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Prison activity and further RP for G6, inmates and civilians.


How about getting  a shop desk where prisoners can add apples, oranges and bananas. And civilians can come and buy the fruit over the desk like a shop but with one access on one side where only prisoners can access to sell their picked fruit and on the other side of the wall it would be a shop access where civilians can buy it. Location must be discussed more in detail. But thats the general idea. Prisoners would be able to sell the fruit for some small income while in prison and maybe get some time off their sentence like they would when cleaninig tables. G6 can set the price for the fruit being sold to the public. But should not be insane prices. Maybe change the prices based on stock. High stock = low price, low stock = high price.

This will then utilize the fruit picking in prison as a RP scenario.

I like the idea of something to work off the sentence, I did have an idea like G6 take the prisoners out to the fruit fields to work it off 😂 but couldent think of a way to not just instantly have them all get free

Back to your idea tho, it's a decent idea just have to look at the impact it could have with players currently needing to speak to shop owners to ripen the fruits

As long as they aren't able to pass things. We don't want to give prisoners unsupervised access to people who can give weapons to prisoners

As long as they aren't able to pass things. We don't want to give prisoners unsupervised access to people who can give weapons to prisoners
For prisoners it would be a one way interaction. Like adding fruit into a shop without access to take anything out. And for thje other side aswell, civilianz can buy out of it as a shop. "Shopkeepers" would be G6.

I like the idea of something to work off the sentence, I did have an idea like G6 take the prisoners out to the fruit fields to work it off 😂 but couldent think of a way to not just instantly have them all get free

Back to your idea tho, it's a decent idea just have to look at the impact it could have with players currently needing to speak to shop owners to ripen the fruits
Make the fruit unripend until someone put them in a actual shop maybe. Wont impact the RP for ripening.

+1 seeing as its a pain to go to the island just to get bananas. Would be a great way to get a hold of them through RP
