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Compensation Request - Im_Big_Red - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Compensation Request

In-game Name: Chris Yellowstone

Game: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198989703520

Character ID: 62348

The date when this happened: 01/12/23

Please provide full detail and evidence: I previously opened a claim after having issues with disappearing items in my Ferrari. I then closed this due to not worth you guys wasting time on the value of what was lost.

I used my Ferrari 458 on 12/01/2023 in the evening, I placed my Firearm and ammo into the glovebox and parked at Vanilla Unicorn while I was getting changed at the clothes shop. I then left the car in the park as I got a lift back to the club.

I have then only gone to the car today to take those items back and they are also now gone.
Please can someone check the logs to confirm this as I have no recordings, as I only clip with medal not run it full time. So I would of had no reason to clip me putting items away.
It was between 2030hrs - 2300hrs if that shortens the frame for you.

TO NOTE - from previous requests

CAR - Ferrari 4548

Only had issues since having a private plate installed onto the vehicle.

Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation: 1911 Pistol + 50 bullets

Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

Thank you for your submission

Our staff team will get back to you in this topic ASAP! In the meantime please ensure the details you have submitted above are correct.

Would like to add that this doesn't happen instantly, It seems to disappear after a storm.

Unsure if it is making some sort of temporary storage? Like as if since having the plate It think's that it is a local car?

Removing from parking is the correct plate, storing the vehicle is the correct plate.

I have just tested with a smoothie, parked it and then pulled it out and it is fine. 

So I have left the smoothie in there now until after storm to see if it eats it again.

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Hi @Im_Big_Red,

Just an update to inform you we are currently looking into this! 
There will be no estimated time frame unfortunately so please be patient, I will respond to you once I can grab more information from our side!

Am I right in saying all these items have gone missing whilst the car was parked at the gang car park, where others have access to your vehicle? 

Hello there,

Narcotics while at MC parking.

Firearm, ammo and single smoothie at Vanilla Unicorn

and other Misc stuff was at Pegassus Trucking parking and my house address.


Can you give some better detail on Misc Items? What items specifically?
Misc items aren't overly important compared to the other items. I basically just emptied some items from my pockets along with the Narcotics because of where we were heading. I have no specifics sadly. Which at that time filled the boot 100/100


Alright. In that case, we will ignore the misc items.

I can only apologise for the long delay in processing this request however we are now considering it 'solved'.

From our findings, I am happy to say a bug was involved in your items disappearing and will be accepting the comp for all the items you listed, minus the misc items!


Now that you’ve been compensated for what you’ve lost, it might be an idea to join our Steam Group and Discord to get more involved with the community!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord


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