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  1. S

    Server Hacking/Glitch? (Video Inside)

    Just wondering does anybody know for sure what happened today? Heres a video for anyone who missed it! (Its a new youtube account made JUST for this video so its not advertising, Couldn't care about views or anything really) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESFrJLsJ0PA
  2. S

    Un-ban request

    Thanks Asdrubael, Much appreciated.
  3. S

    Un-ban request

    Asdrubael, Any chance you could give the guy a chance? He's my friend and yeah he is a bit of an idiot sometimes.. well most of the time but ill keep him in order and be on TS all the time with him making sure he doesnt do stupid things. He didnt realise it was such a serious server but ill get...
  4. S

    Banned for rolling over police as a rebel

    Just tried joining the server there, Seems I am still banned :( Anyway you're probably pretty busy and I completely understand, so I will check back later today to see if it has been lifted.
  5. S

    Banned for rolling over police as a rebel

    Thank you Asdrubael! I realise it was stupid not reading the rules, I'm somewhat of a noob at the whole arma scene so I apologise about this whole thing. I'll be on the server today to say sorry to anyone I ran over too 
  6. S

    Banned for rolling over police as a rebel

    Hey Graham here, I played on this server for a few days now. Signed up yesterday and tried my part at being a rebel. I asked someone at the car shop how to be one and they just said get a car and roll over some cops, So I did. And I killed them 2 times each (2 cops so 4 cop causality's total)...