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Report a Player - Atek - Other (Action Taken)

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PC Xkan [AT533]

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Date of the incident


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Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

So it all starts when we show up to some other officers pulling over Atek and they've tazed and restrained him by the time we show up so our initial idea is that he's been hostile or has resisted arrest. during the detaining some shade gets thrown back and forward and he calls an officer "Corrupt" and basically over all calls him a bad cop, I jump to his defence where I inappropriately say "Coming from the one who got kicked out of the police" as Atek had earlier been removed from the police force. this was a bit of a cheap shot and I did instantly regret and I apologised, I felt like I was just defending a friend and I do deeply apologise, it was a low blow. I did say sorry and it came out of my mouth fast, I haven't had the best of experiences with Atek but I treat every person like every other.

So fast forward a bit where the video starts (I only record the last 5 minutes on shadowplay), we put him in our car as he wants to explain the situation while we drive him back to PD, during that Atek explains he tazed by a friend and it was bit of fun gone wrong which lead to him getting arrested, we arrived late so we didn't understand that so we agreed to letting him go, I apologised and he mentions me bringing up the whole him getting kicked out of the police which he was obviously upset about, that's where I tried to apologise and tried to explain that I was only trying to defend an fellow officer who's name he had been metagaming in the first place. he then starts flipping out about reporting me to a superior and I was fine with it, what I said was wrong and it was a complete lowblow and it came out of my mouth fast. But he then restrain glitches out of the vehicle, and starts swearing violently at me saying alot of mean things and so on. It felt so over the top I didn't see it having any correlation to roleplay and therefor I didn't find it to be swearing and insulting in roleplay.

I could not resolve this with Atek as he's still banned on teamspeak and the fact that he's broke multiple rules over a very short period I feel like he's been given enough warnings, He was caught RDM'ing in bluezone which he was forgiven for, he's been caught baiting multiple times, he was caught restrain glitching recently too trying to kill the officers who were restraining him. Just an hour before this we caught him with his pistol drawn in the greenzone and then proceeds to kinda metagame'd saying "I'm out of the greenzone now" when we ask him what a greenzone is, he replied "You must be fucking blind" At this point I don't feel like he's learning at all he's been given more than enough chances in my eyes and I'll now leave it to staff to decide what to do with him.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Can u provide evidence for any of the statements you are making up? When was i caught baiting? never heard of that. I never said "you must be fuicking blind" i said you should get your eyes checked in a polite way, i was never caught RDMing in a bluezone, i never said i will "Report you to your superior" i said im gonna speak with your superior, please bare in mind that the language i used was very much appropriate after being detained and having my car with stuff in it impounded because in their words im acting violent and suspicious, this was a joke until u came, (it wasnt funny but i went along with it cuz i knew montie would be cracking up) at which point you escalated the situation by saying "coming from the one who got kicked from the police" this was the third time u have said it to me in about a week/2weeks and you wont leave me alone about it, i know i shouldnt have gotten out of the car while restrained i thought i was unrestrained for some reason and i will say Sorry now for that, the part about me swearing at you was in rp, if u would have said stop im arresting u for verbal assault i would have stopped obviously, but i never said anything personal and broke nlr like you did. I did break rp in the car but i asked to do so before the recording starts.

You never asked to resolve this with me in messaging system cuz i would have apologised there for it, I dont appreciate you coming on to the forums and spreading false accusations and building me to look like someone who is just a dick to officers when im not. if you dont want verbal assault then dont insult me then say sorry like it makes it ok. also u say that u can only record the last 5mins but the video u provided only is 2:30 long, why did u cut it? to paint me in a bad light

Im sorry i restrain glitched i thought i was unrestrained i forgot to say sorry to you. If you would have asked me about it or passed me a note i would have been very apologetic but coming on the forums and bringing up my past on the server that has NOTHING to do with you is unacceptable and thats why i acted aggresive

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Can u provide evidence for any of the statements you are making up? , I never said "you must be fuicking blind" i said you should get your eyes checked in a polite way, i was never caught RDMing in a bluezone, i never said i will "Report you to your superior" i said im gonna speak with your superior, please bare in mind that the language i used was very much appropriate after being detained and having my car with stuff in it impounded because in their words im acting violent and suspicious, this was a joke until u came, (it wasnt funny but i went along with it cuz i knew montie would be cracking up) at which point you escalated the situation by saying "coming from the one who got kicked from the police" this was the third time u have said it to me in about a week/2weeks and you wont leave me alone about it, i know i shouldnt have gotten out of the car while restrained i thought i was unrestrained for some reason and i will say Sorry now for that, the part about me swearing at you was in rp, if u would have said stop im arresting u for verbal assault i would have stopped obviously, but i never said anything personal and broke nlr like you did. I did break rp in the car but i asked to do so before the recording starts.

