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Rules Feedback

Can being knocked out while having your gun out be considered fail RP? I know as of this moment it's only fail RP if you are pointing the gun at them, but due to the nature of the game it's desyncy as hell so say your making a run from it and youre already 3m from them they can still knock you out, or say you're pointing a gun at them all they need to do is move to your side in a millisecond and knock you out before you've even started moving on the other persons screen.

It's also an excuse to 'eliminate' someone before proper roleplay has even occured, as there is no rule saying that there needs to be high quality RP before knocking someone out it's only before shooting someone that the rule needs to be considered for. For example, people can get away with practically straight away threatening to knock someone out but not shoot them, and as practically no way to defend yourself it just seems like a bit of an exploit. Counter-initiate? Get knocked out. 
Tbh I feel that this is the rebel equivalent of hands up or taser. 

Every time I hear hands up or I'll tase you it makes me cringe. 

I agree, I would love to hear "hands up or ill be directly applying 50.000volts to your rectum!"
I meant the statement in general and what it means is irritating. It's basically hands up or die. The officer is giving me two options, be restrained or be restrained. Sure I don't die, but i'm probably being detained and having all my gear stripped, which is the same as dying but it takes longer and I have to listen to yet another police officer quote the firearms act. 

I meant the statement in general and what it means is irritating. It's basically hands up or die. The officer is giving me two options, be restrained or be restrained. Sure I don't die, but i'm probably being detained and having all my gear stripped, which is the same as dying but it takes longer and I have to listen to yet another police officer quote the firearms act. 
aye the statement is cringey as all hell, but I believe efforts are being made to try and stop it, tho its become a bit what the younglings call these days, a Meme

more annoying however os when I'm robbing a gas station a heli full of cops show up ask me to step out of the store, and once I've done that they just bugger off no roleplay nothing they just leave, another example was last night when the night club was going on, there were police running people over! Including me, I also crashed my car (no medics) and 4 cop cars just drove past not even bothering to get me up so I lost my Emr . It feels like some (not all but SOME) don't want to roleplay. Any ways sorry for the rant

Could we have this rule clarified? it is unclear if you are allowed to use OCC to advertise selling a house, Items, protection services or if it is only allowed for taxi/ARAC. Personally, I believe it should be allowed since it promotes roleplay. 
(3.4) Side (OOC) chat roleplay is forbidden. You must not use side chat to broadcast events that you observe (for example, you may not broadcast "X are going to rob the bank". The exception is advertising your in game business.

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Rule Suggestion: 3.8 You must value your life as you would in real life. If you are completely outnumbered or presented with a life threatening situation you must comply respectively to protect your life. (Or some other form of the same concept)

I feel that it should not be just the case that the value of life rule should only be applied for police. Everyone should have to follow a same sort of rule. For example I have seen on multiple occasions someone being surrounded by rebels to then get out his weapon and begin shooting where he then gets killed. This is completely unrealistic and poor roleplay. Yes this sort of situation can just be classed as "Poor roleplay", however I feel that there should be a specified rule about this subject to make it clearer.

Rule Suggestion: 3.8 You must value your life as you would in real life. If you are completely outnumbered or presented with a life threatening situation you must comply respectively to protect your life. (Or some other form of the same concept)

I feel that it should not be just the case that the value of life rule should only be applied for police. Everyone should have to follow a same sort of rule. For example I have seen on multiple occasions someone being surrounded by rebels to then get out his weapon and begin shooting where he then gets killed. This is completely unrealistic and poor roleplay. Yes this sort of situation can just be classed as "Poor roleplay", however I feel that there should be a specified rule about this subject to make it clearer.
Absolutely needed, kind of falls under the FailRP Rule, but a stand alone rule would be much needed

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[SIZE=medium](8.1) - Licensed Job spawn points[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium](8.2.X) - Taxi Driver Rules [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium](8.3.X) - ARAC Breakdown Rules [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium](8.4.X) - AAN Rules[/SIZE]

I think this rule could be reassessed, especially for the Vrana and Blue "mechanic clothes", me and my friend really like wearing these pieces of clothing and in my opinion they are some of the coolest clothing items to wear but these rules limit when you can wear them, reason it's taken a while for me to even realise this is a rule is because we had no trouble until just then where I found out it was against rules and I think it's rather annoying the best outfits are limited to legal roleplay, we're rebels after all, why wouldn't we wear deceiving clothing etc (no we don't pretend to be ARAC members but even if we did we're rebels???)

