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Report a Player - Mr.Chee - RDM - (Action Taken 22/02/2017)

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Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Masked player was robbing my house I said put your hands in the air and this guy shot me in the back just shot me. No warning no communication.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Right, firstly you ticked the box on the report to say you tried to resolve this... You have lied...  If you think shouting in game direct chat that 'you are about to be banned'  is a resolution attempt then I think you need to inform yourself of how this community works.  You did not request any form of  resolution or chat on ts and this report is a surprise to us. 

I have two videos firstly clearly showing you giving an execution countdown to my friend completely out of the blue with your weapon drawn which is when I shot you in emergency defense of him, and another of you mouthing off in direct chat and then breaking nlr. 

I will post my videos tomorrow after work (which actually do have audio). In the meantime I would request you consider the way you acted tonight because even if you felt we had rdm'd you (an opinion [which is wrong]), you then broke three fundamental server rules during the occasion in your little rage (a fact I can prove). 

Staff -  please hold this open until I can provide my evidence and counter report  tomorrow evening, regards. 

Edit -  the date on this report is also 20 years wrong ... Shows your lack of attention to the details quite nicely! 

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for this evidence which doesn't exist please upload it due to not existing and i did try and content you with no response you just shot me again. I am looking forward to this "execution" evidence which didn't happen that is what happened in my video nothing else.

I will upload it tomorrow like i just said. You made no attempt to contact us except for mouthing off in rp. This is against the rules. You did not request ts at all. 

You were threatening to kill my group  mate, so much so that he had to raise his hands in panic,  you initiated on him, it is then transferred malice to me and therefore self defense and such makes it not rdm, we could have explained this on ts if  you had asked. 

I will send my videos tomorrow. 

To save the arguing nobody is to comment unless it's evidence for the matter. We will give you chance to provide your side is the story so no worries there, thank you for confirming you will be supplying a video 

Righty-ho, i have looked at and uploaded the video (link following).  

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Video starts from me over watching Wong breaking into the house we knew people had been accessing from our observations. We thought two people who were in there had left. You then see them return and Wong puts his hands up as fast as he could after breaking away from the animation. 

Obviously the situation has escalated very quickly and i ask if i should engage at which point Wong gives the call and so i engage.

--Now at this point i would like to explain that we have been on this server a VERY long time now, and it is once in a blue moon that Mr. Wong will give me an engage order so quickly. After the event he explained to me that Saba had seemed super aggressive and had said put your hands up on your head and started counting down from three. [no direct evidence of this]. We would routinely try to dissolve the aggression in this situation and extend to proper RP but at that split second moment Mr Wong felt that he did not have any time to try to negotiate and to shoot was the safest thing for us given the circumstance. I trust his judgement fully, especially as in Sabas video you hear Wong say 'no no no' as if he was expecting to be shot any second. I would also like to say that Saba did not approach calmly, he came with gun up straight away, putting us on the spot with little option; not an ideal way to start an exchange, and to get shot should be a known consequence of this. Mr Wong speaks in the video after i ask him what had been said which should be noted is probably the best reference for what occurred out of all the evidence provided and claims that Saba's approach to him is technically fail RP.

--As the video continues you see us trying to decide whether to flee or carry on the break in (very busy with police and my gun is loud)! We circle around and see someone come out the house, who is obviously Saba. He must have broken NLR by spawning at his house and then proceeds to start his 'you are gonna be banned' rant which continues over the end of the video (two further rule violations).  

In conclusion;

1) We feel from extensive experience and reflection that we reacted in an appropriate manner given the circumstance and the aggression we faced, i acted in self defence on behalf of Wong, who genuinley felt he would die otherwise.
2) I refute that Saba's evidence is really probative evidence and in turn makes this report void, in the fact that it has no audio track from you which is critical as the main argument is regarding what you said to Wong.
3) Saba has lied in the report saying that he tried to resolve this, which he did not. (Honestly typing this out is not my most favourite task... we are always on TS to chat if people have problems or need help)!
4) Saba acted childishly and in contravention of the rules 2.8, 3.1, and 5.1[5.3] which are all fundamental to the community. I would formally request the staff consider a counter punishment for Saba based on the evidence i have shown of his conduct in game and his false claim of trying to resolve. 

We will happily chat to you on TS if you have any further issues or even with this case [as is what should have occurred].

City Wok - Mr. Chee - Out

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so i am in the right? yes thank you. also the second person you killed was 0 threat and didn't even speak. 

I stated put you hands up and he did which would have ment i would not have killed him underwise i was in the wrong.

In my video The player and i quote said "okay okay ill put y hands on my head" which is proof of what i said was the truth.

i did try to resolve this by mobile in game with no response.


admin do what you will.

This is my final reply apart from to staff if required because honestly i'm a bit bored of the tone you are taking and how much of a struggle it is to understand your text. 

-We had been watching the house for a good 15 mins, you two had been together for the duration, in and out the house, he was a threat by association and his proximity, if he has an issue he can talk to us too but i stand by my actions. 

-We did not know you wouldn't kill him, all we know is that you were threatening his life with a gun. Yes he did put his hands up, but you removed his liberty at gun point whilst doing so, you must face the consequences of how you approached the situation.

-It is only proof by deduction, and not directly of what you said in the event (see above). 

-I dont recall any mobile messages from you, regardless - that is what OOC chat is for, not the mobile which is an RP platform. You could have loaded TS and found us on there too, you didn't try very hard, we are easy to find!

The staff will do what they see fairest, please dont be so patronising to me and them.

Firstly video's must contain volume @sabawhite10 however there is enough on here with the addition of Mr.Chee's video to go on. 

Right then after reviewing both video's provided this is in fact RDM, you shot the guy without any form of initiation, all your friend needed to say is to tell him that he had people in the area and to back off else he would have been shot, instead of that you shot him without initiation. Sadly for you, you did get told to shoot however it is your responsibility as the shooter to know when and when not shoot.  Therefore you will be banned for RDM.

748cd817e5f93c5ae2917e6c177a8552 [SIZE=11.9px](BattlEye GUID[/SIZE]

76561198007269330 [SIZE=11.9px](Steam ID[/SIZE]

Onto Saba you decided to run up to them, after you respawned back at the house and break RP by saying "you shot me onsight your going to get banned" which is also a rule break as you broke RP and also threatened to get someone banned. Therefore you will also get banned for Fail RP.

85f71137f11ea40170773cb0d16053ec [SIZE=11.9px](BattlEye GUID[/SIZE]

76561198190812287 [SIZE=11.9px](Steam ID[/SIZE]

Both Players banned.

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