killing in a blue zone unless RP is initiated.

One simple question Mr Petersson

Did you or did you not kill PC Zippo while he was in a Blue Zone, Marked on the map with a Blue cross hatched circle?

Regardless of what happened before or after, their is to be no killing in a Blue Zone.

@CSI Fuel @Stee @AirborneErnesto Seriously, three of you?

Report A Player Rules

1. Reports are not up for discussion, Anyone posting in a report who is not the reporter or the person they have reported then your post will be deleted and a warning point given (Restricts you posting for 7 days)

2. You may only comment on a report about you if you have evidence that shows otherwise or if the person has failed to contact you on Teamspeak.

3. Do not lie on reports or edit videos to get people banned, this will lead to a ban against you.

4. Failure to follow the title and the template given above will lead to the report being rejected.

5. All reports must be submitted within 24 hours of the event, otherwise they will be rejected without being viewed.

You ALL know this, and I know you mean good, supporting evidence.. But these questions being asked by you, are to be asked by admins. Get it through to your heads.

If it is not you being reported and you have something to add, let the person being reported or the person reporting add it in their comment. Don't reply yourselves.

@CSI Fuel

Since you're a CSI, I'm hesistant to warning you, since your function might require you to step in at some reports. Do me and the other forum mods the favor of pointing out you are responding from your position as Chief-Super Intendant and not just the next forum user who disregards the rules so he can have his two cents ;-)

Verbal warnings this time, no points.. But we're watching you all ;-)

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Just pointing it out, we both agreed that it was fine with us that other people who were involved could post their side. I'm sorry if this is still not permitted.


I also invite anyone who witnessed the entirety of this situation to post and back my story up. If thats okay.

And likewise, I will bring in some of the other cops to tell their side.
Like I said, I'm sorry if we're still not permitted to do this.

@Reklan Have to say that skipped me. Glad I kept it at a verbal warning. Not entirely sure weather or not you still ought to be not posting when all sides invite people to. Let's say for now you probably best shouldn't next time and keep this going as it is, since people already started explaining their sides of the story on request, it would be counter-productive to stop that now.

My apologies for not reading better and missing out on the part where other parties where invited to tell their side.

Hammer time.

I'm really disappointed to see that the TI gang have still not got the message which I personally issued to their gang boss Ben only a week or less ago.

Blue zones are cop bases. IRL, they are *full* of cops, surveillance equipment, countermeasures, weapons, cameras, the works. It is UTTER MADNESS for any gang member to believe that they can camp or engage in any kind of firefight at the edge of blue zone and expect to either live, or get away with it. IRL, it just would NOT be possible.

I have warned TI and TKC that cop bases MUST be played as if they were full of cops, and never even approached lightheartedly if they are in gang mode. Still, we see this kind of thing occurring. I've had enough.

They've also been told that cops will *always* attempt to run for cover in their bases, and this is expectable behaviour. This is why rule 6F does not say 'blue zone' - it only says green zone. The gang's job is to stop the cop BEFORE he gets anywhere close to blue zone - anything less is a failure on the gang's part.

So... Petersson killed a cop in a blue zone, and this breaches rule 6B for certain.

It's also not Petersson's first offence - he has been banned TWICE before, including once for a similar bluezone fire offence). So this is curtains. Permanent ban issued for the very last time, without hope for appeal.

Sorry, but those are the rules. This nonsense with TI playing things right up to the wire must stop. Bluezone-edge wars are nonsense, and we'll be taking scalps from here on in, until it stops.

Ban issued 14:07 12/05/2015

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