[SIZE=medium](8.1) - Licensed Job spawn points[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium](8.2.X) - Taxi Driver Rules [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium](8.3.X) - ARAC Breakdown Rules [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium](8.4.X) - AAN Rules[/SIZE]

I think this rule could be reassessed, especially for the Vrana and Blue "mechanic clothes", me and my friend really like wearing these pieces of clothing and in my opinion they are some of the coolest clothing items to wear but these rules limit when you can wear them, reason it's taken a while for me to even realise this is a rule is because we had no trouble until just then where I found out it was against rules and I think it's rather annoying the best outfits are limited to legal roleplay, we're rebels after all, why wouldn't we wear deceiving clothing etc (no we don't pretend to be ARAC members but even if we did we're rebels???)
If you like these clothes retire from rebel life & become a true hobo again xD

Can we talk about police hostages 🙂 it was changed a while ago because the police were struggling with low numbers (I think) but now there are more than ever! 
I agree, i think a look into this rule could bring about some great roleplay, but still remain within reasonable control.

I agree, i think a look into this rule could bring about some great roleplay, but still remain within reasonable control.
You do know that you qouted something that was written several years ago right?

Ryker's Rule Feedback List

Roleplay Rules
3.8 - Power Gaming - Reducing the quality of roleplay in favor of more power for you person or group is punishable by a ban.
(Reason: Power gamers often make the game less fun for the rest of the playing group for the reason that their characters usually become far more powerful than all other characters in roleplay.)

The Zones
6.3.3 - Once you have entered the Red Zone you are liable to get shot for the next minute (This is to avoid people flying into red zone to scout and then leave thinking they can not be engaged upon)

6.3.4 - If you are loitering around the redzone with a visible gun on your back or upholstered you are liable to be shot. (Link with Common Sense Rule)

Rebel Rules
7.1.8 - It is not permitted to kidnap any unarmed negotiator
7.2.7 - Other rebel organisations can not interfere with the ongoing situation until transport phase.
7.2.8 - Other Rebels Group may not interfere with the RBA Treasury until it is not longer an active gunfight with Police. 

Whitelsited Roles

9.1.10 - Police are not allowed to abuse the whitelisting of other members, such as stealing equipment they should not have access to.

7.1.6 - Does this mean you need to initiate to use Spike Strips? Does this mean you have to initiate after using spike strips? etc. Just some general clarification needed on this one.

Knocking out someone with a Gun Out, some clarification on this one would be much appreciated

Does Threatening to Knock Out someone constitute as a threat to life/Initiation that allows the other party to start shooting?

Are Police allowed to land at Kavala Hospital at the Landing Pad?

There are many rebels out there who are interested in knowing these very strict rules in regards of the Police use of Mar-10s

General Rules
2.13 - Formatting Issue (Has a Grey Shade Highlight)

Metagaming Rules
4.1 Side Chat - Using intelligence gained on side chat to influence actions in game. Punishment is a kick/ban. 
I believe that an individual should be able to advertise something to everyone in roleplay, such as A) Hitman Services B) Kidnapping Services C) Airlift Services D) Run Services, etc.

New Life Rule
5.4 When you are revived/downed:
You may not actively enter or continue any combat situation for the next 15 minutes.
Reduce to 5 Minutes
Add “If it was RDM, VDM etc. the rule is not valid”

Wanted/Bounty prices are persistent over deaths to enable long winded police chases and bounty hunter chases and without this we wouldn’t have police and bounty hunters tracking down the person with them being on the run for weeks/days.

No longer accurate or true

The Zones
6.3.2 - Hostages are not to be taken into the Red zones.
Change to: Hostages may be brought into Red Zones, but high quality roleplay will be required to execute the hostage. 

Rebel Roleplay
7.1.7 - Warning shots must be issued with 3 tracer rounds past the front and rear of the aircraft. Enough time should be given to comply before taking action.