You never asked to resolve this with me in messaging system cuz i would have apologised there for it, I dont appreciate you coming on to the forums and spreading false accusations and building me to look like someone who is just a dick to officers when im not. if you dont want verbal assault then dont insult me then say sorry like it makes it ok. also u say that u can only record the last 5mins but the video u provided only is 2:30 long, why did u cut it? to paint me in a bad light

Im sorry i restrain glitched i thought i was unrestrained i forgot to say sorry to you. 
I unfortunately didn't save the first encounter as I used to playback feature on shadowplay to record for better performance, also I have NEVER prior to today mentioned you getting kicked out of the police. NEVER. The only roleplay i've had with you prior to today is friendly chatting in kavala. As to you RDM'ing in bluezone. at time I was sent a recording by an SPC and said the reason you weren't reported was because Steve and the other officer chose to forgive you. and then you recommended them afterwards here on the forums. I don't recall breaking NLR at any point? I haven't even died a single time within the last few hours coming up till that, only time was shortly before previous restart when SPC chase crashed our car and then revived me afterwards. I cut the recording to exclude the little chit chat before putting you in the car as I'm only reporting you for the verbal abuse. And as for the NLR situation I would very much like you to explain when I ever broke NLR. I'm not here to point anyone in a bad light. I wasn't explained by the officers initially that it was more of a joke arrest, we'd given you a prior warning not to be hostile so we decided we'd take you to PD, you explained in the car that you did nothing wrong and it started as a joke and undestood and agreed to letting you go. you having a go at me did not feel like it was in roleplay and seemed to me and the other officers that you were quite upset. you have called me an "Asshole and a fucking moron" after patrolling with you before. I was told a while ago that you'd been using racial slurs against another PCSO during your time in the police. I'm starting feel like you might have a slight issue with your temper.

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I unfortunately didn't save the first encounter as I used to playback feature on shadowplay to record for better performance, also I have NEVER prior to today mentioned you getting kicked out of the police. NEVER. The only roleplay i've had with you prior to today is friendly chatting in kavala. As to you RDM'ing in bluezone. at time I was sent a recording by an SPC and said the reason you weren't reported was because Steve and the other officer chose to forgive you. and then you recommended them afterwards here on the forums. I don't recall breaking NLR at any point? I haven't even died a single time within the last few hours coming up till that, only time was shortly before previous restart when SPC chase crashed our car and then revived me afterwards. I cut the recording to exclude the little chit chat before putting you in the car as I'm only recording you for the verbal abuse. And as for the NLR situation I would very much like you to explain when I ever broke NLR. I'm not here to point anyone in a bad light. I wasn't explained by the officers initially that it was more of a joke arrest, we'd given you a prior warning not to be hostile so we decided we'd take you to PD, you explained in the car that you did nothing wrong and it started as a joke and undestood and agreed to letting you go. you having a go at me did not feel like it was in roleplay and seemed to me and the other officers that you were quite upset. you have called me an "Asshole and a fucking moron" after patrolling with you before. I was told a while ago that you'd been using racial slurs against another PCSO during your time in the police. I'm starting feel like you might have a slight issue with your temper.
Now again, trying to say that i recommended them because they didnt report, they didnt report because they had just looked me in a little shed for half an hour for a joke and it was very funny but they had broken rules by doing this so i broke a rule to shoot them in the bluezooe, it wasnt a random rdm in the bluezone it was me asteve and montie having a laugh. (but thats a whole other story) i have known Steve and Montie for a while and they are good cops and have helped me out thats why i recommended them.

You have mentioned me being kicked alongside other cops, u specifically 3 times.

You broke nlr and rp by saying i got kicked out of police this was 2 weeks ago and u would have died since then, since me getting kicked from police isnt ingame it isnt something u can rp in my opinion, but hay ho.

You also arrested me an hour before for shooting my pistol which u said something about being next to the shops and i said, "im out of the greenzone" its on my map in game, its a green hatching on the map im allowed to talk about what i see on my map anyway you then review the recording, and found that i infact DIDNT shoot my gun, you saw my name and thought oh lets fuck with Atek and arrested me i assume, also how did u have the footage then but not now? u said u dont have the footage from our previous encounter but u said when arresting me that U was looking back on the go pro footage to see if i shot or not, that was another false arrest.

I never patrolled with you. I avoided you after you gave me orders to lethal someone who was already restrained if they try to run or do anything.

