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I went to go and do clams in my helicopter and ive tried to pick the clams up and it doesn’t work is it nerfed as I’ve always went to the same island and it’s worked!?

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Yes, "Clam Island" has been fixed and you are no longer able to simply pick up clams from its shore. It was an exploit and was not intended. From now on you need to actually dive down into the water to collect clams.

It's a shame tbh. Clams went from way too good to completely useless. :(
idk about that. The run isn't unworldly long in a RHIB and you can make like 820k. up to 900k with a bergan, and because of the "nerf" its relatively safe to do tbf. 

idk about that. The run isn't unworldly long in a RHIB and you can make like 820k. up to 900k with a bergan, and because of the "nerf" its relatively safe to do tbf. 
And how long does that take? Because right now I can do a uranium run in 40 minutes and get 2.6mil....

And how long does that take? Because right now I can do a uranium run in 40 minutes and get 2.6mil....
Longer i'd imagine, but my point was its got less risk for those strapped for cash. Not everyone has expensive helichoppers. 

Longer i'd imagine, but my point was its got less risk for those strapped for cash. Not everyone has expensive helichoppers. 
Mate, there's a red zone where you sell the pearls so I don't know about less risk. On top of that, I did uranium in a Caesar yesterday and it only took 50 minutes.

Every time I seem to do uranium there's a certain 2 gangs teamed up ready to rob everyone so I get nothing apart from death and money loss :(

Every time I seem to do uranium there's a certain 2 gangs teamed up ready to rob everyone so I get nothing apart from death and money loss :(

It's actually sos/ld
Well we go around and check the entire map, the chance of us spottin you is almost 100%.

so i would say stop complaining join a gang so you have people to help.

i have heard that the Armada are not invite only anymore and are quite easy to get in.

hig gang and decently funded, try apply for them"
