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Unban Appeal - Father - GTA RP

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Los Santos NHS
Los Santos NHS
Unban Appeal for Father 

In-game Name: Father Augustus

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198151627344

Ban ID: !!rpuk1528!!

Reason given for your ban: C1.2 C1.7 G1.7

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: T'Was the night before Christmas when the green grove goblins, took on the mighty backstreet ballas in a contest for forum drive

On a real tho, Ballas and Grove were at war at the time, god knows if they are or not now, but that doesn't matter, the war was fun i cant lie

But there was a big issue with police interfering, or on purposely just putting themselves into a situation before a situation could even kick off
which caused annoyance not just to myself but many of others, we just wanted to fight and see to it, if we were able to fight a few times, we would've maybe
been able to put an end to the war eventually but it was always delayed due to that.

Then the night i got banned it all kicked off, OOC chat was popping, I didn't help either
I called the police in ooc chat, something like spastic mongs? or retards something along those lines, and when i did that, i knew i was gonna be getting a ban
I know it sounds bad to say but i was kind of glad it happened, (not for what i done but the ban)

Instead of that waffle, i was banned for the misuse of OOC chat and discrimination within it and community leader.

What i should've done was waited till the situation was over and talk to them about it, or used what i had available to me and liaise or talk with the head of police in the gang leader channel about the situations going on rather than being an idiot in OOC chat and addressing what i thought was a problem at the time public-ally in OOC chat and specially didn't help that others may of have done the same if they saw me do it.

Why should we unban you ?: I was done with role-play for a long time and only ever lingered on for gun fights etc as Grove and basically be a stalemate leader of Apostles

(what i mean by stalemate) I didn't do much towards the end and didn't like playing that character, i would log on to make sure people were OK and had the shit
they wanted but that was it, I felt guilty if i said to them i wanted to quit as i knew it would take an impact on the group, so i just lingered so they could progress
and i would help them with whatever they needed, but wasn't actively playing that character

I would say i was done with role-play for 6+ months maybe ever more and ill be honest, i didn't really RP, now i wouldn't go around breaking RP 24/7
and rdming etc and looking for a way out on purpose, but i did give up in general, with the server and the community in general

I still don't want to play as I've a lot going on RN but i might in the near future so i thought id throw one up in case i do get that itch to maybe someday to play

When i was banned i had a ton of messages about it and basically just people wondering / unhappy or whatever and i could've responded to them and that but i didn't want anymore drama or anymore nonsense with people maybe going into groups or forums to chat shite, i didn't want any of that, i just wanted out of the community and away from things as i just couldn't be bothered with it all

Then i felt bad for the people who did message and i put up a departure thing so they could see i was done and let it be that with no drama and thanking the server for the good memories.
(cant wait to see the memes with the appeal)

In the future if i was to be unbanned , i cant lie i cba with the ooc shit , if i did feel like a rule was broken i would take it up with them the next day or a couple hours later and not go straight into ooc chat , speaking my mind and using words that i shouldn't use.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Good morning @Father, I hope all is well!

I certainly didn't expect to see you back here, especially after the manner you left in.

I still don't want to play
If you still don't want to play, why would we bother going through the appeal process with you "in case" you want to play again? 
Surely you'd only be appealing to play here if you wanted to play here, no? 

That good morning through me off i cant lie, but i suppose it is morning.

And ill be honest i didn't either

And the reasoning's to why i don't want to play is real life situations that i don't want to publicly share, but i have no issues in messaging you on discord explaining it.

Thanks for the response @Father.

Indeed it is morning! 
I don't expect you to share personal life with me, however at this current moment in time it does appear that you've no intentions of playing here and cannot due to your situation.

One of your many OOC messages before receiving your ban was the following: "Kick me or ban me idc, done with this shitty server at this stage".https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/149851-thank-you-farewell/ - You made your farewell post, if you're done with this "shitty server" then I think the time away is needed.

You're a very long standing member on RPUK, it's a shame to have seen you end up here. I personally don't believe it's the right time for you to return as of yet, not enough time has passed after such an outburst.


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