Of course im upset, constant almost bullying because i got kicked out of police will do that to someone and give them a bad temper, 

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Now again, trying to say that i recommended them because they didnt report, they didnt report because they had just looked me in a little shed for half an hour for a joke and it was very funny but they had broken rules by doing this so i broke a rule to shoot them in the bluezooe, it wasnt a random rdm in the bluezone it was me asteve and montie having a laugh. (but thats a whole other story) i have known Steve and Montie for a while and they are good cops and have helped me out thats why i recommended them.

You have  mentioned it alongside other cops, u specifically 3 times.

You broke nlr and rp by saying i got kicked out of police this was 2 weeks ago and u would have died since then, since me getting kicked from police isnt ingame it isnt something u can rp in my opinion, but hay ho.

You also arrested me an hour before for shooting my pistol which u then review the recording, and found that i infact DIDNT shoot my gun, you saw my name though oh lets fuck with atek and arrested me, so how did u have the footage then but not now? u said u dont have the footage from our previous encounter but u said when arresting me that U was looking back on the go pro footage, that was another false arrest.

I never patrolled with you. Stop making stuff up i purpousley avoided you after you gave me orders to lethal someone who was already restrained if they try to run.

Of course im upset, constant almost bullying because i got kicked out of police will do that to someone and give them a bad temper, 
hi mate i do not think it was *bullying*  personally in anyway what so ever u have to remember that it was at approx 5am , there were no other if u like wanted criminals on the server and when we stopped u .. u suggested that it was some sort of glitch and u hadn't infact had a murder / manslaughter. I just want to quickly point out that we were not they're just targeting you .You are trying to play off  the ohh poor me card and u think that all we do is try to make your day sh*t when in theory we were just looking for some role play, ive never had any previous dealings with you so i do not personally have any grudge , i was just kinda dissapointed that you said we were just trying to basically wind you up... Hope there are no punishments leading from this because apart from flipping out a little u seem an ok guy !.

Now again, trying to say that i recommended them because they didnt report, they didnt report because they had just looked me in a little shed for half an hour for a joke and it was very funny but they had broken rules by doing this so i broke a rule to shoot them in the bluezooe, it wasnt a random rdm in the bluezone it was me asteve and montie having a laugh. (but thats a whole other story) i have known Steve and Montie for a while and they are good cops and have helped me out thats why i recommended them.

You have  mentioned it alongside other cops, u specifically 3 times.

You broke nlr and rp by saying i got kicked out of police this was 2 weeks ago and u would have died since then, since me getting kicked from police isnt ingame it isnt something u can rp in my opinion, but hay ho.

You also arrested me an hour before for shooting my pistol which u then review the recording, and found that i infact DIDNT shoot my gun, you saw my name though oh lets fuck with atek and arrested me, so how did u have the footage then but not now? u said u dont have the footage from our previous encounter but u said when arresting me that U was looking back on the go pro footage, that was another false arrest.

I never patrolled with you. Stop making stuff up i purpousley avoided you after you gave me orders to lethal someone who was already restrained if they try to run.

Of course im upset, constant almost bullying because i got kicked out of police will do that to someone and give them a bad temper, 
After finding out that you did NOT shoot your pistol and it was infact the police constable trying to taze you (We both thought you'd fired) I went back to look at the recording and my shadowplay didn't catch it, we decided to let you go after and Steve also said that he does believe we might have been mistaken with you, so we spoke to you for a bit, we had given you a warning to keep the gun away, we let you go afterwards. you broke RP with RyanK and I jumped to his defence. If you think I broke NLR by mentioning you getting kicked out of the police then you're just being silly, If I was to create a complete new life everytime it wouldn't be fun, when you start a new life, you're not meant to remember past events so you don't go back to your scene of death or try to kill people in revenge. Not by me remembering something that happened 2 weeks ago, That means i'd have to great everysingle one of my fellow officers as if it was my first time speaking to them EVERYTIME I die. that's not breaking NLR sorry to break it to you. the false arrest wasn't false as mentioend, even if you didn't shoot, we caught you with a weapon out, gave you a warning to keep it away, you then brought it out as soon as we hopped in our car, this is when  you aim into the air and steve attempts to taze you, he misses the first shot which made me thing it was you shooting into the air, he then hits you with the second one and you refuse to show us paperwork that you have a firearms license and we therefor confiscate the pistol and RELEASE you. You did patrol with me as mentioned and I never asked you to "Lethal someone if they tried running" I asked you to use the lethal mag if he attempted to kill us with the rifle as he'd just shot me with the pistol after unrestraining him. the other PCSO caught the message and DID not shoot him with lethals. I had my tazer out to stop the guy if he ran, the lethals was if he tried to kill us again. it was a badly handled situation. regardless of that we were on a patrol together during that, I did my punishment for the situation and accepted responsibility shifting any possible blame from you. you can feel free to ask my superiors about that. And Again, I didn't constantly bully you for you getting kicked out, I never mentioned it as far as I can remember prior till the situation where you insulted one of my fellow officers. if you felt targeted you shouldn't take it out on me. if you think "I was out to get you" because I arrested you once for having a firearm out in city limits and I gave you a prior warning then you're wrong. Atek I'm not going to lie, I'm sick of your shit you've had 5 times more chances than most people get. I felt what you did and say was unacceptable. I've never treated you badly for being you, I had a good tone when interacting with you even when you were behaving aggressively. you have to understand something must be wrong if we see you get into trouble and people already know you for someone who causes trouble. the rules here are VERY strict and I've broke rules before, I've been punished for it too. I think the staff should be left to decide what to do with you. 

