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Unban Appeal - FatherAugustus - GTA RP

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Los Santos NHS
Los Santos NHS
Unban Appeal for FatherAugustus 

In-game Name: Father Augustus

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198151627344

Ban ID: !!rpuk10099!!

Reason given for your ban: C1.7

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned due to a picture posted on tweedle around 30mins to an hour after the queens memorial thingy at legion, Now a couple different people mentioned to me saying aw you done it with a bunch of people around, and you posted it at the time of the memorial etc etc, No ill tell you what happened, i rocked up to legion to join in with the Aztecas that were standing down at the memorial , as i was arriving i noticed everyone was in the middle part, and I saw a car with a union jack parked closer towards lower legion car park , so me being me, I took a picture of me shitting on it.

Now this isn't a dig , but personally i feel like some staff cant separate RP to OOC , I'll be honest and maybe to honest for my own good, I couldn't give a shit that the queen dying or not , i know its a bad way to word it or say it, but personally I don't care, I was nor happy or sad, obviously its sad with someone dying but it doesn't affect me.

Now within RP i have every valid reason to say all the jokes in the world about the Queen, I have RP'd for a very very long time about me hating the royal family and hating the Queen and unfortunately certain people cant separate the RP to OOC and see that.

Even on the day the queen died, on discord around 11am I noticed a bunch of people talking about the queen and the royal family, and I posted as a joke saying if the queen dies I'm giving away free guns. Now i had no clue the queen was sick or even dying at this stage, I just saw the messages in there and posted that, id no clue she was going to die or was even sick at that stage.

The whole day of the queen dying was not only a stressful time for the whole of UK but for this community as well with so many trolls, so I understand that it was a very stressful time for a lot of people and I understand the reasonings behind my ban, I can understand it but I still think it is wrong, the whole day i had people approach me , staff members in RP included , about making jokes of the queen dying or trying to bait me into saying stuff but I bit my tongue that whole day as I knew people were hurting and I wasn't gonna cause any extra distress

Why should we unban you ?: Personally I felt bit disrespected when I was banned, straight up permanent , not a warning or a heads up that I would be receiving a ban just straight up gone, Now i am not asking to be treated differently but i personally felt like should've at least had a chat about things.

When it happened, my first reactions was like fuck this, i left all RPUK related discords and the discord itself, and was like I am done with this , i kept in touch with the people i was friends with and that was it and i said , fuck that I am not appealing or never will.

A bit of time has went on by and after a few chats with staff members I felt like its time to put one up, as reasonings have been heard from both sides.

Why should I be unbanned? well for the past year and a half within the RPUK community, i have done nothing but try and help the server as much as I could, I felt like as a person who isn't a staff member or a dev or anyone big within the community that I helped in so many ways, in terms of new players coming to roleplay to how gangs acted or done things and how certain way things were roleplayed , I have always tried to hold the highest possible roleplay , don't get me wrong there has been times it has been terrible, but everyone has their good days and bad, but I have always tried.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Why should we unban you ?: Personally I felt bit disrespected when I was banned, straight up permanent , not a warning or a heads up that I would be receiving a ban just straight up gone, Now i am not asking to be treated differently but i personally felt like should've at least had a chat about things.
Not asking to be treated differently? Yet you felt like you should've been spoken to regarding it? Other people who trolled whilst people was paying the respect didn't get spoken to and same for those who decided to be disrespectful on discord faced the same punishments.

Regarding a warning, it was announced on the server to everyone that bans would be handed out.

Now regarding your appeal. I don't expect you to announce a change of feeling towards the royal family everyone has there own opinion, what I expect from you to take responsibility for your actions and less finger pointing. What you did was totally disrespectful given the time and place, what you did was extremely poorly timed and it came across as you disrespecting what was happening in legion and therefore you was banned. Do I think that was your intention? personally no, I do not think you are that kind of person to do that sort of thing and offend people the way you did. 

Now with the information I have provided do another appeal (If you wish) take responsibility for your actions, apologise to those who it effected and less finger pointing at other people and then we can go from there.

But based on this appeal as it stands, it's not good enough.

Over to you.

