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Umm... Greetings.


That sounds like a you problem, not a me problem.
Lifetime Donator
Placing new road signs.
Well, today I noticed I have never actually formally greeted the community. 

Hello, I’m Alfred. 

I have now been here for just over 18months. I have spent time in the NHS dealing with many RTAs and gun shoot wounds. Even having to cure stupidity on the side of the road. 

I have spent time as a rebel. I very often could be found helping old ladies across the road, randomly giving hobos money and crash landing my heli. 

I moved onto the Altis Police Force where I could often be found taking people hostages, robbing rebels of their pistols and ignoring cries for help from Officers fighting for their lives. 

All of the above managed to get me a job with the Government. I have spent many hours checking people passports to ensure they have the correct visa. I also check to make sure they have not recently visited RDM valley, VDM resort or SKiddie village. If it turned out they had they would swiftly be deported. Plus the issued uniform is great for my figure. 

This has all lead me to somehow find myself at the very top of a very new adventure that some of you may not of heard of, but I will leave that for different news. 

In case you missed the jist of my message. 

Hi 👋🏻 

Kind Regards


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welcome to island please remember to read the rules at www.roleplay.co.uk/rules 😉 

Kind regards

The sarcastic git


Nice actually formally meeting you.Hope you keep on staying on the government post, you are really helping out the citizens.

If you ever want a jury rigged treatment or want somebody that can bearly drive chase you in a persuit


Police Constable / Paramedic TBigSoul

I’d describe you more as a ‘less than aggressive civilian’ 😉
Yoco, thank you for sending in your passport for a visa extension. I see that you have recently visit Mass VDM street. 

Unfortunately, we will not be able to support your visa extension at this time. 


Wait... Who is @Alfred
Sgt? Wait.... What? Changing my mind now 

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hi there sir welcome to the community, read all the rules and try to enjoy your stay

Well, today I noticed I have never actually formally greeted the community. 

Hello, I’m Alfred. 

I have now been here for just over 18months. I have spent time in the NHS dealing with many RTAs and gun shoot wounds. Even having to cure stupidity on the side of the road. 

I have spent time as a rebel. I very often could be found helping old ladies across the road, randomly giving hobos money and crash landing my heli. 

I moved onto the Altis Police Force where I could often be found taking people hostages, robbing rebels of their pistols and ignoring cries for help from Officers fighting for their lives. 

All of the above managed to get me a job with the Government. I have spent many hours checking people passports to ensure they have the correct visa. I also check to make sure they have not recently visited RDM valley, VDM resort or SKiddie village. If it turned out they had they would swiftly be deported. Plus the issued uniform is great for my figure. 

This has all lead me to somehow find myself at the very top of a very new adventure that some of you may not of heard of, but I will leave that for different news. 

In case you missed the jist of my message. 

Hi 👋🏻 

Kind Regards


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Oh, Alfred you stole my Baby Gif 😛 

Hello and Welcome,

PC Dean Molay

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When I edited my topic it just came yup in the bottom of it. It made me laugh so I kept it.
