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Prison Time-Rework (round 2) - Serve prison time in person


Active member
Good morning hombres

A topic of conversation which has re-emerged among many of the police around how to best improve the current state of the server regarding police vs. criminals and all the associated problems that are occurring as we speak. 

One suggestion which has come up is how prison operates and how changes to it have the potential to changing police and crim interactions for the better - by making prisoners have to be in person for their crimes. This has been suggested before (credit to ya boi Charles) but several issues were discussed in the thread that I feel could be rectified through a renewed discussion on the topic.

It's no secret, everyone knows that prison means literally nothing to major crim characters in the server. They literally say it themselves - they go frag a cop, get 720 months which they just log off or go on another character for, and then they're right back in the morning doing it all over again. I (and seemingly many others) see this as a core balancing issue and I feel that by making prison sentences much more significant to players (i.e., they have to literally sit in person with them) prison will become something criminals will mostly want to avoid at all costs.

This is a much better solution than the current one referred to as "character bans" by those that receive them as they call it by basically making it so a criminal can't roleplay for a whole week after going to prison because what's the point of logging on? By making prison sentences served in person rather than constantly extending them (1440, 12k, what's next?) you are making shorter prison sentences actually be impactful, but more importantly you are increasing the roleplay that is gained through it by making people roleplay with those around them (other prisoners, G6 etc.) as discussed below.

The pros to this:

MUCH more significant prison roleplay. The current meta is go to prison at the end of the night, go to sleep and that's the end of it. I've always been shocked that the gruppe 6 faction even exists when prisoners don't have to RP with them and it's one of the reasons I really admire the faction, but I feel by instituting this, they will have much greater opportunities to roleplay with prisoners who are actually in the prison. Prisoners will also have greater opportunities to roleplay between themselves and interact in ways they haven't before . I feel like the server has this really cool prison interior but it never gets used like it should and it would be cool to see that such as visitation, cell block searches, prison riots etc.

Criminals actually being scared of going to prison - as above, sentences that ACTUALLY have an impact on a character will change how that character interacts with police and commits crimes.


I think one of the major cons is that the prison could do with some additional content/jobs to keep people occupied when there is no gruppe 6 on. I've never been to prison because my crim character is actually good but if there isn't already: jobs to reduce sentences slightly, chances at finding shivs, more opportunities to interact between prison guards and prisoners etc.

As mentioned in the previous thread, the chance for people to go AFK but that becomes a staff management issue.

Now, to touch on some problems mentioned in the other thread:

Excessive times

Many people encouraged the suggestion but were concerned about having to roleplay for 12 hours in prison, and I get that, I do think that our sentences could be reduced quite a lot as now as sentences were increased to cause an impact on players, but now this would impact them in a different way. Extremely large sentences should only occur as a result of major CID investigations and court cases (on previous servers I played for any sentence above a certain amount a court case HAD to occur, creates more roleplay that way). TL;DR reduce the actual sentence lengths in exchange for making people sit in on them. the whole 50/50 suggestion doesn't make all that much sense when you can just shrink the sentence.

Wanting to go to sleep

Some also mentioned that sometimes you don't have time to RP in prison for an hour or two when you get on - that's fine, just make it so you can disconnect it just doesn't reduce your sentence so you have to prison RP at some solution.

TL:DR make sentences have to be served while online (i.e. timer doesn't go down when logged off/on another character) but reduce sentences and bring in more work to do in the prison.

It would be great +1 even tho my vote doesn't count

Everyones votes count, no matter who you are

one thing i'm concerned about is, people just being AFK?


Everyones votes count, no matter who you are

one thing i'm concerned about is, people just being AFK?
Yeah I was thinking the same like people would just go AFK 

if this was to be implemented surely sentences would have to be lower.


Everyones votes count, no matter who you are

one thing i'm concerned about is, people just being AFK?
they’ll get kicked. simple as

if this was to be implemented surely sentences would have to be lower.
of course they would, lowering the sentences is also apart of the suggestion 

The problem with these suggestions is that it makes people less likely to give up when against the police, such as respawning when shot or attempting to shoot their way out of a situation instead of giving up as their punishment will be more severe. Furthermore, this combined with the repair kit change, making people less likely to bring vehicles to fights therefore making them sometimes unable to run from the police will give them no choice but to fight back effectively worsening the situation that exists between police v crims at the moment.

TL;DR It won't make people less likely to commit crimes but more likely to not give up

But I do agree with this suggestion but I fear it may not achieve what it wants to achieve.

Big +1 from me

Coming from someone who is not in a gang, nor has a police character I feel like nobody truly 'fears' the police, ultimately they know that if they get caught with a gun, stabbing someone, robbing anything alike they will get a relatively short prison sentence that they can clean tables to get rid of majority of the sentence, or simply just log out go on another character and then log back in

Theres no true incentive for people to do crimes smartly, Getting life in prison happens very rarely and normally only occurs to severe cases of things happening, its not occurring enough for people to fear it (this isnt me being in favour of giving people life more)

I've played quite a few A3l servers, and some smaller whitelisted GTA servers that forced you to serve your prison times in game and it really does make people act more smart about how they do things, and force them to fear the police to not being alerted to their activities

But, I do think that a bigger G6 presence (which may come from the prison actually being full due to people spending sentences to get out) along with some more stuff to do inside will help make this a lot better experience

and also a revisit of all the laws etc, to squash down the prison sentences to coincide with the IRL time 

I also believe that the prison times being more severe (due to actually having to be online for them) will reward those that grind away for all those hours doing paperwork/ingame investigations, to get someone behind bars from those CID investigations rather than sending them down for 2k 'months' then just cleaning a few tables, logging off and coming back on in a couple days and being released to do the same things that got them sent away in the first place

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if this was to be implemented surely sentences would have to be lower.
sir it literally says that

The problem with these suggestions is that it makes people less likely to give up when against the police, such as respawning when shot or attempting to shoot their way out of a situation instead of giving up as their punishment will be more severe. Furthermore, this combined with the repair kit change, making people less likely to bring vehicles to fights therefore making them sometimes unable to run from the police will give them no choice but to fight back effectively worsening the situation that exists between police v crims at the moment.

