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  • @SI Coozer

    Good morning SI Coozer. I see you responded to my PCC however it has been locked meaning I was unable to provide a response.

    Regarding point 1, yes I am fully aware. I asked to make them self defence charges, however did not complain when they declined to do so.

    Regarding point 2, them repeating initiation. I feel you using that as a "get out" clause is poor. I had not been hostile, I had made no threats, I never equipped or raised my firearm, I simply raised my voice requesting support from the second officer. I feel if you think a person showing a degree of emotion and asking for help is dangerous to an officer, that's on you, but I think, given what I was asking, and my current interactions with those officers, it wasn't needed. You could say the charges against me showed I was dangerous, however I had explained the 3 manslaughter ones, they had killed my family. At this point, my brothers were also not involved, they had not been seen, they had not made any threats etc.

    Regarding point 3, at this point all shots had stopped and I am fairly confident both my brothers were in custody. At this point, if your officers are so afraid of there being more shots, why did they provide no information to civilians who had crowded around wounded people and tell them to leave. Why did he stand in open ground on a bridge arguing over being called a retard. If he felt the gunfight was active, he should be jogging over my body on a bridge, and arguing with someone over a verbal insult, standing above my body, stood still I might add, an easy target. 

    I see the PCC is denied, however I must ask,

    are you going to speak to Mittens regarding telling people he won't believe their "story" before they tell it?. This is a roleplay server, a cop is judge, jury and executioner. I'm fairly certain we don't allowed judges to waddle about saying "this guy's guilty" before the defendant can even defend themselves.

    If you honestly think them tazing someone who is asking for help, yes, I was raising my voice, but asking for help nonetheless, if you think that's acceptable, fair enough, but I think it's shit.

    I'm curious if you've attempted to find the cop with the red cap, and question him on why he was too busy gluing his mouth shut to talk to any of the suspects in his car.

    I was also read my rights before being sent to prison, not when I was immediately arrested, maybe that's the way it's done here, so that might be a non issue. But it's worth noting.

    All in all. I never wanted punishment. I just want you to try see my perspective, and tell them how to improve. Because as much as you try justify it, it was shit. 

    If he says the pcc is over its over man, no need. What he has done is done, get over it.

    He also said it was denied

    S e r g e i
    S e r g e i

    I have no issue with that, and am not trying to re-open it. I simply want to discuss the points he raised as it was locked before I had chance to. That is all.

    I am more than happy to have a chat with both of them when i see them, i think a word from a man with as much knowledge as yourself might be good as well 😜

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