Add some kind of clause that states that if it is obvious that you are involved in a gunfight (IE. Hovering over people to give away positions) you are liable to be shot. 

7.2.1 - There needs to be at least 10 Police officers online, please check this before turning up. The vault is coded so it won’t open if there is less than 10 police online so it will be a waste of your time. 
Change the 10 to 15 due to the new update

Whitelisted Roles
9.1.3 - Rubber bullets and tasers must be used unless lethal force is ordered by the highest ranking officer in that situation. 

Once it is an active gunfight and lethal ammunition has been authorized rubber bullets should not be used, the reason for this is that it is in practice a one shot weapon and the majority of people who use them use Mk20s which have a very fast fire rate and low recoil, basically making Close Quarter Combat very weak, especially when you have 4 PCSOs pushing a tower with Rubbers. The Police already have great numbers, it would not be fair if they get 1 shot weapons along side that.

1) Unarmed means that the individual does not have any weapon on his person, this includes tasers.

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6.3.3 - Once you have entered the Red Zone you are liable to get shot for the next minute (This is to avoid people flying into red zone to scout and then leave thinking they can not be engaged upon)

6.3.4 - If you are loitering around the redzone with a visible gun on your back or upholstered you are liable to be shot. (Link with Common Sense Rule)

7.1.7 - Warning shots must be issued with 3 tracer rounds past the front and rear of the aircraft. Enough time should be given to comply before taking action.

Add some kind of clause that states that if it is obvious that you are involved in a gunfight (IE. Hovering over people to give away positions) you are liable to be shot. 
5.4 When you are revived/downed:
You may not actively enter or continue any combat situation for the next 15 minutes.
Reduce to 5 Minutes
Add “If it was RDM, VDM etc. the rule is not valid”
phatttttttttyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy +1

I'd like to have the taxi rule slightly modified.

Allow rebellious roleplay when performing as a taxi driver.

However this can only be done as long as the roleplay is high and both parties enjoy it, if the other party does not enjoy it then you have to either stop and let him/her out or drive him/her to his/her final destination. (Both parties= driver and customer)

I can see why this wouldn't be changed as some people can/will abuse this, but I can see more fun & positive incidents brought up than negative ones.

(1.9) Providing a false age when applying to join a whitelisted faction in order to circumvent the age limits is punishable by a ban.

Can people not get banned for this? All they want to do is have fun in a whitelisted faction and hasn't harmed anything or anyone.

I'm not saying remove the rule, I'm just saying blacklist the people permantly or add a warning to their battlemetrics profile (or whatever it's called)

it just seems unnecessarily strict for something that is most likely harmless.

(if it ain't harmless then they would be banned for something else)

@Simen I understand your point, however this isn’t a rule that is designed to only be enforced by the factions. This is a server rule and therefore is enforceable by server rules. It’s not solely up to the factions to impose sanctions upon those that falsify their age. It’s us, the staff team.

As stated and as you probably already know, this is for the protection of the RPUK community, the individual, the factions members and the administration. 

(1.9) Providing a false age when applying to join a whitelisted faction in order to circumvent the age limits is punishable by a ban.

Can people not get banned for this? All they want to do is have fun in a whitelisted faction and hasn't harmed anything or anyone.

I'm not saying remove the rule, I'm just saying blacklist the people permantly or add a warning to their battlemetrics profile (or whatever it's called)

it just seems unnecessarily strict for something that is most likely harmless.

(if it ain't harmless then they would be banned for something else)
I suppose it could make the community look bad if young people get involved in the more 'mature' discussions that can take place in the whitelisted faction rooms. But, then again, they'll be subjected to that kind of thing by just playing the server normally. I reluctantly agree with you that instead of a ban, the offender should receive a permanent warning which can be used against them in future reports/unban appeals.  


Again I'm not asking for the rule to be removed, I'm just asking for the punishment to be lighter. Instead of a ban they could receive a permanent warning that just like any warning would not help them if they broke a different rule or tried to appeal a ban.

I just don't see it necessary to have people banned all the time for the most harmless things.

(And again yea, joining a faction while underage is harmless, as the damage they could potentialy do would then get them banned for a different rule, just like any of us above 16)

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