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Jayray Holder
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  • So in the orange DLC they have a humanitarian aid riot helmet with a rear neck protector, and also some riot looking type armour, i think it would be great if it was reskinned and made in to a Public order type uniform skin for police, have some riot police for roleplay 

    So i finished watching Dunkirk, and all i can say is it's amazing, it is horrifically accurate historically, and it did manage to put a tear in my eye, great film.

    Watching the Dunkirk film today.... hope ill be impressed with it!

    Jayray Holder
    Jayray Holder
    Watching it at 3 pal

    Well to be honest, everybody loves the movie. My opinion; I expected more. But thats just my opinion, hopes you enjoy it

    Anonymous Capybara1
    Yeh I thought it was pretty gud, a shit ton of action.

    Apparently you can use MX's as hoovers to hit people over the head and rob them. This game honestly pisses me off at times XD play this game for fun, not for stress

    Thought of a better one roleplay as your luigi and your playing luigis mansion 😁

    Jayray Holder
    Jayray Holder
    @Robbie XD don't it actually bothered me



    Ever wanna just breach a building with spike strips? just fidget spinner the fuck out of everyone inside - Philosophical 

    Really happy upon getting Team Leader in NCA, a massive leap forward in progression within the Police. I learned a lot and am happy to put my knowledge to use.

    John Fletcher
    John Fletcher
    Many well deserved! 

    Anonymous Capybara1
    deserved it my dud ;)

    I need more likes.......post ideas? 

    Go up a few ranks in the police and you're bound to start getting a few more 😂

    ^ or you could be me and get likes by asking friends or telling your nan to make an account to like

    @SGT Niko your nan is doing a pretty bad job im guessing o_O

    Just tried some American sweets, honestly tastes like shit, the liquorice doesn't taste right XD 

    Yeah never try American liquorice, in the Netherlands we have over a 100 differents kinds of liquorice, I suggest you try some of those ;)

    Jayray Holder
    Jayray Holder
    I shall, i tried like 4 different things, each taste shittier than the last, nothing compared to our British sweets ;) and ive always wanted to try dutch liquorice

    @Shaferz <<<< he wants to make RPUK trading cards......#cringe

    Anonymous Capybara1
    I have a frag chance of 83, and yours in 21.

    I trump you at fragging dude, pass me that card!

    Hey let's team up with gangs and slaughter the Police and then complain that the Police having bad RP for retaliating with force. 

    The complaints are a joke. 

    i still think police hold the record for most moans in a day though my teamspeak never stops pinging after a gunfight lol 😀

    Mann, after our posts yesterday I thought you did not want to stir things up or shitpost... and now this.

    This is poking the bear and trying to cause arguments and issues and as such, should be hidden and/or locked. It's not constructive, it lacks arguments and it is merely an attack on a group of people, without those people being named so they can defend themselves and without solid arguments to back up what is being said.

    Looks to me like a text book example of a shitpost =)

    Staff team, do thy job!

    Christ, I've seen around 10+ posts saying the exact same moaning over and over, "the police do this!", "the rebels do this!".

    What a calamity this has become because of the police labelling several groups as terrorists (which was a dumb idea, well done whoever thought to do that). This entire situation needs to be squashed as soon as possible before it turns into a reporting spree -- because it will.

    I expected better from certain people within this community, expected them not to stir the pot or fuel the fire; but I was wrong.

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