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Police V Rebels

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Well-known member
After a year and a half split between cops to rebel to white-listed rebel back to cops one thing i have learned is there is no way on this green and blue circle we all reside on that the 2 factions can see eye to eye. There very ideology and thought processes in every operation is so far from each other is bound to cause problems. Whatever a cop does a rebel will see a issue with it and vice versa. Now unless we all turn in peaceful tibetan monk 


who love all and cherish all that is....... we will have this problem. And i have a slight feeling that that last possibility is not not one for the community target board. So we just have to work together. The main issues i see are with people who have only ever played one side of the spectrum. Now i promise you as hard as you may think it is to believe when you have seen it in detail from 2 sides you start to see why and how there are so meany issues. This is really a post for new rebels and cops. The older members should know this by now, but i do see to much hate towards each side. And to this is i say grow the fuck up. And to the people who try to train or tell the new boys/gals that one side is bad and one is good, you will be weeded out this is not what we want. This is not a game or a community of 2 sides. Out of rp we are one...... so why does it feel like 2 i ask you? Ye this has always been a issue and yes im sure it always will be, but im going to try my dam best to limit this, as im sure meany of you will help with this. Why now you may ask , well i have heard thing's that do make new people see this as a "you are the bad humans and we are the good" and let me tell you this is not how we work here nor is it ever going to be this way. But remember always think as hard as you can about someones actions from there side before you let it saturate you opinion. And be mature don't let other people tell you who you are,what you think, how you feel. Make your own mind up.

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