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Killing NHS Members in the Red Zone

When would you consider killing a NHS Medic in the Red Zone?

  • Whenever I get the opportunity.

    Votes: 11 7.9%
  • Only when he is ignoring my orders, such as DNR's or refusing to help me.

    Votes: 59 42.4%
  • Never as they are here to help.

    Votes: 69 49.6%

  • Total voters
I'm going to use my thousandth post for this: feel special @CMO Joel Denning!

Giving the NHS a brightly coloured uniform would be wonderful for entering the Red Zone. Personally, I don't think they should enter at all due to the massive danger of the area; the risk of not getting revived should also be a major factor of the Red Zone.

That being said, there is an issue with special uniforms: HELMETS CANNOT BE SKINNED! Seeing as how a brightly coloured helmet it usually the main way of easily identifying people, you can see how this throws a spanner in the works! So, if you're dead set on having a nice uniform, try to find a unique looking helmet that is nice and bright coloured.

Like I said before, I don't agree with the medics going into the RZ. I'm not overly fond of the RZ anyway, for many reasons, but entering the RZ should come with the warning that you won't be revived by NHS paramedics if you enter this area. I thought I'd just throw in the graphics input. 

I honestly think that anyone in the NHS should have the option to go in the red zone. I you wan't too take the risk of helping people bleeding out in the red zone you should.

If you think of real life where citizens get shot in cross fire all the time. I mean medics every day take the risk too save the lives of people.

Bright glaring uniform like the old RTU banana uniform, NHS Strider in HIGH visibility green, if you it was possible to change their flashing lights to green that'd be handy.

Then the individual medic (maybe of a certain rank or higher) can make the decision themselves to render aid in the red-zone. Strider should protect them somewhat from small-arms fire and it should be quite clear it's a medic.

That way you can capture the medic and have them revive your comrades at gunpoint under pain of death (because why not RP them into being your slave-doctor?) but their vehicles remain off-limits to theft but you can always disable it to try and prevent said slave-doctor escaping. 

Or, allow only air-ambulances to enter the redzone. The NHS orca is pretty distinctive, everyone knows what it looks like and if it's not welcomed in the area, then tracer-warn it away. No stealing the NHS Orca, and unless they dont heed multiple tracer warnings, no shooting them down.

Thanks to all of you who have shared your ideas and opinions on this topic, keep them coming and to all of you who haven't shared you opinions or ideas feel free to do so. All ideas will be looked at by the CMO's.

And to the seven of you who have voted for the first option on the poll:


Hello guys.

So after reading some of the replys giving by peole i wanted to share my thoughts about the 'killing medics'

Some of you might remember a old post of myne " #MedicRespect "

In that post i explained how hard it could be to be a medic. Now with the come of redzone its a bit harder as medics want to help people bad they also need to keep there own safety secure at all times.

Flying or driving in to a war zone is stupid if you ask me. 

If a player gets killed in the redzone the shooter claimes him dead. I dont believe the redzone is build for medics to come in and revive people. This becouse of people then need to put DNR on that person every time they shoot someone.

The server rules states that every medic entering the Redzone is allowed to be killed. 

With this in mind and with the thoughts i just shared its wise to not enter the redzone if your a medic. 

To all the players entering the Redzone a small word of advice...

"You are entering a War Zone, Enter at your Own risk. " 

I have respect for medics and for what they do. Bad if a medic ignores my warning shots and decided to revive a civ that i have killed for my safety the colleges of the medic will receive another patient to help.

#MedicRespect. ( Please dont enter redzone medics.. )

Thanks to all of you who have shared your ideas and opinions on this topic, keep them coming and to all of you who haven't shared you opinions or ideas feel free to do so. All ideas will be looked at by the CMO's.

And to the seven of you who have voted for the first option on the poll:

That's my meme!

I made it!

Medics SHOULD be allowed to enter red-zone (Above certain ranks, similar to how police don't allow blueberries in) as there is still a populace there. People live their lives in warzones, and should still receive at least some sort of medical attention. Obviously if there's an active gunfight medics should be taking cover and doing their best to stay alive, rather than running around reviving people!

If all other methods of warning fail (Examples posted within the thread, such as shooting tracers at helis, shooting at/around vehicles, shooting at/around medics and by word of mouth with clear orders), and their actions compromise your own security, they should be allowed to die.

Perhaps having a designated "field hospital" type thing within the redzone might be OK. A small save-haven that injured people can attempt to get to in order to receive medical attention. This, combined with some special gear for medics, might make them look a little bit more suitable for the area.

Edit: It should be noted though that medics within the redzone will hear gunfire regularly, so use common sense when deciding whether or not the current situation is active, and that the shooting might just be a part of another fight.

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It is a Geneva war crime to knowingly engage against an unarmed individual clearly bearing insignia. (Caduceus)

As such, organized groups should condemn the engaging of these personnel under fear of being labeled as terrorists and engaged as such.

Medics are not armed personnel and they should be treated as such - they are of no threat to any individual and there are many other options than killing them. However, NHS are not trained combat medics and as such, should not be openly given authorization to enter an active warzone. If possible, it could be looked into that a new specialization is brought into the NHS specifically for this role. By all RP standards, they would not be NHS agents but in fact government-supported medical specialists trained in combat medicine.

brb i'll write up a suggestions document.

tl;dr -

no they should not be "allowed" in,
no they should not be punished severely,
yes they can be killed but its' really REALLY bad to do and people really shouldn't do it,
make new rank/specialization for combat medicine (see suggestion document)

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Not going to say too much here as I haven't had much of a chance to play recently so don't even know how bad things are for medics in red zone... but a lot of these suggestions regarding uniforms / vehicles open up the opportunity for the tactical response branch to be started. If you can get the new stuff implemented and that's what NHS command wants at least... I know it's what we wanted previously.

Specific training and equipment allowing you to stay at your safest in a dangerous location, still allowing you to do your jobs by extracting injured people back to a hospital / clinic.

Personally, I'd love to see the branch implemented, and the ingame equipment was all we were waiting for ;) And actually, seeing that implemented might be what brings me back to the NHS at some point, new stuff is fun :p

- Marc
