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Server wipe


A lot of people are waiting for the server to be wiped, therefor they are not willing to spend time on the server.
Can we please move this wipe forward so that the server repopulates. Else a lot of people, me included, will move to another server.

Pls pls pls pls  :D

A lot of people are waiting for the server to be wiped, therefor they are not willing to spend time on the server.
Can we please move this wipe forward so that the server repopulates. Else a lot of people, me included, will move to another server.

Pls pls pls pls  :D
I'll be honest with you, a wipe is on my mind for a long time. So what i'm going to do is:

- Check when the next force wipe is, more or less;

- If it's at least in 2 weeks, i will wipe it today / tomorrow and completely reconfigure the oxide addons, updating them all to avoid errors spamming the console.

I will do a post about this later if i can.

Yeah I've been thinking this. The server's been dead for a while and I've been wanting to play but thinking 'what's the point when it's dead and everyone's already got huge bases?' so I've been waiting for it.

I'll be honest with you, a wipe is on my mind for a long time. So what i'm going to do is:

- Check when the next force wipe is, more or less;

- If it's at least in 2 weeks, i will wipe it today / tomorrow and completely reconfigure the oxide addons, updating them all to avoid errors spamming the console.

I will do a post about this later if i can.
That would be sweet :)

Yay, this again.

I love how they're not even hiding their reasons for demanding a wipe now. Not cloaking their reasons with "oh the servers lagging" or "the server's losing players" but simply;

 'what's the point when ....everyones already got huge bases?' 
What about everyone then? 

Or just naked threats;

a lot of people, me included, will move to another server.

If this is what you want, go play on an empty server with no established groups, rather than pushing for premature wipes.

I love how they're not even hiding their reasons for demanding a wipe now. Not cloaking their reasons with "oh the servers lagging" or "the server's losing players" but simply;

What about everyone then? 

Or just naked threats;


If this is what you want, go play on an empty server with no established groups, rather than pushing for premature wipe
The reason we're pushing for premature wipes, is because the server IS empty.. it's had about 10 people on consistently for the past week maybe longer, hence why people want it restarting. All this being said, it doesn't fuss be, I don't often play Rust, so you can enjoy your empty server and wait for the regular wipe if you want to be so defensive. I also love how when you quoted me, you missed the part, which is very important, saying the server is dead as of recently. Please, include the entire quote next time! <3

Lots of love, Elakin. ;)   

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Yay, this again.

I love how they're not even hiding their reasons for demanding a wipe now. Not cloaking their reasons with "oh the servers lagging" or "the server's losing players" but simply;

What about everyone then? 

Or just naked threats;


If this is what you want, go play on an empty server with no established groups, rather than pushing for premature wipes.
It's funny how you make assumptions based on absolutely no knowledge whatsoever. 
Me (and my crew) have probably one of the biggest/best bases on the server, so i'd have to start from scratch. However i'm obviously willing to do so, if that means more players on the server. And where exactly am i DEMANDING a wipe, i'm merely asking. 

And naked threats? 
It's the simple truth, i just want to play on a server that actually has players on it. I enjoyed playing on this server before, and therefor want to stay on this server. But it's quite obvious that something has to be done, since everyone stopped playing on this server. 

So i really don't get your need for hostility when i'm just trying to get some life back in the server.

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Yay, this again.

I love how they're not even hiding their reasons for demanding a wipe now. Not cloaking their reasons with "oh the servers lagging" or "the server's losing players" but simply;

What about everyone then? 

Or just naked threats;


If this is what you want, go play on an empty server with no established groups, rather than pushing for premature wipes.
Server has peaks of 50-60 players again, in comparison to the 5 average before the wipe.  :Cake: :D
I'll happily receive that apology any day now  shh