After finding out that you did NOT shoot your pistol and it was infact the police constable trying to taze you (We both thought you'd fired) I went back to look at the recording and my shadowplay didn't catch it, we decided to let you go after and Steve also said that he does believe we might have been mistaken with you, so we spoke to you for a bit, we had given you a warning to keep the gun away, we let you go afterwards. you broke RP with RyanK and I jumped to his defence. If you think I broke NLR by mentioning you getting kicked out of the police then you're just being silly, If I was to create a complete new life everytime it wouldn't be fun, when you start a new life, you're not meant to remember past events so you don't go back to your scene of death or try to kill people in revenge. Not by me remembering something that happened 2 weeks ago, That means i'd have to great everysingle one of my fellow officers as if it was my first time speaking to them EVERYTIME I die. that's not breaking NLR sorry to break it to you. the false arrest wasn't false as mentioend, even if you didn't shoot, we caught you with a weapon out, gave you a warning to keep it away, you then brought it out as soon as we hopped in our car, this is when  you aim into the air and steve attempts to taze you, he misses the first shot which made me thing it was you shooting into the air, he then hits you with the second one and you refuse to show us paperwork that you have a firearms license and we therefor confiscate the pistol and RELEASE you. You did patrol with me as mentioned and I never asked you to "Lethal someone if they tried running" I asked you to use the lethal mag if he attempted to kill us with the rifle as he'd just shot me with the pistol after unrestraining him. the other PCSO caught the message and DID not shoot him with lethals. I had my tazer out to stop the guy if he ran, the lethals was if he tried to kill us again. it was a badly handled situation. regardless of that we were on a patrol together during that, I did my punishment for the situation and accepted responsibility shifting any possible blame from you. you can feel free to ask my superiors about that. And Again, I didn't constantly bully you for you getting kicked out, I never mentioned it as far as I can remember prior till the situation where you insulted one of my fellow officers. if you felt targeted you shouldn't take it out on me. if you think "I was out to get you" because I arrested you once for having a firearm out in city limits and I gave you a prior warning then you're wrong. Atek I'm not going to lie, I'm sick of your shit you've had 5 times more chances than most people get. I felt what you did and say was unacceptable. I've never treated you badly for being you, I had a good tone when interacting with you even when you were behaving aggressively. you have to understand something must be wrong if we see you get into trouble and people already know you for someone who causes trouble. the rules here are VERY strict and I've broke rules before, I've been punished for it too. I think the staff should be left to decide what to do with you. 
I have had 5 times more chances than anyone gets, do u think all the admins love me or something, if i was "known" for causing trouble id be out of here in a flash, There is a lot wrong with waht i have quoted above but picking it apart and putting up counter arguments would be time consuming and to be honest a waste of time, i have apologised for the restrain glitched and it is a mistake made by everyone at times, the verbal assault was in RP regardless if you felt it wasnt, it was. You should know better to make snide comments "Hes a troll" "coming from the one who got kicked" "I was a good cop" - You - "Hardly" "i heard about this atek guy that no one likes him" lying and making false accusations OF COURSE ILL CALL YOU "mean" WORDS FOR THAT.

1st: You broke RP and NLR and needlessly insulted me by saying about me getting kicked.

