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Rules Feedback

Red zone cop NLR

I think its very unfair that cops can go back to red zones after 15 minutes considering that they can get high end gear for free, could we possibly change it to 30 minutes for cops?
we can do the same? 3 rebel shops to but guns from, cops wont be camping all 3.

dont wanna fight? then dont, just flee.

do wanna fight? then fight and dont complain.

and may i ask what high end gear? we rebels outgun the cops 80% of the time.

so stop buying trg or stop coming up with fake facts.

we can do the same? 3 rebel shops to but guns from, cops wont be camping all 3.

dont wanna fight? then dont, just flee.

do wanna fight? then fight and dont complain.

and may i ask what high end gear? we rebels outgun the cops 80% of the time.

so stop buying trg or stop coming up with fake facts.
Wow straight up fucking ignorant response acting like I give a shit calling me shit pretty much mature response I’ll remember to ignore your stupid responses in the future and won’t bother responding to you.

”fake facts” cop gear is free where’s the fake fact honesty some people 

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Wow straight up fucking ignorant response acting like I give a shit calling me shit pretty much mature response I’ll remember to ignore your stupid responses in the future and won’t bother responding to you.

”fake facts” cop gear is free where’s the fake fact honesty some people 
Calm down kid.

He was saying the free HIGH END gear was fake as it's only one specialised group that actually gets access to the guns any decent rebel has access to

By specialised group I assume you mean AR, and pretty much only AR go into red zones since they only care about fragging 
I believe they go in there to stop the mass flow of weapons as police are on the critical stage. Which from the sounds of it are doing quite well since yer here moaning 

I believe they go in there to stop the mass flow of weapons as police are on the critical stage. Which from the sounds of it are doing quite well since yer here moaning 
Im moaning apparently...explain how suggesting a change in the rules is moaning?

Wow straight up fucking ignorant response acting like I give a shit calling me shit pretty much mature response I’ll remember to ignore your stupid responses in the future and won’t bother responding to you.

”fake facts” cop gear is free where’s the fake fact honesty some people 
Lets keep keep things civil aye? 

Oh I would love to but these guys can’t provide evidence to their claims of me moaning 
Goes for all off you. This is rules feedback section. Keep it civil. 

Goes for all off you. This is rules feedback section. Keep it civil. 
i did all my responses were backed up with actual claims which people will agree on.

Oh I would love to but these guys can’t provide evidence to their claims of me moaning 
you responded in a very aggresive way to my responses i think that more then enough to prove a point.

Wow straight up fucking ignorant response acting like I give a shit calling me shit pretty much mature response I’ll remember to ignore your stupid responses in the future and won’t bother responding to you.

”fake facts” cop gear is free where’s the fake fact honesty some people 
i cant seem to fully understand this one, but at no point did i call you shit. i simply said, dont complain if you choose to fight.

and that we "rebels" always outgun cops, only thing they overmatch us with is numbers most of the times, and if your responses are always this aggresive then i hope you wont bother to respond to me again as i see this as abuse.

Im moaning apparently...explain how suggesting a change in the rules is moaning?
i agree with you here, suggesting a change in rule shouldnt be called moaning but your immature response to criticism is.

now lets get back to the topic, you request that the cops get a 30min nlr timer for redzones. however this is not their fault or responsibilty, once they assault a redzone its just like any other gunfight. when you die and you go back and the cops are killing you again is then your own choice and there for your own mistake.

and police will not engage and lethal combat in redzone unless fired upon, so we come to the same conclusion as it being your decision and therefor your mistake for the having the gunfight in the first place.

and here we will go back to my original post

we can do the same? 3 rebel shops to but guns from, cops wont be camping all 3.

dont wanna fight? then dont, just flee.

do wanna fight? then fight and dont complain.

and may i ask what high end gear? we rebels outgun the cops 80% of the time.

so stop buying trg or stop coming up with fake facts.
if you don't want to fight, then dont. just flee they will have to initiate before firing.

do want to fight? then fight and don't complain about them coming back after nlr is over, since it was your decision to fight them.

now lets get to the gear part, yes AR have high end gear and they gain it for free. but is that really the problem here? they are a whitelisted faction which in roleplay gain their funding and equipment from the government so ifcours their gear come for free.

however when the police are raiding a redzone there will be more then just AR, and the normal units will have mk20/mx. standart gear what more advanced rebels dont use nowadays.

at the end of the day, the rebel economy has been raising so hard that you losing a mx loadout doesn't even bump your bank anymore, and to me this feel like more of a "personal problem" then something that has to be changed server wide.


this is my opinion and not all of this post may be fact, these are my words and if you want to confirm something then simply ask the police command or staff/dev team.

