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Recent content by critchalee

  1. critchalee

    I fear for my life now

    I fear for my life now
  2. critchalee

    take your nose from his 

    take your nose from his 
  3. critchalee

    lol if you're going to triple dot me dont put a space after the word, learn to englands

    lol if you're going to triple dot me dont put a space after the word, learn to englands
  4. critchalee

    Un-ban Appeal - critchalee - 26/11/17 (Denied)

    I'll remember the first time I got banned and how to handle the situation differently, understanding the rules way more and the consequences do them I'll think before I speak and if I feel like ive been wronged get an admin instead of handling it myself.
  5. critchalee

    why did you face palm my ban appeal?

    why did you face palm my ban appeal?
  6. critchalee

    Un-ban Appeal - critchalee - 26/11/17 (Denied)

    Well, Artur trolled me, it really enraged me, he took advantage that I was new to the server I asked how to unlock my car and he proceeded to lockpick it but I didn't know, I got mad at the fact he'd take advantage of someone new instead of ask how I could unlock my car, standing by the door...
  7. critchalee

    Un-ban Appeal - critchalee - 26/11/17 (Denied)

    In-game Name Lamar Jones Steam ID 76561198014086541 The date of your ban. 26/11/17 Member of the team that banned you. TicTac Reason given for your ban. Not sure it just says the date of the ban. The Server you initially were banned on. Server 1 In your own words, please type why...