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Un-ban Appeal - critchalee - 26/11/17 (Denied)

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New member
In-game Name
Lamar Jones

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Not sure it just says the date of the ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned because of my terrible and disgusting behavior/attitude towards another player in the community and a Police Officer at that. There's no disputing what I did was wrong, it broke the rules in more ways than one.

I broke 3.1 for failing to stay in RP.
2.5 logging out to avoid my fate.
1.3 for my swearing and insults.
1.1 I guess because it was terrible the words I said.

Why should we unban you ?
I think I have spent the past hour or two to evaluate what happened and how I could of done it a lot better. I am dissapointed in myself because it's not like me, my excuse that I was frustrated is an excuse and nothing else, it doesn't excuse what I said being very rude to a community member as well as making their roleplay time terrible. I wish I could go back in time and change my actions by being less frustrated and if I had a problem, talk nicely and in side chat following OOC rules and discuss how I thought it was unfair, but instead I foolishly insulted and waged war on someone who was just doing his job ICly and didn't deserve any of it on an OOC level.

I can't say much else apart from apologise and know that as this is my first time with administrative punishment if I am given the opportunity you can believe it will never happen again, I have thoroughly learnt my lesson and knowing I can't return to this server is upsetting, I hope you can see past my mistakes.

I am sorry.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


26/11/2017 20:39
Lamar Jones
artur is rule breaking

26/11/2017 20:39
Lamar Jones
Artur is a fucking slovakian faggot

26/11/2017 20:40
Lamar Jones

26/11/2017 20:40
Lamar Jones
go fuck yourself

26/11/2017 20:40
Lamar Jones
you fucking stupid cunt

Officially you were banned for 1.3
(1.3) Swearing at someone outside of roleplay is not tolerated and will be punished by a ban.

But to be honest I'm pretty certain you fall foul of 1.2

(1.2) Discrimination of any kind is punished by a permanent ban without appeal.

Why should I even begin to consider your appeal when you've used such disgusting discriminatory language?
Well, Artur trolled me, it really enraged me, he took advantage that I was new to the server I asked how to unlock my car and he proceeded to lockpick it but I didn't know, I got mad at the fact he'd take advantage of someone new instead of ask how I could unlock my car, standing by the door waiting for me. He harassed me in VOIP I lost my temper and swore.

I can't explain the words just apologise, it was said heat of the moment. If you can't look past that then I don't know what to say, I'm sorry.

I'll remember the first time I got banned and how to handle the situation differently, understanding the rules way more and the consequences do them I'll think before I speak and if I feel like ive been wronged get an admin instead of handling it myself.

Personally, i think you need a longer time out after looking at your chat logs.


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