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  • Fucking demons in Tanoa. Stay out of the jungle!

    We made it safely out of the sanctified grounds of the demon jimmyjonga (or something like that)

    Looking forward to playing as a cop on Tanoa tonight (if I can get in). The prospect of RPing in a town without getting shot within 2minutes is giving me a semi.

    Just ate my body weight in steak - can't move. Probably should try and offload this meat.

    A bearded gentleman once told me you like a lot of meat.....

    That bearded gentleman is a hypocrite! He loves me meat more than anyone I know! The fucker lives on bacon!

    And cock.

    New map update is awesome - can't get a car out at Athira Police HQ though - unless it's hidden somewhere!

    Edgar Ville
    Edgar Ville
    I thought you're always going on about foot patrols...

    hahahah looks like that's the new norm now lol

    That had to be the busiest patrol ever...ending with a kidnapping. Mega fun!


    NO! it's not sarcasm, had a cracking patrol!

    Ah, glad to hear it ?

    Sorry to see some Athira cops leave today - I hope you enjoy your new lives and our paths cross soon! Love Yas long time! X

    My dog just farted. It FUCKING stinks. I can't walk due to a foot injury #FuckingTorture.

    Ironically, the dog caused my foot injury and is now farting in my bedroom and i'm unable to move.


    Banana Duck
    Banana Duck
    My Dad use to say Breathe it in faster and the smell will go...I mean he's not wring lol

    My Dog does that all the time, air-con is a life saver in those situations ? (German Shepherd's seem to have a habit of farting at the worst possible times, for example one time mid firefight in a fucking bank op. Had to hold my hand over my mouth and cut comms, I was nearly sick)

    @Banana Duck I'm not sure that advice is sound. I puked in my mouth and it's bloody dire.

    @CI Joseph Tadworth Firstly - Good man for getting a GSD. Secondly, how on earth do you have air con in the UK ? (You posh git) and thirdly...I hear ya! I used to take her to work, but for the same reasons you mention, mid call to a client, the dog drops her guts, I'm literally covering my face and talking like Darth Vader over the phone.

    I can hardly say: "I'm sorry sir, my dog just shat in my office and I need to call you back".


    It's just done it again. I shit you not.

    I'm still on holiday in France. Rained every day. Sucks. French woman drove into my pick up. Sucks.

    I reversed my truck into a concrete post.sucks.

    Can't play Altislife. Double sucks.

    Truck somehow only has a scratch as a result. Less suck.

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