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Vladic Ka
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  • Anyone who wants to be autohosted  on Twitch by me ping me a PM and Ill take a look.


    We can also do the same on @RoleplayUK :) I will send vladic ka the details of that account to setup the same.

    Awesome idea!

    That's awsome!

    When you are dead, you don't know you are dead. All of the pain is felt by others. 

    The same can be said if you are stupid. 

    That god damned vodka @Sonder! Nearly finished me off! Was sick after the cinnamon challenge but powered on through to an awesome stream! Thanks to all the crazy bastards that watched until the end and won the games!

    Thanks to all the crazy bastards    I guess I was one of them....It was a wicked Stream.....thanks for all you do for the Community Vlad

    Just see myself on the stream VOD (00:47:07) I can +1 that the PAV gang are mainly after us cops. Oh and I wasn't AFK in the car they took me hostage as I surrendered to one of their spotters. I wish you could have streamed longer :(

    Don't take this the wrong way , but you only ever hear bad things , as no one is going too the god things. I can happily say i RP lots with cops like @CI RuTHLeSS INFO . We rarely start a gun fight apart from when we do a HM. Its mainly the cops shooting us first.


    1. HALF being the key word here. If that's true (which I don't know if it is) then it makes cops and PAV equally guilty.

    2. I'm sorry, but that sounds very hypocritical given the amount of times I've seen you lot walking around Kavala with your Mk1's as if you own the place.

    3. In some cases I can agree with this. The cops are not as close knit as gangs are though, so it's harder to generalize them together, so saying 'cops are as trigger happy as rebels' (assuming by rebels you mean PAV) is, in my honest opinion, incorrect.

    4. I agree with this, but again, not just on the cops side. Cops are guilty of it, don't get me wrong, but so are 'rebels.'

    5. If you go the HM with the intent of a gunfight, I don't believe you should be offered much in terms of negotiation. It's like being rewarded for pointing your big guns around. If you RP the bank WELL then you should be allowed to take at least one million's worth of gold, but otherwise I disagree with your point here.

    6. Just because something is fun for you, does not make it necessarily fun for everyone else. It's hard for cops to 'not go' when you've taken over Kavala at 2am when there's six cops on.

    Will throw my two cents in here. Specifically, from my point of view as a cop - you do bank operations / hostage operations either way too much, or the role play never really changes in order to keep a number of avenues open.

    1. The bank operation: A few times I've heard down the line that negotiations fall flat immediately, coming to the words "We do not want to negotiate, good luck". (Probably not specifically these words, but I've been told to log any time that this does happen, my current tally is around four times in my time in the police (which is two weeks long!)).

      Once the negotiations turn sour, every single fight noted turns into a team death match, it's not fun at all, I don't want to have a gun fight all the time, if I did I'd play Attack and Defend or KOTH.
    2. One big point I note is the (I'm going to label it as abuse, it may not necessarily be so) innocent role play abuse. This usually is a number of SUVs, Hatchback Sports simply patrolling around the bank area, manipulating the initiation ruling in order to negate any death. Case in point: I was in an abandoned building as a PCSO, I was spotted by a red hatchback sport that was "not involved", it stops just nearby, not 10m away, and I tell it to go away three times, it doesn't at all, I shoot at the ground nearby to gauge some sort of reaction, nothing until I actually begin to put shots into the tires, causing it to drive off - however then I begin to get surrounded by multiple other vehicles, an Ifrit, other Hatchback Sports.

      This isn't necessarily a problem with the gang, it's a problem with the ruling, but the use of it to label locations of hostiles while in the vicinity of them because your protected under an initiation is abuse to me.
    3. Similarly, how if non-lethal is used on a vehicle of interest to disable it, it is suddenly counted as no holds barred for someone to shoot back with lethal.. don't understand that. Non-lethal's may hurt "in roleplay" but they are not life threatening.. maybe someone can enlighten me more here.

    [*]The hostage operations: Same old, same old. Officer gets complacent, or gets spike stripped - taken hostage, communications gone, GPS gone. All police to the hostage operation room - they want "(num) carrier rigs". We have to keep 1KM away, negotiator in. These usually go a lot nicer, however they feel awkward because it's a 1-to-1 trade with nothing engaging for the sixteen officers in the room to do.

    [*]My BIGGEST complaint - The Zerg, the swarm of over eight goddamn vehicles at the EXACT same places: Agios, Devil's Bend, Wilco Chem, NPAS Bridge, I actually jokingly suggested that those areas should be police no-go zones as they always have some level of rebel activity going on, most specifically WilcoChem, you love to hang around there from my point of view. Now I'm not saying you shouldn't be able to drive eight vehicles, I just think it's really awkward to come across something like that.

    APART from that, you did do some cool role play with me a few days ago, when you could've easily took me hostage you actually decided to help me catch a perpetrator driving a stolen police hatchback sport (to which it crashed and nearly crushed me). Even though I've written a lot about what I believe you do a bit dodgy, I honestly think you guys could role play a lot better, you show the attitude for it.

    I'm only here for the role play, I want wacky bank operations, really weird hostage operations - of course you can do your typical ones once in a while, just don't do the same two things every restart, it's often become routine when coming on the server to see Pavilion do the exact same things in order, or just flip the two activities around, but still doing the same thing. I've been rather vocal with the mentioning of the poor role play you often do, because it is frankly utter shit trife most of the times. And no, you're not the only gang, I could easily call out another gang for having sub-par role play (literal piss poor shit down my neck poor role play) but that's for another time perhaps.

    In addition, I'm not saying that it's JUST rebels that do poor role play, there are members of the police that also cannot role play to save their lives (I myself am a little bit rusty, but I try to be a little bit weird in order to spice it up). Just try different approaches, it shouldn't make any difference if you succeed or not, I enjoy the experience more than knowing that I was on the winning side at a bank operation or hostage operation.

    Hopefully you can see my points and don't hate me after this post and begin to meta game me, cut my balls off and put them in a tiny doggy bag.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who joined in tonight on the stream! Much love to everyone! Even the guys who made me wear the chicken hat all night!

    That moment when you are looking through old whatsapp messages and someone asked for your address and you kind of blanked them because you thought they might use it later and it makes you happy. 

    Vladic Ka
    Vladic Ka
    TBH they are all weans. 

    Can we name the new framework after me? I'm modular, clean, professional and comprehensive.

    You can call it StarSKY Framework. The all-seeing peachy pooch.

    I really need to stop memeing.

    And why are you bringing this up?

    I love it when people provide their own proof of why they are not welcome here. 

    Vladic Ka
    Vladic Ka
    I cannot believe it. This world is a cruel place. It makes me just want to pack it all in and go live on a mountain somewhere.......

    Willy Wonka died!

    He was a great guy

    This is the first update i have checked in a while WTF ....

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