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Player Owned Business Ideas

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Well-known member
Oxford, United Kingdom
Player Owned Business Ideas

So here are some ideas, I'll go into more detail below:

- Life Invader/Twitter Office

- Stock Brokers

- Estate Agents

- Special Jewelers

- Firearm Manufacturer 

Before I begin to explain, I would like to state that some of these are ideas that @Felix suggested, however I'm going to go into more detail, with some suggestions about locations.

Life Invader/Twitter Office:

So as everyone knows we have twitter in the game, as opposed to Life Invader. So my suggestion would be that a single person can own the Life Invader Office, and who people can pay to have their business advertisements on Twitter. There of course would only be 1 office available to do this, however I think for those who wish to create in game businesses (such as those implemented already or group businesses) this could help get their name out and could create some interesting RP.

Stock Brokers:

This one would work differently, and I have 2 ideas on how this could work. My 1st idea is that you can buy stocks from player owned businesses, the owners of which could sell stock to the Stock Brokers, and then the Stock Broker would sell stocks to other players. My 2nd idea is that Stock Brokers work of NPC businesses, such as the Jewelers or NPC gas stations. And when certain places get used more, or less, the stock price becomes affected and either drops or raises. Personally I think my 1st idea would be the better one and would introduce more RP. This could also be setup at several locations, including the Offices you can use to become a CEO in GTA Online.

Estate Agents:

So I imagine this working similar to the Car Dealerships, however for it to work properly it would mean that players would HAVE to purchase homes through Estate Agents. So my idea would be that the Estate Agent owners would purchase homes, and who would then sell the locations in their store. This could introduce RP as the Estate Agent could take the potential buyer to the locations, give them tours etc. It could also be a means for people being hired by the owners to work as Estate Agents for them. Again I imagine this would happen in the Offices from GTA Online.

Special Jewelers:

So these would be alternatives to the already existing Jewelers in which the owners can buy the Gold, Diamonds and Iron for a price they set, and they can create items using the materials to then sell at the current Jewelers. This could also create RP by the Special Jewelers creating items for regular people to sell at the normal Jewelers. If I'm honest I can't imagine a specific place this would happen at.

Firearm Manufacturer:

So this I had a long think about, and I think I found the perfect way to implement this for the people who want to mainstream create firearms. So I don't have an idea for the people who want to do this on a smaller scale, but I do for large scale manufacturing. Which would be to use the Bunkers found in GTA Online, and use a similar system to this. Except, with a twist. In order to produce firearms, you have to do mining, process and put it into your Bunker. Then similarly to GTA Online, overtime the Bunker will automatically create whichever weapon you selected (Pistols, Shotgun, UZI or a G36). However I do think this should be heavily limited. Such as a truck with 500 Iron can create 10 SNS Pistols, which would take 5 hours to fully create (1 every 30 minutes). And on average they sell for 25k each, which means you can only make 50k an hour to make sure its balanced. Or say 1 UZI takes 100 Iron, and 1 can be created in an 1 hour 30 minutes (since they can sell anywhere from 60-80k by players). And then you can buy upgrades that decrease the time taken by 50% (for a very high price). After they have sold I think they should be able to sell to a player, or to the Blackmarket NPC for 75% of their price (so you could sell the UZI for 30k instead of 40k). So as they could potentially be making potentially up to 160k (by selling to players) every 1 hours 30 minutes with upgrades etc, to make sure its high risk/high reward, I think the Bunkers should be raidable by other players and Police who can they seize/steal all the weapons created and in storage.

I know some of these aren't in great detail, however I hope this gives everyone an idea as to how I think these could work and implemented into the server 

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Why not just add a comment onto Felix's suggestion?

Also Firearms Manufacturing was already stated by stelthlee in dev

Crucial line in what I quoted from the OG post
I am aware i did read your post.

I am asking why raise another suggestion when there is one already about with traction, wouldn't it be better to add onto the already existing one?

(its not a go just a general question)

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I am aware i did read your post.

I am asking why raise another suggestion when there is one already about with traction, wouldn't it be better to add onto the already existing one?

(its not a go just a general question)
Because I Felix had written his post, but not in great detail. So I thought I'd expand upon what he'd written in a new thread, with my own opinions. So I've added how they could work, locations and how they could introduce new RP. Felix's was just "here's some new business ideas" (not saying it was a bad idea). Because Felix to me had thought of the idea, but not the execution, I thought since that was his suggestion, I would create my own. Add a few pieces, take out a few and add in how they could be executed on the server. And tbh, what I had written I thought deserved a new thread to see other peoples ideas or comments about how they think these could work.

As for the Firearm manufacturing, I know @Stealthee has already stated he is working on it, I however thought I could introduce some ideas for him to consider whilst he is creating it. Obviously he hasn't said how it he is working it, so I figured he might be able to take some inspiration from my suggestion, about using existing content in GTA and utilizing it

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