2nd: you lied and said u didnt have evidence from the first encounter when u said previously you did

3rd: you lied about me saying i broke rp, i did not and would like to know where you think i did

4th you didnt try to resolve the situation with me despite having the opportunity to do so

5th you said i used racial slurs against a pcso when in actual fact i was referencing a rap group and PCSO LEEJAY thought that using the first word of the group NWA (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N.W.A) was racist, this has already been dealt with and again is none of your buiz.

hi mate i do not think it was *bullying*  personally in anyway what so ever u have to remember that it was at approx 5am , there were no other if u like wanted criminals on the server and when we stopped u .. u suggested that it was some sort of glitch and u hadn't infact had a murder / manslaughter. I just want to quickly point out that we were not they're just targeting you .You are trying to play off  the ohh poor me card and u think that all we do is try to make your day sh*t when in theory we were just looking for some role play, ive never had any previous dealings with you so i do not personally have any grudge , i was just kinda dissapointed that you said we were just trying to basically wind you up... Hope there are no punishments leading from this because apart from flipping out a little u seem an ok guy !.
Thank you, unfortunately u dont know the whole story but from my perspective it does feel like targeting, im not feeling sorry for myself, but you cannot blame me for calling someone names after throwing around this:

Atek said:
"Hes a troll" "coming from the one who got kicked" "I was a good cop" - You - "Hardly" "i heard about this atek guy that no one likes him"
Im currently rendering a video of the whole situation

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I have had 5 times more chances than anyone gets, do u think all the admins love me or something, if i was "known" for causing trouble id be out of here in a flash, There is a lot wrong with waht i have quoted above but picking it apart and putting up counter arguments would be time consuming and to be honest a waste of time, i have apologised for the restrain glitched and it is a mistake made by everyone at times, the verbal assault was in RP regardless if you felt it wasnt, it was. You should know better to make snide comments "Hes a troll" "coming from the one who got kicked" "I was a good cop" - You - "Hardly" "i heard about this atek guy that no one likes him" lying and making false accusations OF COURSE ILL CALL YOU "mean" WORDS FOR THAT.

1st: You broke RP and NLR and needlessly insulted me by saying about me getting kicked.

2nd: you lied and said u didnt have evidence from the first encounter when u said previously you did

3rd: you lied about me saying i broke rp, i did not and would like to know where you think i did

4th you didnt try to resolve the situation with me despite having the opportunity to do so

5th you said i used racial slurs against a pcso when in actual fact i was referencing a rap group and PCSO LEEJAY thought that using the first word of the group NWA (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N.W.A) was racist, this has already been dealt with and again is none of your buiz.
I never said "no one likes you" or "He's a troll"? Don't know where you got that from, you broke RP on an officer and I jumped to his defence, it's not breaking NLR believe it or not. breaking RP was you metagaming the officers name where you basically call him a shit cop and I jumped to his defence. I never consented to you breaking RP, you said you wanted to speak in the car and so we did. I'm not reporting you for that though. The PCSO who you had the incident with was Not PCSO LEEJAY but another officer (not sure he wants his name mentioned) and the incident happened 2 days after our patrol together.  It's past a point of resolving it with you, most people know you already and the reason from what i've heard you haven't been reported is either you being very quick to apologise or people simply can't be bothered. just the other day when you attemped to bait officers by texting them (including me) to a remote location to try to take us hostage, after SGT Rease restrained you you proceeded to shoot while in restraints to attempt to kill him. I don't think admins favour you but ALOT of people know you've broke several rules and you've been given chances with people. as said it felt like you lost your temper and It didn't feel like it was in roleplay. If admins decide that it was in roleplay then the report will be rejected and this will be dropped. But as it stands, you should know the rules by now. I knew you were banned of teamspeak because you texted my patrol partner asking him to speak to admins about you getting unbanned on teamspeak. You're hostile just about everysingle time i've spoke to you, in or out of roleplay. I've tried to find it in my heart to see some good in you and trust me, I'm a forgiving person but this has hit a new limit. I'm sorry Atek, If the admins decide what you did was okay then so be it, If they don't I do hope you manage to get unbanned and come back with a better attitude and hopefully you would have understood all the rules by then, I think you could honestly offer some really good roleplay if you just tried to open up to people more and open with more friendly roleplay, Not everyone is out to get you, as said after the situation I released you. I didn't arrest you for the insults, I did in no way feel you said any of that in RP and therefor I made the report. 

