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  • Thank you to all those that turned up for the minute silence at Kavala PD, Thankfully there we're no trolls. 

    Last bit of football the weekend :'( Champions League Final Tho :p 

    Who's your illness by the way? You recovering?

    Hey man, can agree on the same page. Still dealing with injuries from my crash

    Just one night is all I ask is to be able to sleep without being in pain and discomfort 😭😭 I wish it would hurry up and end.

    It was a warning point with your name on i had an issue with. Doesn't matter now. Rest and water. My own personal experience says that's a miracle cure :)

    Have you tried sleeping medicine?

    Weed. You need Weed.

    My team lost the final :/ despite me not playing im still getting a finalist medal 🏅 from the team 😁 still would have loved to play for it though 🙁

    My cup final today. And I'm out with this crap still. Looked forward to this day for weeks...  😭😭😭😭😭 still hope we win 

    Sucks man, to have to miss it. Best you can do now is give them your support from the sidelines! Hope your team wins the cup man!

    Can't even go and watch them :/ just have to find out how they get on 

    Dreaded the news today. It is now confirmed I have chicken pox :( and I also have an infected kidneys... Which means there is only 5% chance I will be okay to play in the cup final Sunday.  I am gutted 

    The Apple Prince
    The Apple Prince
    Hope you get better soon.

    Thank you all for the get well soon messages I hope that is the case, as I'm struggling now.

    Anonymous Capybara1
    Don't worry Man U got this.

    tbh can't you just kill all the chickens with ur Ban Hammer?

    All day I've been shivering like it's winter. Go to bed, and now Im sweating like I've just ran a marathon in a desert...  The joy's of being ill... 

    The rule I broke is the New Life Rule, it consists of dying and in your "new life" You don't remember your past life, you also can't spawn in the same town for 15 minutes ( Atleast as far as I know on the servers I've played ) You don't know anyone you also can't revenge RDM

    Jefke V
    Jefke V
    hi @APM Jacob
    Alright we gonna warn you only 1 time for this. please do not message staff on the forums or on teamspeak about a ban, The only comunication between you and staff about your ban is on your unban appeal, I lokked at it and it is timed out now, that means you failed to respond in time. So what you need to do now to get unbanned is open a new unban appeal.  https://www.roleplay.co.uk/forms/2-unban-appeal/ Also in order to know easier when a staff member replies, you can follow your own unban appeal, like you can see in the gyazo. https://gyazo.com/7bb6747f65095d0276caafa7b0b02e06
    If you have more questions, feel free to jump on teamspeak : ts.roleplay.co.uk 

    Anthony Joshua vs Wladimir Klitschko Saturday can't wait!  Who's going to win? 

    @blaze1981 you see the press conference? Klitschko has made his prediction and put it on a memory stick and put it in his robe and his selling it for charity. I believe it says Joshua to win. Nice guy Klitschko is, thought he was going to be a dick lol

    Vladic Ka
    Vladic Ka
    Joshua easy. Guy is a beast. 


    Worked the last 2 days, Haven't had chance to go on the server for a while but got Thursday off! Wooo might go on a nice patrol :) 

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