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Recent content by MR.Chung

  1. MR.Chung

    Chung-Lee Unban Appeal (Denied)

    Okey you got  me there im pinky pie i was playing on my brothers account and im not a part of PLF.
  2. MR.Chung

    Chung-Lee Unban Appeal (Denied)

    Can i talk to you on TS?
  3. MR.Chung

    Chung-Lee Unban Appeal (Denied)

    i haven't made a steam profile yet.
  4. MR.Chung

    Chung-Lee Unban Appeal (Denied)

    I was talking to a family member at that time I drove out of the green-zone for a few seconds. I didn't see him when I pulled out I thought he realised it was a accident because I knew he's fair on decision making, I then pulled over to finish my conversation in case something else happened, and...
  5. MR.Chung

    Chung-Lee Unban Appeal (Denied)

    Your In-game name:[TKC] Chung-Lee Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198185497526 Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter): 8d75fbb6963ee171326cf9825e14b188 Date & Time you was banned: Not sure on exact time but it was not long after the 12 restart.   Please copy and...