I never said "no one likes you" or "He's a troll"? Don't know where you got that from, you broke RP on an officer and I jumped to his defence, it's not breaking NLR believe it or not. breaking RP was you metagaming the officers name where you basically call him a shit cop and I jumped to his defence. I never consented to you breaking RP, you said you wanted to speak in the car and so we did. I'm not reporting you for that though. The PCSO who you had the incident with was Not PCSO LEEJAY but another officer (not sure he wants his name mentioned) and the incident happened 2 days after our patrol together.  It's past a point of resolving it with you, most people know you already and the reason from what i've heard you haven't been reported is either you being very quick to apologise or people simply can't be bothered. just the other day when you attemped to bait officers by texting them (including me) to a remote location to try to take us hostage, after SGT Rease restrained you you proceeded to shoot while in restraints to attempt to kill him. I don't think admins favour you but ALOT of people know you've broke several rules and you've been given chances with people. as said it felt like you lost your temper and It didn't feel like it was in roleplay. If admins decide that it was in roleplay then the report will be rejected and this will be dropped. But as it stands, you should know the rules by now. I knew you were banned of teamspeak because you texted my patrol partner asking him to speak to admins about you getting unbanned on teamspeak. You're hostile just about everysingle time i've spoke to you, in or out of roleplay. I've tried to find it in my heart to see some good in you and trust me, I'm a forgiving person but this has hit a new limit. I'm sorry Atek, If the admins decide what you did was okay then so be it, If they don't I do hope you manage to get unbanned and come back with a better attitude and hopefully you would have understood all the rules by then, I think you could honestly offer some really good roleplay if you just tried to open up to people more and open with more friendly roleplay, Not everyone is out to get you, as said after the situation I released you. I didn't arrest you for the insults, I did in no way feel you said any of that in RP and therefor I made the report. 
Why are you playing the authority card, you have equally verbally assaulted me, when i called u "mean words" i insulted ur hat clearly showing it was in rp and not direct at you. when u verbally assualted me u brought up my past, STOP trying to make out like i break rules constantly and i have a reputation for breaking rules when that is simply untrue, i have been given chances but so have other people and it isnt fair for you to second guess if i should be allowed in the community because of that, its not your decision stop acting like it is.

Look in the video that you recorded you can hear your officers saying that stuff that I mentioned

I never baited any officers I was alone robbing a station i was unrestrained they had their guns lowered i tried to take advantage and leave with my gun, how can i shoot if im restrained? also when i asked if i could come out of rp u didnt say no so i took it as a pass, i never messaged anyone in game asking them to ask admins about my unban, i messaged my mate to see if he knew and admins were in ts cuz like you have already let everyone know i was banned

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Why are you playing the authority card, you have equally verbally assaulted me, look in the video that u recorded u can hear ur officers saying that stuff that i mentionedI never baited any officers mate, i was alone robbing a station i was unrestrained they had their guns lowered i tried to take advantage and leave with my gun, how can i shoot if im restrained? also when i asked if i could come out of rp u didnt say no so i took it as a pass, i never messaged anyone in game asking them to ask admins about my unban, i messaged my mate to see if he knew and admins were in ts cuz like you have already let everyone know i was banned
I didn't know untill I was told, also I didn't "Equally" verbally insulted you. I came to the situation you said to an officer by his name "I heard he's the most corrupt cop" etc and I said "That's coming from someone who got kicked out of the police" I did later say sorry for that, When you then tried to put us down because we were breaking the police handbook (Which we were not) It was mentioned again, you proceeded to say you were a good cop and alot of people were speaking, I said "Hardly" and then I realised I was going too far, I dropped it there. I said sorry, We had dealt with you earlier and thought you'd been arrested for being threatning when that wasn't true. when you explained that to us in the car we agreed to release you, I did apologise and I was sorry for that. We didn't confiscate anything of off you, we let you keep your firearm, you were released and you started bad mouthing me. I asked you to calm the language as it did feel like an personal attack. If you think me mentioning you getting kicked out of the police is as bad as you calling me "A fucking dickhead" amongst many other mean words then I'll have to disagree with you, I was wrong to bring it up, I got fairly annoyed due to you insulting a fellow officer, as said I jumped to his defence, I awknowledge my wrongs and I'll gladly take any punishment i'd get for saying that. I don't feel like what you said was in anyway acceptable therefor I made the report.

@Xkan 2 I also felt like it was a personal attack after mutliple people relentlesly give me shit for getting kicked out, then u mad e the "hardly" comment along other things ur officers said, of course im going to dish it back out. also in the video that im about to show u can hear that i never said hes the most corrupt cop, i was joking around with ryan, which im sure he can confirm.

I really feel we could of had this conversation in the messaging system or in teamspeak. you are obligated to try and resolve it before coming to the forums. Why didnt you?

