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Recent content by reddog

  1. R

    Admin ban

    Hey admins I would really like to play on this server am not a bad player really like I said that was the first player I tried to kill in self-defence and been playing for a while,I will gladly be a donater if you give me a chance! Also did you get a chance to investigate the SQL logs to see if...
  2. R

    Admin ban

    Yes it doesn't say you can shoot in a town like I miss read but it says you can shoot to defend yourself! He seen me with my gun then lost visual then I put it in my backpack then he seen me without my gun and I heard shots so then I went round the corner and got my gun out and shot back I...
  3. R

    Admin ban

    Ye I have read the rules and it's says you can kill someone to protect yourself which you shot me without even talking to me I don't think that is roleplay mate?? So that is why I shot you I have been playing on that server for a while now an never killed anyone so to do that an ban me for...
  4. R

    Admin ban

    Hi Could you un-ban me please a police officer shot me without warning so I shot back then he killed me and admin banned me! I wouldn't of shot just because he shot me I shot back I always role play. Thanks reddog
  5. R

    Admin ban

    Hi I have just recently post because of losing all my money , gear an stuff! But now I have just been on the server and a policeman shot me without warning missed so I shot back then he killed me and then he admin banned me I cant get on the server now can I have help please? Thanks reddog