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Admin ban



Could you un-ban me please a police officer shot me without warning so I shot back then he killed me and admin banned me! I wouldn't of shot just because he shot me I shot back I always role play.

Thanks reddog

Apparently I hit you in the head with the Tazer, which sadly leads to instant death. But it was an attempt to taze you, after all. You were carrying a firearm in a city, which is against the law. That is the reason why I followed you. And I may shot first, but you were pointing your gun at me after I turned my sirens on and started following you. 

Since you don't have a rebel license and you ended up firing at me, I banned you for RDM (read the rules).

Ye I have read the rules and it's says you can kill someone to protect yourself which you shot me without even talking to me I don't think that is roleplay mate?? So that is why I shot you I have been playing on that server for a while now an never killed anyone so to do that an ban me for defending myself just isn't right mate!!

And I had a rebel licence I had everything my character just reset yesterday which I need to be sorted out please I wouldn't of even been there is my player didn't reset!


Which rule says that it's okay to shoot to defend yourself in a town? I think you need to re-read clause 3 of the Civil Law Code. Whether you had a rebel licence or a paper hat with a McDonalds badge on it *yesterday* makes no difference to whether you had one *today*, so that's no defence. Cops (generally) don't shoot to kill, especially not on sight and without roleplay, but they WILL taze you - sometimes without warning - if you are openly carrying weapons in a city. What do you expect them to do? Call out "Coo-eee, would you mind awfully putting down that lethal weapon that you're illegally carrying, sir, so that I may reprimand you with a large ticket?" Hardly likely, is it? You'll be restrained (if the officer can get in close without being spotted), or you'll be put on the deck with 10,000 volts, double-quick pronto. If you're lucky, the officer will RP the issue of why you're breaking one of the bannable rules.

However, if you shoot back, you've immediately stepped over the line. Cities are 100% definitely no-fire zones for civs. Cops will shoot to kill if they've been fired upon (stands to reason). If it turns out you can be captured and are a genuine licence-carrying rebel, that'll be dealt with in RP... but if you are a civ - even a gun-license-owning civ - you'll be banned. Civs + VisibleGuns + Shooting + Cities = RDM = Ban. No exceptions. You're then expected to plead your case, or vanish. At least you chose the former, so maybe you're salvageable? But that's for the admins to decide - I'm just the engineer's oily rag! :)

Oh - and some free advice. Admins are always right. It's their server. Best not to wriggle, imo.

Depending on your ultimate status, I will have the SQL logs investigated to see whether your cash and gear got reset and why - but only if you make it past this little hurdle! LOL. FWIW, there was no server-reset or database change that would've brought this about. When was the last time you played, BEFORE the time where you noticed your money had gone? It might have a bearing on things, possibly - and it will help us find the right logfiles quicker. (His IGN appears to be Red-Dog, Wilco)

Yes it doesn't say you can shoot in a town like I miss read but it says you can shoot to defend yourself! He seen me with my gun then lost visual then I put it in my backpack then he seen me without my gun and I heard shots so then I went round the corner and got my gun out and shot back I didn't know it was a tazer!

The last time I played was yesterday I had my gear am rebel clothing etc then I had to go out, so then I come back home logged in and everything was reset only had 100'000 in the bank that's the starting amount I think so my character must of reset.

And I know it's the admins server I was just explaining myself sir.

Thanks reddog

Dude that Sucks a player by the name of JordanA had the same problem hope you get compensated

I've played with this guy a few weeks ago, he is(was?) a licensed and kitted rebel.

Also self-defence in town should be revisited. I've been shot at the Athira ATM(with no rp) and called the cops twice with a full description.(gunman,bushes,surfing on land clothing and bandana etc.), no response. The gunman who was still camping there left ten minutes after the initial incident and still no cops to be seen. So if cops will not respond self-defense should be viable in towns. My current alternative to get rid of this type of person is to walk back to them or simply not leave after they start shooting and die then post a recording of them RDMing and I prefer to live.

Hey admins I would really like to play on this server am not a bad player really like I said that was the first player I tried to kill in self-defence and been playing for a while,I will gladly be a donater if you give me a chance! Also did you get a chance to investigate the SQL logs to see if my gear and stuff reset?

Hi , I was banned moments after I robbed someone for 4 million dollars. was given no reason for it . at the moment of the ban I was talking to a police officer ( Mitch ) about it . I would like for you to reverse the ban for that I did nothing wrong to deserve it. Thank you