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@Xkan 2 I also felt like it was a personal attack after mutliple people relentlesly give me shit for getting kicked out, then u mad e the "hardly" comment along other things ur officers said, of course im going to dish it back out. also in the video that im about to show u can hear that i never said hes the most corrupt cop, i was joking around with ryan, which im sure he can confirm.
You told me you felt like a Police constable was personally targetting you, in our defence I believe about 15 players were online and you were the only person near Kavala and your car was wanted + we'd just had an incident with you. Look back at everysingle encounter we had and tell me I didn't give you a fair chance. Just for once give me some good RP or don't be so hostile. I didn't fine you, I didn't send you to jail, I didn't confiscate your MX. I let you explain yourself. you explained inside the car that you'd been targetted because it was a friend who initially arrested you and I could tell it was bothering you, I let you go fairly as you had done nothing wrong but the things you said to me were complete unnecessary and it's not the first time you've badly insulted me. I don't consider myself mean or a bully by any means and I'm honestly deeply sorry for mentioning your removal from the police. Even with the aggressive tone and the at times poor RP with the arguments and so on I gave you a chance and in the end you were let go. For the record i've passed you alot of times scanning and seen that your vehicle was wanted but you had done something minor and i've not given chase, Not once have I tried to arrest you besides from the one time you had your gun out after being asked to keep it holstered and even during that situation I actually wanted to just keep going. due to us thinking you'd shot we came back and detained you. but we then let you go afterwards after we found out it was a misunderstanding. keep in mind you're one of the very few people on the server, you're near the most active area and you're a wanted criminal. having 2 encounters with the police in an hour is nothing unusual by any means.

You told me you felt like a Police constable was personally targetting you, in our defence I believe about 15 players were online and you were the only person near Kavala and your car was wanted + we'd just had an incident with you. Look back at everysingle encounter we had and tell me I didn't give you a fair chance. Just for once give me some good RP or don't be so hostile. I didn't fine you, I didn't send you to jail, I didn't confiscate your MX. I let you explain yourself. you explained inside the car that you'd been targetted because it was a friend who initially arrested you and I could tell it was bothering you, I let you go fairly as you had done nothing wrong but the things you said to me were complete unnecessary and it's not the first time you've badly insulted me. I don't consider myself mean or a bully by any means and I'm honestly deeply sorry for mentioning your removal from the police. Even with the aggressive tone and the at times poor RP with the arguments and so on I gave you a chance and in the end you were let go. For the record i've passed you alot of times scanning and seen that your vehicle was wanted but you had done something minor and i've not given chase, Not once have I tried to arrest you besides from the one time you had your gun out after being asked to keep it holstered and even during that situation I actually wanted to just keep going. due to us thinking you'd shot we came back and detained you. but we then let you go afterwards after we found out it was a misunderstanding. keep in mind you're one of the very few people on the server, you're near the most active area and you're a wanted criminal. having 2 encounters with the police in an hour is nothing unusual by any means.
You cant use the amount of players on the server affect ur rp, i applaud you for letting me go but if ur issue is with the insults (which were in rp hence the mention of ur blue hat) dont dish out the comments like "Hardly" and "coming from the one who got kicked out" ive had it alot latley and u were the one who took it to far.

You cant use the amount of players on the server affect ur rp, i applaud you for letting me go but if ur issue is with the insults (which were in rp hence the mention of ur blue hat) dont dish out the comments like "Hardly" and "coming from the one who got kicked out" ive had it alot latley and u were the one who took it to far.
When did I say the amount of players affected my RP? I said it's not unusual for you to get pulled over twice in the span of 45 minutes because you're near kavala and you were wanted, we spoke to you once due to the whole situation about you having a firearm out in city limits, then another patrol arrested you because you were appearantly behaving aggressively and the owner of your vehicle was wanted. I don't see how you'd think we're targeting you. If it was banter with the officer or not when you assaulted him, I jumped to his defence during the situation, I couldn't have known you were appearantly just joking around neither was I told during the situation, look at it from my perpspective, An officer right infront of me gets insulted for being a bad officer (Which I could not tell was a Joke if it was) even worse he's being insulted by someone who was removed from the police force and you start giving us a bunch of shit. Surely you'd realise police officers pulling you over when you're wanted is going to happen, Not like we didn't pull you over twice, and during the situation those phrases came out of my mouth fast, I don't appriciate a fellow officer getting shittalked right infront of me, I honestly don't think i'd be the only person that would have reacted that way, I realized quickly what I said was wrong and I felt like a dick, I apologised to you and when we get in the car I tell you we'll let you go and so on, then you claiming It was the second time I mentioned you getting kicked out (i had never prior to that situation mentioned it) and the reason it was mentioned was due to the fact that from my perspective and surely some of the other officers perpspective you were attacking officers for being bad at their job. Atek we did not target you, i'm sorry for what I said but these small comments came in a hurry during the heat of an argument, this is not the first time you use extremely vulgar language against me, I'm very confident you have an attitude problem. I'm sorry for mentioning you getting kicked out of the police, but when you started giving me a ton of shit in PD I didn't retalliate, I didn't arrest you, I did in no way feel you said any of that in roleplay. I don't get pissed off very easily, I'm sure alot of the people i've patrolled with could testify to that.

