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April Newsletter!

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West Midlands, UK

Hello Altisians,
   Welcome to the April Newsletter, this is where we bring you the latest information, news and Gossip from the ALUK Administration Management, to the Hobo’s on Kavala Square.


As many of you have read, the UNMC is finally making it’s return to the island. They’ve been given the keys to their house, and are currently planning and plotting their insurgency into the island.
Reports have come in they’ve already travelled around the island quietly planting seeds of recruitment. Exciting times, and hopefully no more passwords posted publically….

To read more head to:

Another congratulation to Adster, Blaze & Khandamir.

New Developers!

A few weeks ago, we opened up applications to join the development team.
So far we’ve received over 25 applications to join our team, and whilst a lot of talent has been brought to the table, we have to find people that fit the areas we need as well as display the skills and knowledge we require.

We seek the best and aim very high, and are proud to announce our latest developers;

Joseph Tadworth – WebDev & Skin Designer
Vaffla – WebDev & InfoSec (and big-ego demonstrator)
Neo – Frontend WebDev
Fuel – Map Editor (focused on gang bases).

Those who have submitted applications and that have heard nothing back, please sit tight, these are looked into very carefully, so ensure plenty of examples are present!

Are you interested in being a developer? Check this post out;

Support Team Applications

What a week it has been, Dev apps, UNMC Command apps, and then to Support Team Apps.

Here’s some useful (or useless…. #perspective) Statistics;

Total Applications: 76
Number of troll apps: 3
Average age across all apps: 19
Respect to the person that stated they were 18.5 years old… almost 19!
7 people stated their English speaking abilities are not very good….
5 people mentioned they are “laid back” .... Good to know….
The word Respect was mentioned 22 times... #Respect!

Now onto the more useful information....
Congratulations to: 
•    aTa
•    Busterguy
•    Kral
•    Mr. Rabbit
•    Graham
•    Archie
•    Alan Brenan

, Fuel and Ram proudly welcome all the above to level 1 of the support team!
Once again, Congratulations to all!

News Letters

Many of you have noticed there hasn’t been a newsletter since February and December before that.
As of this month, we will be striving to deliver up-to-date newsletters in the first week of every month. Some may be delayed if we’re working up to a big release or update, however we’ll keep you all up-to-date in that newsletter.
I’m also looking into a new format, so potentially coming soon expect more awesome looking news-letters and perhaps a video version! We’ll see, and no promises on this.

Changes to “Dispute a ban”

Prior to now, if a player had been banned before, they were permanently banned, with a chance to appeal 6 months later...
As of today (as of this post) If you have been banned more than 3 months prior, it does not mean your ban will be automatically denied. 
Going forward we’ll be looking at bans in a new way, this is due to people that made mistakes on their first day being totally removed from the community for breaking a rule a year later...

This doesn’t mean that you can now break a rule every 3 months, previous bans will be looked at, so if you’re banned for VDMing people intentionally, and do it again 3 months later, chances are you’ll be on the next ship off the island. 

So in simple, been banned before and just got banned? You don’t need to write a 400 page leaving post, but make a nice, honest, accurate unban appeal instead.

That’s it for this month, we’re really busy working on ALUK and the upcoming framework!
Coming soon we’ll be opening for screenshot submissions to be featured in upcoming newsletters, but more about that later!

Remember, have fun, take care and drive safe....... unlike Whoisdan..

Congratulations to all of the new Member Support, can you all please contact Ram, or myself for further details.

lots of love

Well done to all fellow Support team members. All of you definitely deserved it and I'm glad I've made the cut. It'll be swell working with you all.

Congratz to all and Thanks for the chance ;)

Congratz to all who got member support! If you didn't make it this time, don't be disheartened - apply next time!

Thank you all! I will do my best to fulfill my task as a member of Support!

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