TL;DR It won't make people less likely to commit crimes but more likely to not give up

But I do agree with this suggestion but I fear it may not achieve what it wants to achieve.
look Imma be real I don't agree with the mental gymnastics that are going on here - either way, people shoot. People shoot because they can and won't get punished, and so if people shoot because they actually don't want to go to jail? no great loss. I really don't think this is going to be/is the case, and I really feel it would encourage alot more running and hiding over staying and mass fragging the police with no repercussions. In regards to the respawning, people regularly respawn regardless bc they want to avoid the RP that occurs. A perfect example is the Ballas situation today where like 2 people didn't respawn because they didn't want extended sentences. Further, I feel like this will encourage gangs to take more serious attempts at attacking police convoys on their way to prison due to the risk-reward shifting balance.

From a roleplay stance, I'd much rather be shot because someone is desperate to not go to prison (valid rp reason) versus the current "what are the cops doing here? fuck off cops" *bang bang*

Also I am very much for people not bringing cars to gunfights that shit is aids, run on foot like a real criminal smh

I've played quite a few A3l servers, and some smaller whitelisted GTA servers that forced you to serve your prison times in game and it really does make people act more smart about how they do things, and force them to fear the police to not being alerted to their activities
Same, and that's definitely where the inspiration for this came. It just makes for so much better RP in the long haul in my e x t e n s i v e experience

But, I do think that a bigger G6 presence (which may come from the prison actually being full due to people spending sentences to get out) along with some more stuff to do inside will help make this a lot better experience

I also believe that the prison times being more severe (due to actually having to be online for them) will reward those that grind away for all those hours doing paperwork/ingame investigations, to get someone behind bars from those CID investigations rather than sending them down for 2k 'months' then just cleaning a few tables, logging off and coming back on in a couple days and being released to do the same things that got them sent away in the first place
Hit the nail on the head with both, it would be awesome to see more G6 around as they'll actually have something to do and it absolutely makes police work actually worth it with long investigations and court cases to get someone put away for a significant sentence. One of the big reasons I decided I couldn't be CID here is that you put all this effort into realistic investigations and follow all these rules only to put someone in prison for what, like 720 months? 1440 at best? Like prison means nothing and that means police and police work currently means nothing.

Do it. +1. Don't overthink it all. If people cry that's on them.

Mixture of sentence to be served online vs offline = optimum. However some needs to be done online. 

You can still shorten it cleaning tables etc.

Add in work gangs for prisoners and let g6 escort em. Lock their clothes to prison white and orange until sentence is served to deter escapees. 

@Dimaaaa i like this, but if this is a possibility then surely police will have to shorten sentences? 10k months ect is far to long for someone to be in prison active. especially with the minimal roleplay that is involved in prison, g6 dont just make prison instantly better, some stuff like radios, more activities, and more cooking/searching items added... then yes go ahead +1 

Kiean Weller said:
@Dimaaaa i like this, but if this is a possibility then surely police will have to shorten sentences? 10k months ect is far to long for someone to be in prison active. especially with the minimal roleplay that is involved in prison, g6 dont just make prison instantly better, some stuff like radios, more activities, and more cooking/searching items added... then yes go ahead +1 
when i say radios i mean like some sort of system to play music, i know prison is a punishment but just look at the the irl prisons, maybe even make 2 sections depending on how long your serving or how deep the crime is. could even do something like the longer your in the better the perks.

+1 from me, as someone with a cop and crim I think this can only improve interactions on both sides. 

The extented sentences are born out of the lack of punishment by the normal system, so they HAVE to go, if this would be applied. 

As I already mentioned in the other thread, BIG +1 from me. 

And the amount of RP opportunity for G6 is insane. You even can implement a prison director, that has to solve personal problems, interacts with police etc etc. Just think about the TV series Prison Break. 

I mean one downside of it, and it was actually, when Vagos had Life-sentence in prison last year, they made prison a living hell for everyone else 😂

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+1 (Prison RP can be awesome as well) 

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Well here we are again ay....

If this was implemented last year when suggested we wouldnt even be in the spot where 10k 15k or even 40k sentences are a thing so no. Those sentences would not stand except under very veryyy rare circumstances i would imagine. 

Obviously a plus 1 from me and would love to see this. 

Yes, people will be less likely to surrender to police if they have a lot to lose but the price of being caught would only allow them to do that for so long. Then when they do get caught they might think about the WHY, has this all stemmed from a simple traffic violation? Is it because you skipped a red light? In those cases other gang members might say "fuck that i aint going jail for hours because you went through a red light and evaded police" 

It would shift the way criminals have to ask and it would also be a big task on police command to monitor if officers are absuing it. 

But im all for it. Get people in jail, get people paying the price for being a loonatic on a roleplay server and then sort things for people to do in prison. 

@Kiean Weller Please actually read the suggestion xD

He has stated in the suggestion and in the replies that shortening max sentences is apart of the suggestion. No one is going to be forced to roleplay 100+ hours back to back in prison lmao