Again Atek I deeply apologise for the things I said to you, I shouldn't have mentioned it to you and it was wrong, I hope you realise I've never treated you differently than any other civillian, I'm also sorry if it's been mentioned to you before by other officer's, The police aren't here to bully you, they're here to keep you safe, I felt like you personally attacked an officer and I very quickly without little thought jumped to his defence, after that happened I realised what i'd said and done and I attempted to calm the situation and shift us back into roleplay. What I said came out quick and was during a heated situation, what you said was straight up insulting and downright demeaning which came out after i'd apologised and I'd realised an officer had initially arrested you because you were friends and it escalated badly, If I'd known that prior to you telling me we'd let you go earlier. Atek when I speak to you ingame and interact with you do I ever come off as hostile? I'm friendly, I treat you like anyone else, A good tip to getting out of police detainments is offering good roleplay and not being hostile. when you're being detained. If you treat me nicely, maybe explain you have a hunters licence for your rifle and that your one count of murder happened in selfdefence and your life was in danger, I'd probably have let you off, When you start shittalking officers and tell us to fuck off and go back to our cars, I don't get the assumption that this person is friendly and he wouldn't be a danger to civillians. We did let you off eventually when you told me that you were wrongfully arrested. 

Atek I can't take back what I said but this happened after you badmouthed an officer, It came out quick and I apologised as soon as I could. What you said felt unaccaptable by what I believe to be this communities standards. 


Atek I can't take back what I said but this happened after you badmouthed an officer, It came out quick and I apologised as soon as I could. What you said felt unaccaptable by what I believe to be this communities standards. 

Although what i said may have seemed harsh from your perspective, your comments and the joke arrest for having my binoculars out also felt very personal and out of roleplay, dont dish it out if you cant take it back.

Although what i said may have seemed harsh from your perspective, your comments and the joke arrest for having my binoculars out also felt very personal and out of roleplay, dont dish it out if you cant take it back.
I didn't arrest you for having your binoculars out though did I? When I showed up you were being hostile and i'd been told you'd been posing threatning behaviour to officers. and that statement was further confirmed by your aggressive behaviour towards me and the other officers. I was never told that your arrest was initially a joke and you only had your binocs out. I first found out when you told me on the drive back and I released you after finding out. I never "dished" out, what I said I regret and I apologised, what you said was going over the top. You breaking roleplay and insulting an officer dosn't justify me breaking roleplay and attacking back, It happened extremely quick and it was a quick response, I shifted us back to roleplay and apologised to you, I realised what I said was wrong and sometimes things just slip out, but what you said was on an entirely different level, you're making it sound like I attacked you out of no where when you metagamed an officers name and insulted him and all I did was jump to his defence, mistakes happen, what you did seemed more like childish insults, and it's not the first time you've done it. I'm extremely sorry for mentioning you getting removed from the police but please don't make it look like I attacked you out of nowhere, I jumped to a friends defence and it was a quick response, I almost instantly regret it hence why I apologised, We continued to a roleplay for a bit, we let you explain the situation to us and we agreed to letting you go, then you restrain glitch out of the vehicle and start giving me a ton of shit, if it was a first time thing then i'd let it slip but it's not the first time you hurl abuse at me.

You are reporting me for verbal assault, you feel as though my insults were directed towards you as a person and not the human in game, i have nonthing against you and have seen good rp from you, im entitled to swear at whoever i want in rp and thats exactly what it was, in rp. Sorry you feel like it was an attack on you but ill restate, i had just been insulted and made a fool of by yourself (which yes you apologised for and i accept that) and then you come in and dish it out a bit and i responded, maybe it was over the top but the point still stands that it was in rp, im sorry i restrain glitched but it happens to everyone i thought i was unrestrained and didnt do it with intention.

As I understand it, the person reported above has been banned for a separate affair. That being said, I would have actioned this report due to the reported party receiving multiple prior warnings and it being rather blatant. This will be factored in to your unban appeal, and I strongly suggest studying the rules further before making your unban appeal @Atek

Action Taken.

Atek - Restraint Glitching
Steam ID: 76561198206228352
GUID: 12d0da2a666d6d4d4db206da3e8e1bed

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