Kind regards 

OG Killersky

Bluezone really needs to change. Police can literally flee into a bluezone after taking shots while arresting a friend of yours. This is just ridiculous.

Bluezone really needs to change. Police can literally flee into a bluezone after taking shots while arresting a friend of yours. This is just ridiculous.
  • true, and there are alot of people complaining about this. either blue zone change or the 6.0.1 rule should change, at this moment the police are actively breaking the 6.0.1 rule since it says any zones and at no point claims that bluezone is an exception.
  • true, and there are alot of people complaining about this. either blue zone change or the 6.0.1 rule should change, at this moment the police are actively breaking the 6.0.1 rule since it says any zones and at no point claims that bluezone is an exception.
Good catch. I've full recording of that situation and they continued to arrest us afterwards. It just saddens me how hungry people are to take guns and stuff nowadays. Yes, I have a gun but that does not mean I am looking to kill everyone I see. The only reason why they went to persuade us is because I got revived. An officer pulled up to my body and immediately wanted to arrest me. Then he just abused the bluezone to avoid this firefight and deny 3 of us being able to rescue my friend. (there was like 15-20 mins) timespace before he found us driving around causing that fight

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You do  know every one can fleet to the bluezone and not only police 
Yes but you do know that only Police can engage in 'zones' green or blue, they can always arrest. The rebels are powerless in these zones. What the lads are saying is that once the police have someone in custody, they would run and hide in a blue zone because they know that rebels are not allowed to do anything there. If a rebel is in a blue zone, the police could just taze him and arrest him and if he or his gang does fight back, they would be breaking rules so it needs to change because right now that rule is working in favour of the police.

But then again, I was sure that it was a police rule that you are not allowed to flee into a blue zone whilst taking shot?

Yes but you do know that only Police can engage in 'zones' green or blue, they can always arrest. The rebels are powerless in these zones. What the lads are saying is that once the police have someone in custody, they would run and hide in a blue zone because they know that rebels are not allowed to do anything there. If a rebel is in a blue zone, the police could just taze him and arrest him and if he or his gang does fight back, they would be breaking rules so it needs to change because right now that rule is working in favour of the police.

But then again, I was sure that it was a police rule that you are not allowed to flee into a blue zone whilst taking shot?
If your friend got taken then take them out under prison transport or break him out of jail. 

If the police can't fleet to safe where are they supose to go for safety ?

And now you bring up they can fleet to a tower or what ever and if they do so you will complain that the police had you in restaint over 40 min becouse of a gun fight that happen outside the tower while you where insite. 

BZ are made safe for police can seek safety and for RP porpuse we can then talk there is to many BZ around the map but that i a diffrent suggestion.

If your friend got taken then take them out under prison transport or break him out of jail. 

If the police can't fleet to safe where are they supose to go for safety ?

And now you bring up they can fleet to a tower or what ever and if they do so you will complain that the police had you in restaint over 40 min becouse of a gun fight that happen outside the tower while you where insite. 

BZ are made safe for police can seek safety and for RP porpuse we can then talk there is to many BZ around the map but that i a diffrent suggestion.
I think you are misunderstanding the problem here but I will do my best to explain.

The lads are saying the police are abusing those zones if you read carefully, they said they had a gunfight and the police whilst getting shot at ran into a bluezone and why does the police have the ability to run into a bluezone whilst in a gun fight. RP and safety? How is that fair on the rebels? Why can police run and hide in zones whilst rebels has to fight till the end? If they ran into the greenzone, there is no doubt he will get banned because hes abusing the zone. I dont know any thing about fleeing into tower or whatever you are talking but the point of the problem is not about the tower or whatever. 

I find it odd that you phrase it as if the police can't RP without the bluezones, I was a police and I am a rebel, I have excellent RP both in and out of the zones if anything I find it more fun outside the zone, its exciting.

Yes but you do know that only Police can engage in 'zones' green or blue, they can always arrest. The rebels are powerless in these zones. What the lads are saying is that once the police have someone in custody, they would run and hide in a blue zone because they know that rebels are not allowed to do anything there. If a rebel is in a blue zone, the police could just taze him and arrest him and if he or his gang does fight back, they would be breaking rules so it needs to change because right now that rule is working in favour of the police.

But then again, I was sure that it was a police rule that you are not allowed to flee into a blue zone whilst taking shot?
I am not sure if you are aware, but technically speaking when an officer detains an individual , depending on the crime, you are meant to bring him back to the PD for processing, at least that is how it works in the real police. Nothing specific is said in the Police Handbook about this I am just basing this on the real police as if you find someone wanted for murder common sense would be to bring him back to the PD for questioning.