The thing about not to be treated differently is the fact of just straight up permanent banned I just didn't agree with and I still  don't if you get me? I know your reasonable Robbie and will understand it from my perspective as we have chatted, its like being a part of a community that has been there for you through some of the roughest times of your life, to be booted out over a picture? Now if it was a day, a week, a month or even 6 months I would've understood it and took it on the chin, but the "term" permanent sits wrong if you get me? Its worded in a way of NO RETURN, yes they say you can appeal etc, but when it comes the word perm, it feels like they just want you gone for good.

My appeal wasn't intended to come across as finger pointing , it just came out as straight honesty, a lot of people know I am terrible with writing stuff and I struggle with these sort of things as I prefer to speak than to type? because I can come across wrongly , maybe because of the way I type? or spell or word stuff.

Now was it wrong place, wrong time? Yes it was 100%, as the rule states, I should've used a bit of common sense and not post something around that time, everyone knows that and I know that myself

My intentions was never to offend someone or anyone, if anyone was offended then I apologize to them but that was never my intentions. 

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The thing about not to be treated differently is the fact of just straight up permanent banned I just didn't agree with and I still  don't if you get me? I know your reasonable Robbie and will understand it from my perspective as we have chatted, its like being a part of a community that has been there for you through some of the roughest times of your life, to be booted out over a picture? Now if it was a day, a week, a month or even 6 months I would've understood it and took it on the chin, but the "term" permanent sits wrong if you get me? Its worded in a way of NO RETURN, yes they say you can appeal etc, but when it comes the word perm, it feels like they just want you gone for good.
Multiple people received a "perm" ban for what they did on that night, A few people have already been unbanned following successful appeals. Have they complained about receiving a Perm? No they took it, as it was what they deserved for what they did, You are no different. 

My appeal wasn't intended to come across as finger pointing , it just came out as straight honesty, a lot of people know I am terrible with writing stuff and I struggle with these sort of things as I prefer to speak than to type? because I can come across wrongly , maybe because of the way I type? or spell or word stuff.
Wasn't intended? What did you mean by the statement you said saying "some staff can't separate RP to OOC?" As how it reads you are stating you are only banned because of certain staff and not because of what you did.

If you was given a chance, How would you avoid a similar situation from happening again? For example, an event which you disagree with, what would you do?  

I don't know how to do these quote things that highlight the words xD so I am gonna copy it and write my reply afterwards 

""Multiple people received a "perm" ban for what they did on that night, A few people have already been unbanned following successful appeals. Have they complained about receiving a Perm? No they took it, as it was what they deserved for what they did, You are no different. ""

I am not throwing shade but people will say anything to get unbanned or maybe they do agree with it, I am not just talking about "ME" here, I am talking about everyone in general didn't deserve the "permanent ban" and I still don't, but I understand it, I know the reasonings, lots of people within the community didn't agree with everyone being permanent banned for these things that happened , I am not talking about the people that were ( coming into discords / TeamSpeak trolling, saying some very very questionable things ) , I am more talking about the people for example that drove around Legion, or maybe said 1 Joke to another in an RP conversation . Do I agree with it? its still a no, do I understand it? Yes, the staff team and management had a million different people mess around and troll and cause absolute mayhem on the day the queen died, and everyone that done something falls under the same, doesn't matter if its a picture or full on trolling, it still came under the same C1.7 and I now understand that.

At the end of the day the staff teams decision is final and I only understand it and respect it.

""Wasn't intended? What did you mean by the statement you said saying "some staff can't separate RP to OOC?" As how it reads you are stating you are only banned because of certain staff and not because of what you did.""

This may sound like a dig to staff or come across the wrong way but i genuinely didn't mean it to come out like that. At the time I felt like i had every reason within RP ( as people know the RP history of me and royal family ) to get away with a picture of me shitting on a union jack car, and when I said this, I was more of stating that staff team couldn't see the RP behind it and just straight up banned because of the heat of the moment and anger that was caused that day.

""If you was given a chance, How would you avoid a similar situation from happening again? For example, an event which you disagree with, what would you do? "" 

Not log on during events I do not agree with or avoid them within RP 

Been thinking on this one. From my first response you have done exactly what I asked of you. Taken responsibility for your actions and apologised for them so I am going to give you another chance. However one thing I want to make clear. Despite the quality roleplay story's that you have made on the server if you break a rule you will be treated like any other player that breaks a rule. If that is deemed a permanent offence you won't be warned prior to banning you will just be banned just like anybody else would be and that also includes people like myself and I have been here much longer and dedicated much longer hours then you have. 

Learn from this and welcome back.


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Welcome Back!

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